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  1. 6

    Rex and high temps.

    I am interested in Rex rabbits. I really want a trio. How are they suited in general for warm humid climates? I am wanting them for fur and meat.
  2. 6

    Line Breeding

    I have some tough decisions to make in my breeding program. I have several 1st generation does (group 3 on a line breeding chart). They are good producers but I need the cage space to continue with my line breeding. My question is how long do you generally keep your first generation does? Does...
  3. 6

    Litters, litters everywhere.

    Who else has litters in the box? I had 15 does due over the last few days and all but one kindled succesfully! Time to hit facebook, craigslist, make sure my flyers around town are still up, and take out a couple adds in local papers. I am supposed to be trimming the herd down but I can't...
  4. 6

    Genetics of litter size.

    I have read conflicting information on the genetic influence of litter size (number born) in rabbits. Some sources say genetics have no influence on litter size, some sources say litter size is heavily influenced by genetics. What say you?
  5. 6

    Sellers remorse?

    I am having some after selling a certain 1yr old doe yesterday. I got a great price for her as well as another year old doe and a young buck from some nice folks for breeding stock. I really wanted her genes better represented in my herd but making sales is what keeps the rabbitry able to...
  6. 6

    How much breeding will a buck take?

    I have read all the recommendations. I want to know in your experience (not what you have read or heard) how often have you succesfully used a buck before his fertility went down and you had to rest him? I know this will vary from buck to buck.
  7. 6


    Hey there ya'll. How's your herds? Mine is doing ok. We have went completely commercial. We sold all the American and Florida White stock to concentrate on NZW and Cal's. I am building a good herd, thanks in no small part to grumpy and OneAcreFarm. We are up to 103 does with plans to add...
  8. 6

    Howdy my Rabbit Talk friends.

    Hello there. I haven't stopped in for a while. How is everyone doing? I am ready for spring to get here. Our herd is thriving. Besides an outbreak of ear mites all news is good news at 6 Rivers Farms. We are starting a major expansion and upgrade in February that will take us to 125-36" x 24"...
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    Both of our American Blue junior bucks are starting to molt. One has been in the process for a few weeks and the other I just noticed beginning today. What can I do to help speed them through the process? What can I do to try and help keep them from going through molts too often?
  10. 6

    Help Please!!!!!!

    Three does that are due to kindle within the week are showing hair loss around their faces and necks. They are in separate cages that join end to end in the top tier of one of my cage banks. Out of a few dozen bunnies these are the only ones showing this hair loss so far. My first thought is...
  11. 6

    Hello ladies a gentlemen.

    Hey there. It has been awhile. I am still alive. I hope everyone is doing well and was as glad to see fall come as I was. I hope yalls rabbits are doing good too. My herd is doing pretty good. Im up to about 20 does with little ones everywhere. I am about to start culling heavily among my...
  12. 6

    AAIEEEE!!! Florida White Popples!!!!

    I haven't been on much of late. Things have been so busy here. Anyway.... Clover and Monarch came thru. We woke up to 6 Florida White popples this morning. I am so glad Monarch got to pass on his genes before the dogs raided the rabbitry. Clover scattered the kits on the wire. When I went out...
  13. 6

    What Do I Have here And What Can I Infer About the Parents?

    Okeydokey. I have lots of questions. This is my son's doe Streak: I assume her to be silver-tipped steel. Is that correct? I was told by the knowledgeable folks here at RT that she was either silver or gold-tipped steel. How do you tell the difference? Here is her 21 day old litter with a...
  14. 6

    **(Updated)**Holes In My Rabbitry

    I'd like to hear some opinions on how many holes and what it takes to effectively execute a breeding program aimed at producing both fryers and show rabbits. As of now my pedigreed herd consists of a pair of Americans soon to be bred for the first time, one Florida White buck, two Florida...
  15. 6

    Getting more Americans. WOOHOO!!!!!

    I am traveling up north late next week and on the return trip I am picking up another pair.. maybe a trio of Americans. I am stoked!!!! I am getting a senior buck and at least one junior doe. Hopefully Grace,my American doe, is going to kindle in a couple of weeks. That way we will have some...
  16. 6

    Three rabbits with injured feet.

    I have three rabbits with varying degree of trauma to their toes and feet. I am treating them with peroxide and neosporin. I am considering putting duramycin, a broad spectrum water soluble antibiotic in the three injured rabbits water. Is this advisable?
  17. 6

    I am devastated.

    I let Daisy our Blue Heeler sleep in the utility room last night for some unknown reason so I feel somewhat responsible that the 3 dogs from a mile or so up the road took advantage and killed 6 of our rabbits last night and were still in the process when I went to the barn this morning. The...
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    Rose popped.

    She was a day or two late but Rose added 9 little popples to our growing herd sometime overnight. Our first litter larger than 8 kits. I am super excited that the sweetheart of the herd may also be the most productive. Here they are 9 strong:
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    What Is this Swelling?

    Rufus is 6 weeks old. I was looking him over when I saw this swelling. It is the same in both ears. Any ideas?
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    Streak"s New Litter

    Well Thumper and Streak came through!! Streak had 7 beautiful popples last night!!!