My chickens my life my rabbits,new pics pg13

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Congrats on the adorable popples out of your unbred doe!

I hope they continue to thrive for you. :clover:
Well I finally did a head count today...she had 9 babies no runts, although, a couples tunnys are alittle smaller than the others, but still round!, shes been going a real good job Im so proud of her, Shes Such a good young mom!! They are Very active also, popping around in the nest, they sure dont like being coverred by the fur I can tgell yall that!! luckily its 75 and humid here, maybe thats why!
I just wanted to thank you for being a Man! lol I have a fabulous husband and we moved to Hawaii so that I could be a stay at home mother, wife, etc. We've not regretted it for a day. He works his day job then comes home and helps with farm chores. I cook, clean, care for the animals, etc. It's quite a fabulous life.

I do hope that you find that special someone to tend your home and heart.
:)Hey I watch golden girls too! lol, I dont care what they think, lol im secure enough,lol

__________ Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:07 am __________


__________ Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:04 am __________

This was last night after she nursed right in front of me
the 9th one was in my hand not in the photo


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SO far So good, shes really eating ALOT, its like her body is telling her to keep eating non stop, So II keep giving her crab grass and tons of clover, dandelions,kale,legime leaves and her pellets mixed with Calf Manna lol,Her body condition id excellent, still chubby!
yup they're getting their FUZZ, and starting to move around, they are blind but let me tell ya they move quick lol

__________ Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:53 pm __________

Here are a couple on New Pics of MOMMA, She Awesome I LOVE HER,Shes doing sucha great job with all 9 babies, you could actually see near her chest hoe far down and full her teats are LOTS OF MILK, She has bumped her status all the way to the top!sORRY ABOUT THE POOR quality pics, they were taken at 11pm

Aldo<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:50 pm __________<br /><br />


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Awww you can tell how sweet she is! I'm so glad for you Flemishstar. She's a good girl and pretty too! :)
Thank you

She is so very special to me. She stole my heart,Shell be around for a LONNNG time, shes so gentle yet pushy with me, lol she LOVES her clover and starts ripping it out of my hand before I can place it down lol,,she also LOVES bread and endive, and her pellets mixed with calf manna and BOSS....She reminds me of a tired mom with those 9 kits shell run up to my hand and lays her self down and her ears (which resemble a pony tail that would be on a girls head) both flop to one side and she nudges my hand and extends her neck out for a scratch and closes her eyes as I scratch her head,cheeks, ears neck,back ,butt and tummy lol<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:30 pm __________<br /><br />
I think she is half FG hLF NZ<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:13 am __________<br /><br />5days old :) and soooo chunky....still 9 of them, shes doing such a good job


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