BH's V-Lop Thread (New Baby Pics 09/12)

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Awww, that's great, Bad Habit, about them being cuddle buns. :D

Also? May I suggest attachable water crocks? My large American Sable doe, Anwen, did the same thing with her water bowls and also couldn't figure out how to use a pin water bottle. No idea what was up with that, but I got a crock that attaches to her cage and she's been doing great with that.
They can use the water bottles fine, if I could only find one that didn't leak :(. Two work fine, the third leaked unless I tightened it to the point that the rabbit couldn't drink from it.


Right on time.


Four of em. A broken black and three idunno's. She was pulling a bit of hair when I left for market this morning, when I got back, yep, babies!!! I fiddled with them a bit, but didn't want to upset her too much, so gave her a baby carrot and left her be.
Bonnet came bred :) Since the buck is unrelated to any of my three, it gives me some new lines to play around with as well :)<br /><br />__________ Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:35 am __________<br /><br />On closer inspection, I think I've got a broken black, a blue tort, a black tort and a charlie idunno.
I don't wanna tick Bonnet off, so I've been holding off on poking and prodding at them too much. No additional pics yet... but soon!!! :D

I didn't have a chance to make a new nest box, so she had them in an cleaned and sterile litter box. I hate when they use litter boxes as nest boxes as the babies end up sitting in puddles, so when I move them to a new box, I'll take some camera photos :)

One of them has a weird tail, though... it's like a little pig's tail. Pretty sure that's not right :(
Congrats on the popples, BH! Even the little pigtail one!

I can't wait to see them as they get a little bigger, and their ears get long. :)
I can already see the difference in them vs lionhead babies... The ears are bigger for sure, and more mobile. Already looking like they want to fall! The tails are much longer than the LH tails as well - I had at first thought that the vlops just looked like their tails were longer because of the lack of fuzz, but now I'm sure that the tails actually are longer, not just cuz of the fuzz.

Still have 4. I'm already pretty attached to the baby with the messed up tail... it's just TOO CUTE. I want them to have hair NOW though.

Anything I should know about rex babies furring out compared to regular haired babies furring out?
Bad Habit":29p8o5tc said:
Anything I should know about rex babies furring out compared to regular haired babies furring out?

Nope. They just wont have nekkid sides! ;)

If Astrex is hiding in the lines, they will go bald at around two weeks. So far I have never seen that happen with my suspected "Astrex", and mine never regain a curly coat. The density is really nice in the adult coats of my curly kits, but apparently they are not carrying the true Astrex mutation.
Lol give it a few generations, and they'll start having some nekked sides popping up ;)

I don't know if there is any chance of astrex being in the lines, do astrex pop up in mini rex?<br /><br />__________ Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:51 pm __________<br /><br />

Ears? what do you mean, ears??




Curly tail. They all seem to occasionally do this, I wonder if it's just because they have such long tails?
The long tails are a carry over from their English lop heritage. Elops have the longest tails of any rabbit.

Can't tell you where the curl is coming from. Elops tails are born straight and long. Would definitely be a DQ on the show table. Even tho its cute, if you have any notion of selling any of these as future show animals, I would breed that trait out.

The Charlie looks like it might be carrying a dwarf gene. Bug eyes, ugly head.
If it makes it, you might keep that in mind when you go to breed.

The personalities are another carryover from Elops. Full elops are all like that. Always want attention and petting.

The ears, well, I'm disappointed in the ears. I'm sure with more work and successive generations, the trademark ear length will improve, but I haven't seen any yet that have either the length or width of elop show requirements. Its too bad, because the idea behind it is good, it's just slow getting there.

As far as the feet and the sore hocks. Get used to it. It's a trademark of rex. Too bad they aren't trying to breed that particular disorder out at the same time.
Wry tail perhaps? Mant rex breeders are trying to breed out bad hocks. I breed for thick furred hocks on my buns
I figure the long tail would be a carry over from the elop, figured it had something to do with the same genes that give them those ears. As far as the curl goes, I'm not going to worry about it at least until they're weaned. I was specifically told by the breeder not to worry about anything conformational until they are at least weaned.

I don't think the charlie's eyes are any bigger/buggier than any of the other kits, it just seems to look that way because the eyes are darker than the rest of the kit. But I will keep that in mind, as I am hoping to breed them smaller anyway.

Amazingly, I don't think that losing 4-5 inches in length when they've been bred down to be half the size is that bad, really. I mean, you can't expect them to lose half the weight but keep the 20+ inch ears, can you? I am sure if they had used standard rex instead of mini rex and kept the size, the ears would be the same length as the elops, as they'd still be the same size as the elops.

I'm relatively pleased with them, except Bonnet keeps dumping her food dish and pushing all the kibbles out of the cage onto the floor :(