BH's V-Lop Thread (New Baby Pics 09/12)

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Well, just paid my deposit on them after an unexpected government windfall.

By November, I will be the proud breeder of Lionheads AND Velveteen Lops!!

Hoping to have pictures soon to share!! :)
Sinnfox":1hvhhjnq said:
Nah crazy is being allergic to getting three of them ~raises hand~ and also being allergic to hay...but since hay isn't cute and fluffy having dozens of bunnies that need to eat said hay ~sheepish look~

LOL, I'm allergic to dogs, cats, rabbits, most animals with fur...and I have a dog...two cats (one of which is OF COURSE a Persian)...and a whole herd of rabbits...

Allergic to hay too...

I was a dog groomer for years, still groom on the side. :) I live with rashes and a constant low-grade to mid-grade level of congestion. ;)


Bad Habit":1hvhhjnq said:
Well, just paid my deposit on them after an unexpected government windfall.

By November, I will be the proud breeder of Lionheads AND Velveteen Lops!!

Hoping to have pictures soon to share!! :)

PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES as soon as you have 'em!!! Man I'd love to lay hands on some Velveteens someday...rex fur AND lop ears? WIN-WIN!!! :)
Well, if you're ever in the area... :p

I found out that their ears start lopping right away, as soon as they're open and mobile, like the E.Lops.

Also, I am going to have a small side project breeding rabbits with the rex fur, the e.lop ears... and the lion's mane!!
lmao we're taking an extended wait here, Kyle :p The V Lop babies will only be 4mths(ish) when they get here, so they will have some growing to do before they breed. Then I'll have to grow some babies... so... like 8mths from October. Like a year from now. That's ages away!

The breeder has told me she's going to try to do pics this weekend, so hopefully I'll have some to share soon!!!
Well, I have the better part of two years left of college, have at least two years until I want my Velveteen Lion. ;) I can totally get myself a new bunny as a graduation gift! See how well that should all work out???

I reiterate, make it so. ;)
>.> this is beginning to sound vaguely like a conversation I had once with a friend...most new breeds are I joked about gianting a few...breed in flemish get huge lion heads...more lion like that way...or giant velvet lop..>.> yeah I wasn't sure there would be any market for them though since so many people like tiny little bunnies ~shrug~ ...granted a velvet lion lop sounds really cute
Congrats BH! I'm with Kyle, can't wait for pics!

Are they ready yet?


Any pics yet?
I would have personally waited until the breed became accepted and competitive before making a decision to spend that kind of money on rabbits, but the decision on how you spend YOUR money is yours and yours alone. If you're serious about breeding and raising them and they're worth that much money to you, NO it's NOT CRAZY AT ALL!!!
Sinnfox":96vcgya0 said:
>.> this is beginning to sound vaguely like a conversation I had once with a friend...most new breeds are I joked about gianting a few...breed in flemish get huge lion heads...more lion like that way...or giant velvet lop..>.> yeah I wasn't sure there would be any market for them though since so many people like tiny little bunnies ~shrug~ ...granted a velvet lion lop sounds really cute

Yeah, and it will even tinyify the v lops even more, as they are 5 - 6lbs, and the lions are 3 - 4lbs. I had some 6 - 7lb lionheads(they were given to me by someone completely overwhelmed with rabbits) and those were a pain to sell, because I have this odd habit of telling the truth :p I ended up giving half the litter to a reptile person.

Marinea":96vcgya0 said:
Congrats BH! I'm with Kyle, can't wait for pics!

Are they ready yet?


Any pics yet?

Lol this is how I feel!!! I don't know how I will ever make it to October! But, I was told that hopefully pictures this weekend. I don't know if mine will be picked out now, or later on, because I don't care if I get some with non-genetic DQ's, like torn ears or a scar that grew in white or whatever. I don't intend to show them, but would like my resulting kits to be show quality, in case any other breeders in the area are interested in showing.

SatinsRule":96vcgya0 said:
I would have personally waited until the breed became accepted and competitive before making a decision to spend that kind of money on rabbits, but the decision on how you spend YOUR money is yours and yours alone. If you're serious about breeding and raising them and they're worth that much money to you, NO it's NOT CRAZY AT ALL!!!

Why wait for them to become accepted? I don't show *shrug*. I wanted the rabbits, I think they are adoraballs. Same with lionheads, I don't care if they don't get accepted(it would be really exciting, and I'd be able to stop explaining to people what it means to be a breed in development). I could have waited for babies to become available here, but I didn't want to. This way, since I am dealing with the COD holder and breed club president, I know that they are serious about wanting to promote the breed, and I feel she is less likely to try and pass off something low quality or pet quality as breeding quality, as I told her straight up I want to breed. I am also afraid that many of the v.lops in my area are simply F1 e.lop x mini rex breedings. I'm also pretty excited about being the first in my area to have the breed.
I've toyed with the idea of getting a really decent velveteen buck and then crossing him on my BEW does and creating a line of BEW Velveteens. Moot point now that I'm going out of rabbits, I do love BEW anything though. Smart to get rabbits from the COD holder, regardless of price. Good Mini Rex can sell for $200 to $300, so I don't think its an outrageous price. I do hope that Velveteens pass quickly and can avoid the Lionhead Curse, even if you don't show the people you sell to may want to, and it will help create a strong market for what you produce. They do have some of the same problems that E-lops have, like keeping their ears in good condition. I had an E-lop in a 3x5 hutch, she was very puppy like and used to run around and bounce off the walls, shredding her own ears in the process. Such a sweet rabbit, not a good doer though. Not sure if their big eaters like the E-lops. I wish you luck, hope it works out perfectly for you.
Bad Habit":10c85lpk said:
Why wait for them to become accepted? I don't show *shrug*. I wanted the rabbits, I think they are adoraballs. Same with lionheads, I don't care if they don't get accepted(it would be really exciting, and I'd be able to stop explaining to people what it means to be a breed in development). I could have waited for babies to become available here, but I didn't want to. This way, since I am dealing with the COD holder and breed club president, I know that they are serious about wanting to promote the breed, and I feel she is less likely to try and pass off something low quality or pet quality as breeding quality, as I told her straight up I want to breed. I am also afraid that many of the v.lops in my area are simply F1 e.lop x mini rex breedings. I'm also pretty excited about being the first in my area to have the breed.

Then the only person who can say whether they're worth the money the seller's asking or not is you. I'm just telling you right now that once they're accepted into the SOP, not only will the quality improve, the price will likely go down. I remember all too well when Holland Lops were introduced in this country. Breeders were readily paying upwards of $1000/pair on a breed that was largely undeveloped. Just a few short years later when the fad began to wear off, they were much less expensive. Today, I can go into nearly any showroom in the country and buy pet quality hollands for $25 easily.
Yeah, but I could be waiting years for them to get into Ontario, and I'm not willing to wait that long, lol. I also like the idea that they aren't common here, and I will be getting stock from an established breeder. In my mind, that's the most important thing! Also, the only reason they're in the 110$ range is because of transport fees. The stock itself is only 65$, the transport 45$.


Now I need to decide if I want all 4mthers, or if I want to take one or both of the older does she has, which she has offered to breed for me. I really liked one of the does she showed me, a solid black young kit. But I liked the older broken doe as well, and... well, free breeding. I liked the broken bucks, but don't want charlies...

So many choices!!!
:p :p :p :p :p
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

you better hurry up posting those pics!! the natives are getting restless..!!!

I am waiting for the breeder to give me permission to share them :). I am pretty sure she won't mind, but I want to be positive!
Pics? Pics? Pics? XD

Gosh, Velveteen Lops. As a Rex person, I will tell you once you feel their coats, you will never go back.

Never. @.@

Considering incorrectly-colored Abyssinian cats can go for over $1k a pop, I think you could have chosen a crazier hobby. I was almost the cat person, then I realized one cat keeps me busy. XD Rabbits on the other hand? Easy, lovable, fairly inexpensive, and have many a use.

Just to point out, your pricey bunny will eat the same as a cheap one, but these pricey ones apparently make you very happy and you'd like to breed them. With luck, they'll pass or even get their own little club if there isn't one already for your enjoyment. I'm sure it won't be impossible to make back the costs eventually with kits. Who wouldn't want a rex-furred, long-eared bun? Just tell the buyers, if they're pet buyers, that their ears and fur will need extra care and you're pretty good to go. Sell 'em like any other bun beyond that. ;)

Good luck!

Bonnet - Broken Blue Tort Sr Doe


Santana - Broken Black Tort Jr Doe


Rasputin - Blue Tort Jr Buck

All images copyright Lorrie Stillo of Journey Home Rabbitry of Ohio. I believe she has more rabbits available for sale, if anyone is interested. :) She's been SUPER nice to deal with, and I highly recommend her!

Oh, and Cspr? They've got a breed club, it's still very small, but I've been sponsored by the breeder for a year's membership :) The woman I am dealing with is the COD holder and after she makes her first presentation, she's going to change the standard. She told me she's selected stock for the new standard she intends to change it to :)