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Thanks, I will try those things. Currently she isn't nesting or anything and has some pinkish discharge. I still feel babies moving and there is noting stuck in the birth canal. :(
Well, at least they are still alive! :clover:

Depending on how desperate you are, and how hands on you want to be, there are a couple of things you can try if she will tolerate it.

This may sound strange, but I know it works for people at least. Stimulate her nipples by squeezing and rubbing them. She probably wont like it. (Ask me how I know.) It should throw her into transition, and bring on contractions.

Since you know there is nothing stuck, I assume you had a feel around in her vaginal canal. That can also stimulate contractions, so you may try gently probing her with your well lubricated pinky.

Good luck, Lindsey!
lol no just palpated her between her legs. I just bred her to my little otter buck hoping that would get things going. she was NOT happy about it. lol but when I tickled her tail she lifted up for me. silly rabbit
Massaging the belly can bring about labor, and I have bred the doe to induce labor as well.

I hope she'll be ok :)
Poor girl just pushed for a long time and produced nothing. I stuck my pinky in there and could feel it trying to come down but it was stuck in the birth canal. It wouldn't come out far enough for me to pull. She has since stopped pushing. :(
Uh-oh. :(

Try giving her a little molasses to up her blood sugar so she has the energy to push.

SkystheLimit has had to assist with births, so maybe she will have more ideas.
OK UPDATE! It's out!! I had to help, I rubbed vegetable oil down there because that's what I had and I massaged her and put a warm compress down, she pushed out part of the head and I helped pull the rest of it out. I hope that she pushes the rest of the babies out easily. I am thinking none of the rest will be as big as this monster :(
That is a HUGE baby. Like, woah. Is it so long because you had to pull it out, or what??

Glad she worked that one out, though. Fingers crossed that she'll deliver the rest swiftly and safely!!
So glad you kept at it and helped her! Sazuki is so pretty. What an ordeal for both of you.
Wow, what a huge baby. Know wonder she was having trouble. Hoping your doe delivers the rest easier than that one and all is OK with her.

Sorry you are having so much trouble :( My ND doe had the same problem, all the kits she had looked like that, all stretched out. I had to help pull them out because they were stuck. It took her a total of 2 days to have 4 kits, all dead.
Update. Still nothing! I am considering taking her to the vet. Do you think oxytocin would help at this point? I haven't seen contractions or anything since the giant kit last night and i still feel at least 3 more inside her.
I read not to long ago that Oxy will help but the doses were controversial. No one on the FB page could agree on the amount. I would go to the vet. Why take a chance with her. I would be so scared of losing her right now. So so sorry she is having troubles. Hope it all works out well for her.
Thanks. I am at the vet right now. She got the oxy and is having contractions again thank goodness. I really hope that she has thrm. Otherwise my choices are a c section or to put her down.
I hope she does okay, Lindsey.

I think the chance of recovery from a c section would be slim since she is already stressed from her labor over the past couple of days. :(

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