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My other does are all small dwarfs. I never keep false dwarfs. They are gonna be dinner. ButBut of all the does she is the smallest for sure. She ia 2.4 lbs.
I do think that is why people keep them though. I want to get my overall size down as well but don't like having to pull kits either. So I am torn but my husband thinks he gets to eat anything that is over 3 pounds so I don't have to worry much about selling my unwanted kits either. Body building takes allot of protein. :roll:
Yes that is why people keep them but honestly this doe is the first time ive had any problems. Bigger does means more false dwarf babies which i would rather not get. I would rather have peanuts. My true dwarf mothers until this doe have been amazing and have had no problems.
Thats true. If its a peanut you know it right from the beginning. Instead of getting hopes up on a baby and it ending up being way to big.
So good to hear she's doing alright! And thank you for the link! :)

Hopefully, this is a one-time thing because she was a first-timer. Or are you going to try with her again?
I'm glad you managed to save her! :)

That was a good link- I was thinking of using oil, but the thought of putting her in a basin of warm water didn't occur to me despite the fact that Queenpup was born in the bathtub. :?

Since you know how to handle the problem if it happens again, I would breed her back as soon as her parts look normal. The sooner the better since it is said that does often have larger litters if bred back immediately, and I have noticed that kits from large litters are born smaller.