BH's V-Lop Thread (New Baby Pics 09/12)

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Well, apparently Bonnet did take. But now the transporter I was using has to cut his trip short, because of the incident with AC at his house.

My rabbits are still with the breeder, another transporter was found, but is entirely too expensive for me to transport all three. However, transporter 2 has offered to take part of what I paid her in transport fees, and directly give it to the new transporter one(transporter 3?), so I'm not out any money from pocket. That way I can at least get Bonnet here with plenty of time to kindle.

Now I'm trying to see if the breeder is okay with transporting the 2 jrs another way. IF NOT. I am not like OMG THEY MUST GET HERE NOW!!! They are safe where they are, and I am sure the breeder will be able to hold them until convention, when I do have transport set up.<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:27 pm __________<br /><br />So... they've been picked up by the transporter!!! All three, YAY. The new transporter took pity on me, and put my two jr's in one cage and only charged as one rabbit.

Thats awesome BH! I'm thrilled for you!! :) .......and jealous!!! :twisted: ..... :good-luck:
So, the transporter got delayed, and the buns were meant to be picked up in the wee hours of the morning today, so I could pick them up in the afternoon, but that didn't happen. The Ontario transporter is back in Ontario with them, though, and I will be picking them up tomorrow at 3pm!!!


Bonnet, Broken Blue Tort doe. Sr. Bred to a broken black buck. Has sore hocks and a messy bum.



Santana, Lynx Doe. Junior. I think she's 11 or 12 weeks now?



Finn Hudson, Opal Buck. Junior. I think he's 10 weeks old now?

Sorry for the bad pictures. Could not for the life of me find my camera, so had to use my phone.