Help! GI Stasis!

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Yay! I was thinking that when gathering greens from elsewhere, it would be a good idea to have a "vegetable wash" on hand (for removing pesticides etc.) and rinse them with that. Vinegar works well for bacteria, but I don't know about chemical residues.
I rinsed them with boiling hot water, soaked them in vinegar, re-rinsed with cold water and served. I hope I didn't remove the natural benefits by doing that.
Interesting... We seem to be having some issues with this ourselves...( the rabbits that is)... i was given a link to an article on it...

I've also Googled a couple other articles on the subject... and

This does have me asking questions about 'modern' feeds, certain lines of rabbits... and How did the thousands of meat rabbits in commercial settings manage to Live and do Well on a strictly pellet diet ? !!!

Perhaps someone could explain this to me ( in words of one syllable as 'it takes me a bit' )...
Random Rabbit":o0upext0 said:
Interesting... We seem to be having some issues with this ourselves...( the rabbits that is)... i was given a link to an article on it...

I've also Googled a couple other articles on the subject... and

This does have me asking questions about 'modern' feeds, certain lines of rabbits... and How did the thousands of meat rabbits in commercial settings manage to Live and do Well on a strictly pellet diet ? !!!

Perhaps someone could explain this to me ( in words of one syllable as 'it takes me a bit' )...
THey have the same problem . I know of a few commercial rabbitry.Just eating strictly pellet diets is NO more. They had to many problems with G.I tract. But when they loose ,They loose a hundred at a time or more. So now 90% of those commercial breeders are now feeding hay.
Thanks for sharing that article Random Rabbit. Does anyone know how much vitamen B-complex is recommended for a rabbit of a 11lb size?
Random Rabbit, I know I was shocked when I first heard about the high incidence of enteritis in fryers in commercial rabbitries. I'd been raising rabbits for over a year at the time, with no losses except the occasional newborn. Up until then I had never even heard of enteritis in rabbits.<br /><br />__________ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:02 pm __________<br /><br />I followed a link in the article that Random Rabbit posted and found this page. No idea how useful it is. ... sis-a73830


Pink, Vitamin B complex is water soluable. When I was dosing a goose with it (she was so bad she could not walk and we thought we were going to lose her) I gave her the equivalent of two capsules a day. It worked wonders. Within a few days she was standing and after another week or so entirely back to normal. The goose weighed about 15 pounds. Not sure how it would translate for a rabbit, but my understanding is that what cannot be used is excreted.
While I was looking in my medicine cabinate for Vitamin B-complex, I found a "Complete Probiotic Multi Strain Microencapsulated Beadlets by Webber Naturals". Would it be alright to give him some?
Amorcito stinked up my house with horribly foul smelling gases. He ate a very small handful of dandelions, munched on some celery and had 3 poops in total, after a very long massage.

How fast is the laxative benefits from the dandelion suppose to work?

Seems like the issue was a hairball.

Thank you very much for all of her help!
MaggieJ":12cb8fmd said:
That's great... but you will need to keep up the treatment until the poops return to normal size and frequency. Keep those dandelions coming!

I will be keeping him in the home for the next few days. Like you said, I want to make sure there's consistency in both size and amount of poop! I collected 64 cups of dandelions. He's got quite a bit left.
Awesome! Make him do some laps now to keep things moving. Or forget about walking the dogs- take Amorcito for a walk instead!

64 cups??? OMG! :shock: He needs to share- people can eat them too... dandelion salad for everybunny! :p
MamaSheepdog":q22lnmrv said:
Awesome! Make him do some laps now to keep things moving. Or forget about walking the dogs- take Amorcito for a walk instead!

64 cups??? OMG! :shock: He needs to share- people can eat them too... dandelion salad for everybunny! :p

My neighbor said I have to pull them all out "or don't even bother". What ever Amorcito doesn't eat, I'll toss them with the girls.... Or maybe I'll freeze it just in case of future problems?
Don't freeze it- it will get mushy. Dry it instead. Out of the sun- Maggie uses mesh bags that produce comes in.