Help! GI Stasis!

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If he is grinding his teeth he is really in pain. I think you should either put him down or take him to the vet to have it done. If it were a dog or cat, isn't that what you would do?

It is not difficult to euthanize a rabbit. Get a piece of rebar or even a broomstick. Put the rabbit on the ground. Place the stick across the back of his neck and put a foot on each side of it. Take hold of the hind legs and pull firmly. The neck will break, killing the rabbit instantly. You can cry afterwards, it is allowed. (((Hugs)))

I'm not trying to be hard on you. Believe me, I know what you are going through. But sometimes it is the only thing we can do for our animal friends.
We just tried a new (for us) method where you hold the back legs and hang the rabbit upside down. Have a dense stick- like an axe handle- and pet the rabbit on the neck and back with it so it arches its head backward a bit, and then just bonk them on the back of the head behind the ears. Hubs did it, I did it- and we both liked the method even better than shooting them. It is a quick death. Even if they are still twitching, they are likely dead- just look at their eyes and you can tell... and if you aren't sure, you can touch the eyeball and if there is no response and the eye is dry feeling already, they are gone.

I'm so sorry you have to go through this already Pink, but Maggie is right- you can't let him suffer. Maybe you could bury him and plant something in the grave to remind you of him.
So sorry about all this. But maybe taking him to vet hospital would be easier on you both. The vet will uthanize him and dispose of the body. Again, so sorry. This is a very sad day. Poor buns.
I really think it is to late to do anything for him now. He is grinding his teeth because of allot of gas in his stomach and the bacteria build up from his food not moving fast enough.
You can try gas x or children gas drops from walmart. And then stringe him some Neo Clor for the bacteria build up in his gut.
Oh, Pink! :( I am so sorry this happened to you when you are so new to raising rabbits! It doesn't seem fair at all. Some rabbits stress easily and that is when you see health problems flare up. It sounds like that may have been the case with Amorcito, poor guy. ((Hugs))