BH's V-Lop Thread (New Baby Pics 09/12)

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Pretty, pretty bunnehs, Bad Habit!


I think my favorite is Santana. :)

Well worth the wait. Those are gorgeous!!! Bonnet is *swoon*.

Congrats BH!
I had told her I didn't want SR rabbits, but I fell in love with Bonnet and her colouring, lol. We built the trio around her... and TWO spotty does! YAY spotty!!

92 Sleeps!!!!
So pretty! Really love Santana. She actually has fairly good Rex fur. -nods and grins-
I believe (not totally sure though) that I saw her rabbits at the rabbit show I went to last September. I wonder if she will be in Tiffin this September too.

BTW I don't need another breed! :mrgreen:
Oh wow! They're soo pretty! Congrats BH! I know you can't wait to get those babies home! :)
I hope to have English of Velveteen Lops by end of year. Then I'll have Lionheads and Lops also. Beautiful rabbits BH I don't think you're crazy at all.
JessicaR - You should check with her, and see what she's got available for then!! She has a transporter as well, 20$ a rabbit.

It is official, I am one of 2 Ontario breeders of Velveteen Lops registered with the Velveteen Lop Club. I got sooooo excited when I saw it last night, I'd post it here it but it might be frowned on, as it is under my full real name.

87 more sleeps!!!

20 MORE SLEEPS!!!!!!!

Getting different rabbits than posted, because the one I picked out isn't developing as nicely.

Bonnet, the broken sr doe is still coming, and she will be BRED before she comes!!!
Getting a solid doe and a broken buck.

Me, being the impatient brat that I am, have thusly overextended myself, and will be getting them THIS MONTH. IN 20 MORE SLEEPS!!!

My transporter posted she'd be meeting up with another transporter in NY for a show, and that other transporter would be coming through Ohio, where my velveteens are!!! I jumped all over it, and have been emailing like a MAD FOOL, and might finally have everything in place to happen THIS MONTH!!!
Sinnfox":1pq8p86v said:
Nah crazy is being allergic to getting three of them ~raises hand~ and also being allergic to hay...but since hay isn't cute and fluffy having dozens of bunnies that need to eat said hay ~sheepish look~

Im highly allergic to rabbits :oops: Rex Fur is not as bad though! Go velveteen lops!
Ducks = in a row. Payments will be sent out tomorrow. I will be getting them either the 26th or 27th!!!!!

Because I am getting a different buck, I have changed his name. My velveteens will be Bonnet, Santana and Finn Hudson.
:3 Exciting news. Can't wait to see the change-of-plan buck. ;) Hint, hint. I also can't wait to see your litter of VLops. :eek: 'Cause your doe will be coming bred and agh.

Also, I discovered there is a VLop breeder near me who got their rabbits from the same breeder as you. @.@ Will resist. Yep. No lops, same with no angoras. Not right now, anyway. XD
lol I haven't even seen the new Santana or Finn yet. I told the breeder I trust her judgement, as she knows the breed far better than I do, and will be able to make much better judgement calls as to who goes best with whom than I will!

She did say that she'd try and get new pics for me this week, but if all else fails... I'll have them here before the end of the month and you KNOW I'll be flooding the lot of you with photos!!

Now, I've just got to move out or cull some of these lionheads, so I can make the cage space for the new buns. Or make new cages. See, I'm thinking I could build a unit or two with 4 stacked cages... Then I'd have spare space for an extra vlop and an extra lionhead, plus the grow out cage downstairs and the 6 plastic bottomed cages I've bought... Although 3 of those 6 are too small to keep a rabbit in full time, and I really only got them so I can rent out buns over Easter with cages again.
Oh, I got to this thread late but I'm still very VERY excited for you! Can't wait to see what you get and how they develop!
I wonder if now is the time to admit I've never touched a rex furred rabbit?

I sent out almost all of the payments - one came up with an error when I tried, but the transporter hasn't emailed me back yet.

I also realized... I don't have CAGES for these rabbits. I expected to have a lot more time to sort that out. I think I am going to order up the wood to make some cages tomorrow. Spend a day doing that, if my mom will help me with her chop saw.