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Praying she comes out of all this without further incident. You must be worried sick for her. :(
Ok so here is a good update. She struggled at the vet for an hour with no babies. I elected to put her down. Thr vet loved her and thought she was adorable so asked if was ok if they kept her there and spayed her and found her a pet home. Hopefully she survives her surgery. They are gonna call and let me know. She was such a gorgeous rabbit i was really hoping for babies out of her but oh well.
I am so sorry you didn't get any popples out of her, but thankful that she has the potential of finding a home as a pet. ((Hugs))
Thanks! You know i have no problem eating rabbit meat at all but she was a favorite for sure and I just wanted to make sure she had the best chance possible.
I sure hope you have some good news.

__________ Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:32 pm __________

I sure hope you have some good news.

__________ Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:33 pm __________

LindseysWoolies":25as2c3q said:
Ok so here is a good update. She struggled at the vet for an hour with no babies. I elected to put her down. Thr vet loved her and thought she was adorable so asked if was ok if they kept her there and spayed her and found her a pet home. Hopefully she survives her surgery. They are gonna call and let me know. She was such a gorgeous rabbit i was really hoping for babies out of her but oh well.

Just curious how much it would have cost for the C-section? They are going to do a C-section, get the babies out and spay her?<br /><br />__________ Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:37 pm __________<br /><br />
LindseysWoolies":25as2c3q said:
Thanks! You know i have no problem eating rabbit meat at all but she was a favorite for sure and I just wanted to make sure she had the best chance possible.

Does she have babies in her?
LindseysWoolies":21d7v22r said:
Ok so here is a good update. She struggled at the vet for an hour with no babies. I elected to put her down. Thr vet loved her and thought she was adorable so asked if was ok if they kept her there and spayed her and found her a pet home. Hopefully she survives her surgery. They are gonna call and let me know. She was such a gorgeous rabbit i was really hoping for babies out of her but oh well.

Hopefully she does well after the surgery. A better outcome than the last one I had. The holland survived the stuck kits, but she was able to get them out in one day, she continued to have contractions as I was pulling them out. The mini rex stopped having contractions, and it was a prolonged event. Once they stop having contractions, and it becomes a 2 day or more event, the chances of a positive outcome decrease. Even if she was later able to pass them, or the shot worked, I might not want to try it again with her.
The babies inside her are more than likely dead it has almost been 48 hours since thr first kit. At least she is alive and will get a good home.<br /><br />__________ Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:14 pm __________<br /><br />Oh and the c-section would have been 400 and after that she probably wouldnt be able to successfully have babies.
LindseysWoolies":2zg15ns8 said:
The babies inside her are more than likely dead it has almost been 48 hours since thr first kit. At least she is alive and will get a good home.

__________ Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:14 pm __________

Oh and the c-section would have been 400 and after that she probably wouldnt be able to successfully have babies.

Good thing they liked her. I wonder how many babies were in there.
I am sure they will let me know when they call.<br /><br />__________ Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:54 pm __________<br /><br />They just told me she passed another dead baby on her own so they gave her another shot hoping she pushes the last one out. This was 3 hours ago though. :(
LindseysWoolies":w6xu6e9s said:
I am sure they will let me know when they call.

__________ Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:54 pm __________

They just told me she passed another dead baby on her own so they gave her another shot hoping she pushes the last one out. This was 3 hours ago though. :(

Then, is she still your rabbit! :evil: They like her, so why didn't they operate? You were doing that good without them! Vets make me so mad sometimes. My boss was out of town once and they had a greyhound that went blind because her brain swelled (long story, she was exposed to weed killer).She was on steroids to keep her brain from swelling so she could see, but when bred could not be on the steroids, so went blind again. I saw the puppies moving and she acted like a female going to whelp and nothing was happening, so took her to the vet and they said she was not ready yet. I was so upset and my boss said just do what the vet said and I said she needs a C. section and he said to listen to the vet. I watched those puppies moving like crazy in her and then it all stopped and I told my boss they were dead and he did not belive me and when he got home he went and looked and took her to the vet and there were 8 dead puppies inside her. She could not have the puppies because she had been on the steroids. Anyway, I sure hope she will be okay.
Thanks. So sorry about your dog. :( vets are idiota sometimes. She is back home with me. She still has one kit inside but after she rests a little i am going to work on her like i did when she had the giant kit.
She has been receiving calcium at the vet but I am going to crush up tums and syringe feed it to her.
So sorry to hear that beautiful doe is having so much problems. What a stressful ordeal for you as well. Know how much you enjoy your JW's. Actually all your rabbits. Hoping she passes the kit soon.
