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  1. Kyle@theWintertime

    Hey y'all!

    I know I've been gone for like...ever by now...but I miss y'all. Also since I renamed my it possible to change my username? It' sadly outdated LOL. __________ Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:43 pm __________ Oh jeebus, how do I edit my signature and photo and everything? It's...
  2. Kyle@theWintertime

    My kitty, Yvaine, needs surgery...

    I hate to ask but my kitty needs help...I'm struggling to find a way to pay for her surgery. At least one, possibly more of her teeth have abscessed and caused serious problems; her jaw is infected and she's having a hard time eating. Without surgery, she won't be able to eat at all soon, and...
  3. Kyle@theWintertime

    Limited enrollment program SUCCESS!!!

    The past year and a half of college have been grueling. Well...this past spring, I applied for the limited enrollment second year of the program. I was terrified. I made it. :) I was accepted!!! MANY students applied, they only accept 20 students each spring (and another 20 in fall)...I'm so...
  4. Kyle@theWintertime

    Critique/suggestions on this sales contract?

    I'm well aware that a sales contract is essentially worthless but I want one anyways. I am unlikely to insist a fellow breeder sign this, but I'm wanting non-breeders to sign SOMETHING...if that makes sense? I opted to re-write my contract, anything I'm missing?
  5. Kyle@theWintertime


    Someone gave me a big carton of peanuts, in the husk and all. They're good but...I'm kind of not a peanut-obsessed person and after about a handfull I was basically done with them, LOL. Can I give them to my rabbits as the occasional treat??? If so, do I have to shell them first or can they...
  6. Kyle@theWintertime

    Happy Father's Day.

    I'm grateful to my dad; he's kind, generous, and has taught me everything from good manners when growing up, to how to replace window framing and re-tile floors. Who else is grateful for their father or father figure in their lives? :)
  7. Kyle@theWintertime

    I have to brag for .02 seconds...

    So I have these cute babies for sale, right? I almost NEVER sell rabbits; when I do, it's usually one or two, and never covers my costs for much. Usually I'm happy if a year's worth of sales covers one bag of feed. As such, my rabbitry ledger is just BLEEDING red ink. Like...HEMORRHAGING...
  8. Kyle@theWintertime

    "Subcontracting" bunnies to sell as pets?

    So I have this batch of bunnies for sale as pets; a gentleman came over with his daughters to pick out the two they will want when they are weaned. The rabbits left are all bucks...except one doe. One of his daughters fell head over heels for the doe. So they reserved a buck and doe. I...
  9. Kyle@theWintertime

    SOLD, thanks!!! :)

    Photos and information can be found at this ad: If you let me know your RT username and I can verify you are on this forum, I'll cut ya a deal. ;)
  10. Kyle@theWintertime

    How do I say this???

    I want to put some genetics on a pedigree in "proper" abbreviations...but I don't know how. I can articulate it in words, though. So in letters, what would these be? Ruby eyed white; self-black under the REW, carries chocolate. (I don't know yet if he carries dilute, there's a 50/50 chance so...
  11. Kyle@theWintertime

    Strange injury!

    This morning right after breakfast I was out cooing at and snuggling popples (don't judge me, LOL) and Tionol was fine. Just want to establish a baseline of the last time I saw her before the injury. I have been doing homework and stuff went out to do some yardwork. Tionol is...
  12. Kyle@theWintertime

    Intensively inbreeding for cuteness?

    Looking for some validation here. ;) I have no issues with inbreeding/linebreeding, just saying that now. I have a pair of Netherland Dwarfs. I really dislike the doe, no fault of her own but she's a feed-digger, she wasn't socialized as a kit and is subsequently tough to handle, and she's...
  13. Kyle@theWintertime

    Have I Got The Blues?

    So...when Tionol kindled, she had a bunch of pink kits that I thought would be REW, but then three of them began to get peach-fuzz and now they are looking like they will be blue. It took about 24 to 48 hours for them to start turning blue though. My doe Breezy just kindled and she has a bunch...
  14. Kyle@theWintertime

    My random and awful hiatus. (updated with condo stuff!)

    Just a brief, oversimplified explanation of my abrupt and lengthy hiatus. I have issues. I can't help it or stop it. For a long time, my life was scattershot. I finally got a proper diagnosis and was medicated for my problems...and in a shockingly short amount of time, I was functional. Or more...
  15. Kyle@theWintertime

    Weird Kit Markings, what is it?!

    Last fall I got a doe that is beyond confusing, color-wise. My best guess is she is a broken himilayan, since she is red-eyed, and all white EXCEPT for her ears, which are mottled grayish. I know nothing of her parentage, only that she is a purebred Netherland Dwarf (false dwarf though). Twice...
  16. Kyle@theWintertime

    Deer are suddenly scary (alt title: EAT THAT, VEGANS.)

    I just got linked to this on Youtube...please watch it. Enjoy the horror. Spoiler: DEER STALKS AND EATS A LIVE BIRD. Deer are scary now!!!! Vegans take note: even DEER eat meat sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Kyle@theWintertime

    How do I explain to an anti-meat person???

    I have family who gladly EAT meat but who hate the thought of KILLING ANYTHING. Yes, I know, horrible hypocrites, the lot of them. ANYWAYS. They're staying here for a few days. Today I went out to care for my rabbits, and one of my ailing rabbits had died in the night. She'd lost condition and...
  18. Kyle@theWintertime

    I wish you....

    ...a Merry Christmas... ...a Happy Hanukkah... ...a Joyous Kwanzaa... ...a Happy Solstice... ...a Lovely Saturnalia... ...a Beautiful Dies Natalis Solis Invicti... ...a Blessed Brumalia... ...a Holy Sankranti... ...and a Gut Jól!!!! In other words...this holiday is significant to all...
  19. Kyle@theWintertime

    Rabbit is the new poultry! (aka, kitchen whoopsies)

    We all know that rabbit can be cooked any way poultry is, right? Well, we're testing this theory for real tonight!!! My dad had a big rooster pheasant in the freezer...he has a SPECTACULAR pheasant he grabbed the pheasant, thawed it, and we are having it for dinner tonight!!! And...
  20. Kyle@theWintertime

    He finally got what he deserved (SAD UPDATE)

    There's a close friend of the family I have known forever. He and my dad have been friends a LOT longer than I've been breathing, LOL. And this fellow (henceforth referred to as Mr. E to protect his identity) is just fundamentally Good People. If you need something, he's there for you. He never...