Help! GI Stasis!

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I suggest drying rather than freezing. Dandelions air-dry easily if they are spread out on a screen or put loosely into mesh bags such as the ones you get onions or oranges in.

LOL, MamaSheepdog... you beat me to it!
I did a very stupid thing, by taking Amorcito back to his cage (outside) last night. And although I found plenty of healthy sized poops in his tray, and an empty bowl of what was dandelions... He looks miserable.

He's water bowl is full. There was very little pee in the tray.

:wall: Why did I put him back in the cage?

I'm out of dandelions. I couldn't find any healthy looking dandelions outside when I went for a walk with the dogs...

Are pot mums alright for rabbits? I'm just trying to find something that he'll enjoy eating... So that he gets some food in him! He won't eat the hay, the apple slices, the canteloupe, the pear or the papaya I gave him this morning.
Oh no! I don't have any advise, just wanted to say that I hope everything will be ok with Amorcito!
Do you have any fennel? Fennel is good for preventing gas in humans so I'd assume it would do the same for a rabbit and it is a safe food I do believe.

Have you tried the ginger tea?

Peppermint is also a stomach calmer (in humans anyway)...

I don't know that pot mums are safe. Roses buns love roses (flowers and leaves and stems)...
Canned pumpkin is supposed to be good. (RabbitGeek uses it) You want pure pumpkin, not the sweetened pie filling. If you have to syringe it into him you could add some warm water.

I wouldn't use yogurt. Some people feel that cow's milk is not good for rabbits.

But you know.... He may be just fine. The dandelions were wet, he probably did not need to drink much water. My rabbits drink very little water.

Can you get some clean grass or clover? A bit of that might tempt him.
I Know this is late-- 'Gatorade' works just fine to boost a bunny with digestive issues-- Clover flowers are tempting to almost any rabbit-MArigolds are a local favorite garden plant, as is Dianthus (pinks) And yes, feeding fresh greens reduces water intake-- after all, the rabbit gets both food and water when eating frsh, and many smaller animals depend on the moisture within the plants as their SOLE source of water!!!
MamaSheepdog":2ws7vy91 said:
Maggie, infusions are made with the soft parts of plants- flowers, leaves, etc. Decoctions are made from the hard parts- root, bark, seeds... you finely chop the herb add it to the water, and bring it to a boil- cover and reduce to simmer for about 40 minutes. Glass pots are best, but porcelain lined metal works too.

I suppose if the ginger were ground up in a blender first to make a paste the infusion method might work... :?

I guess one could simply say "tea" :cool:
avdpas77":81477ywg said:
I guess one could simply say "tea" :cool:

Well, yes... but that's so... boring! :mrgreen:

"Would you care for a nice infusion of chamomile tea, my dear avdpas?" :roll:
Amorcito is still breathing, but he has little energy. He crawled over to get water and almost drowned when he couldn't keep his head up. :weep:
Oh no- poor guy! Does he feel cold? Maybe some hot water bottles or a heating pad will help him.
Frecs":1two140n said:
How is he doing?! Poor dear!

He's just laying down. I'd hate to leave his side, but the ladies are begging me to give them their meal.

He isn't cold, he actually feels "cuddly" warm. I have him laying in my fluffy douvet, with both my sister and I giving him an abundance of gentle pats.<br /><br />__________ Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:27 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, little Amorcito is grinding his teeth. What a horrible noise.

Does this mean he's in pain? What can I do for him at this point?
Grinding teeth is a sign of pain- I don't know what you can do other than offering willowbark. It doesn't sound good Pink- you may have a hard decision to make. :( ((Hugs))
MamaSheepdog":21w0n1ak said:
Grinding teeth is a sign of pain- I don't know what you can do other than offering willowbark. It doesn't sound good Pink- you may have a hard decision to make. :( ((Hugs))

I have no idea how to cull him. I have no idea what to do with the body (we don't eat rabbit meat). I... Wish I didn't even have to think about any of these things, so soon.