It's been several years since I've been active here. I joined initially to glean the experience of those who went before me into the world of rabbits. I had a long-term plan to eventually move out into a rural area once I retired and live a self sustainable lifestyle, building my own homestead. I realized that while I could learn much from reading, there was just no substitute for hands-on experience. So, after about a year of my membership here, I dove in and raised meat rabbits for a couple years while still living in the suburbs and still working a job. American blues were my choice. For several reasons, I had to eventually get rid of all that I had built. Fast forward to now, I have retired and purchased a small piece of land in the mountains of West Virginia with a house. I've started clearing space for a garden which will be expanded over the next few years. And I've drawn up my plans for my rabbitry which I hope to build later this year. I've done some preliminary searching for breeders near me to get back into raising a meat source. I have been unable to locate American Blues anywhere close enough, but I did find a breeder with a suitable meat breed. I think they were Chinchillas. I hope to be spending a bit more time here in the immediate future.