BH's V-Lop Thread (New Baby Pics 09/12)

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Oh, they're very cute and I'd love to smoosh them! :D

I hope you can get the sore hocks and messy butt on the one to clear up. She's so pretty. :(
Not sure that the sore hocks are actually sore hocks, or if they're callouses. Gonna haveta find my camera and take photos of them, to get other opinions.

So now, the story of me going to get them.

Friday night, I could hardly sleep. I was too excited!! I was bouncing because I was finally going to get my rabbits, after all the issues with transport, changing dates, uncertainty. I got maybe four hours of sleep before I had to be up for market. Went to market, which goes by pretty quickly, and worked hard the whole time... Which, of course, makes time go faster! My mom kept teasing me because I couldn't hardly sit still, but she knew how long I'd waited for these rabbits and how excited I really was.

Pack up time came, and I ripped through the pack up - we were done a full half hour before we normally finished! We went to my house and dropped off the dog, as it was fairly warm and I didn't want to leave him in the truck while we did some shopping. We left earlier than we needed to, so we could go to TSC and get feed, and Canadian Tire because mom's boyfriend wanted to get a lure.

After 10 minutes on the highway... we ran into this...

Stop and go traffic!! My stomach was turning knots and I was so worried we'd be late. It took us about half an hour to get to the next exit and get off the highway(we were only about 5 minutes away on a normal drive), and then things went smoother. It was a longer drive, but much prettier, and moving at a steady pace.

When we finally got to the meeting place, we were actually a couple minutes early... but we had skipped a few stops that my mom and her boyfriend wanted to make. Had to wait for the transporter, no big deal. I got everything arranged in the truck, ready for the rabbits to go in. Then, I finally got to see my rabbits.

My first impression? "Oh my gosh, they're huge!!". Finn is youngest and smallest, and he's still bigger than my lions. Then I touched them... Rex fur, there's no way to really put into words how it feels. I thought it would feel maybe like crushed velvet, but softer? No... It's kind of what I would imagine petting a cloud would feel like. I pet each of them, gave them a brief once over, checked ear numbers to make sure I was getting the right rabbits, then away we went.

I was just quivering everywhere we went. I wanted to be out cuddling my new rabbits!!! We left the truck running with the AC on while we went into stores - they have 2 sets of keys for the truck, and could lock it. I was strictly informed I was NOT allowed to sit in the truck, since Mom was worried about getting bunny poop in the truck. If I'd have had my way, I'd have had a rabbit on my lap the whole way home!

Once I FINALLY got home, though, it took 5 minutes to unload my rabbit food, the rabbits and the rest of my stuff. Everything was forsaken while I let the buns out to stretch their legs and have a quick graze.
Awww, so cute. :) Glad you're loving that rexed fur, too. :D

In other news, for poopy butt, I suggest rolled oats. If you can get it, Otomax is great for sore hocks (if that's what they are). Some rexed rabbits are more prone to sore hocks than others. Make sure her nails are cut, though; my rescue rabbit, Anwen, got sore hocks from having her claws going from super long to short, I imagine the reverse can be true as well.
Yeah, I still need to do her nails, they all were kinda long. However, I sent Kyle pics of her feet on fb, and he says they aren't sore hocks, but are probably callouses. To me, they look like a freshly healed injury, however I've never seen sore hocks or calloused hocks, so have nothing to judge it by. It's pink flesh, doesn't seem to bother her to have it poked or prodded at, no oozing, nothing under the skin. Not open at all. I have the breeder as a friend on FB, so didn't want to upload the pictures there to share.

Found my camera, though, so new pics that are big and clear and oh so much prettier!!










So... 10 sleeps til baby vlops!!
Oh, that's fine then. I have a Mini Rex doe whose feet are like that. It's just because the fur is thinner.

And I cannot see any of the photos, eeeek. D:

Good luck with the baby VLops, though. :D -crosses fingers-<br /><br />__________ Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:41 pm __________<br /><br />Ah, can see them now. :D Nice opal (if a little dove), lynx could use more dove, and smutty blue tort. What colors are you hoping to breed for? Bit worried your colors might get diluted over time. Might be good to keep a dominant kit out of Bonnet's litter if she has any?

All in all, they're adorable. Can't judge them anymore. I just want to pet Bonnet lots. XD
Yeah, the picture problem was me, I typed in the image code wrong, and since I copied/pasted, they all had the same error.

I'm breeding for... vlops, LOL. Small ones, preferably. I am probably going to keep one of Bonnet's kits, possibly 2, and sell Bonnet. Beyond that, I don't really have a plan. I don't show myself, so don't mind if the colours aren't show perfect.
Nu-Stock is supposed to regrow fur even on scars and such. I'm currently using it on a NZW I have who is susceptible to sore hocks regardless of the length of her nails. I'm hoping the calluses on her feet will grow fur. I'll let you know if they do. :)
Ah. You just want the breed, aren't focusing on producing show rabbits. Fair enough. I just figured since it was an upcoming breed and so uncommon, you might want to. My mistake. ;)
They are gorgeous, Bad Habit!!!

I'm so happy they finally got there. I was on pins and needles when the transport fell through and you had to find another to bring them the last distance. :x

Good luck with the popples!
Naw, it was an issue with the main transporter. Still waiting on a refund for that... I hope he doesn't expect to keep my money, or think that I will be donating my transport fee to his legal fund.

I'm happy they're here too. That transport was just a nightmare, and I don't think I will be doing any more transporting in the near future, other than owner goes to show, transport goes to same show, transport brings back rabbits.

Now I just have to wait for the pedigree on the Jrs, and the pedigree on the kits' sire, if Bonnet is actually pregnant. Plus the refund from the transporter who had to drop out.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":1g4onkjm said:
Miss M? If that stuff works for growing hair on calluses...LET ME KNOW. I'd love it!!
I will be sure to let you know! :D

I'll probably start another thread for it: "Nu-Stock and Calluses", or something like that.
... I really wish the breeder would send me the pedigrees for these two younger rabbits...

Although not so young, since I caught Finn trying to breed Santana.

He's currently staying in a carrier, while I fix him up another cage. I thought they were 9 and 10wks, and I have never had a problem keeping babies in the same cage until 12wks. His "easter eggs" are showing, though. Santana's vent is all red, too, dunno if he caught her or not.

C'est la vie, I suppose.

I've decided to use Santana for my base doe for my velvet lionlop project. That'll give me chocolate in the mix, yaaaaay.
Those are Beautiful rabbits (even though they are not my cup of tea) They are easy on me eyes lol :p ...I :p just love how there are so many varieties on this site that I haven't had the pleasure of seeing, And ya'll are such wonderful people :group-hug2:

And yes Id like to know about the Nu-stock also ;)

These are honestly the friendliest rabbits I've ever had!! All the time "pet me!!" Nudging me, nosing me, always wanting hands on them... worse than the dog!

And curious!! Oh my, into everything. Bonnet is especially bad, she wants to eat everything. I can't tell yet if she is pregnant, but if she is... 7 more sleeps!!

I'm surprised with how quickly they're adjusting. They don't seem to have a problem with it being a new person petting them, just as long as they are pet. They do, however, toss their water dishes around... when full. I can't decide if Bonnet is peeing in her food dish or just getting water in it. Went out yesterday and bought water bottles for those three. Will probably install them after market today.

Bonnet has a house name! She is now Becky, after a character on Glee. Though I am thinking of replacing her with some of her babies, if she is pregnant.

I can't get over Becky's big fat dewlap. it's about the funniest thing ever!
They are soooo pretty BH and I love that camera of yours! I can even see their adorable lil whiskers!! :)