I love, love, love my Silver Foxes ... their personalities are so different from my English Angoras! Both are awesome as far as personalities and mothering ability, and my foxes give me 7-11 kits each litter! In fact, I have a litter of 9 that is right at 4 weeks old from a doe I bought from a lady in New Mexico and I bred her to a buck I got from a lady in New York LOL Yes, I have to have my stock transported to me, so I am buying sight-unseen and having to "trust" the breeder. But, I also spent 2 years joining groups and "talking" to breeders and watching what they posted before I bought. I also asked for a pedigree and bought based on the bloodlines in the background.
I can second the recommendation of Jo or Jeff Temm-Douglass (Whippoorwill Farms) as Jeff has amazing stock (3 purchases from him here) and he makes transport runs several times each year. I am also going to be boarding another Whippoorwill Farms buck for a friend and will be using him to breed a few litters too. I can also recommend Dawn Moore, Josette Boucher Schrader (both on FB) as excellent breeders (Josette is the breeder of my original herd buck

As for white spots, anywhere other than on the head between the ears is a spot that will not go away, but could have been caused by an injury. I bought a blue doe that had scarred hips from an injury ... nothing wrong with her genetics, so not passed to the kits. I do, however get a white spot on a kit or two each litter from the herd buck ... but these are a natural feature of the wild rabbits and should shed out when the junior coat comes in with the silvering. I do full disclosure on those and have a replacement herd buck now, so that will not be an issue in the future. His first litter is due next week and will begin the test breeding for white spots in the does.
It is sad that the blues didn't pass COD this year, but they have one more year before the COD passes to someone else. I also have a blue doe from Phil's son here (Javi's Hoppers) and she was haystaching yesterday, but no fur pulling or kits yet ... big storm coming in tonight/tomorrow, so she will probably kindle in the middle of that LOL She is also my largest doe and was the one that took the longest to decide she was ready to breed LOL If she gets any bigger, I will have to build her a larger nest box
One thing I have learned the past couple of years is that all breeding stock should be test bred for non-standard genetics IMHO ... too many people "breed for money" rather than for the betterment of the breed ... not that making money with rabbits is bad, but like what happened to american lines of german shepherds, rotweilers, and cocker spaniels, greed took over and the breeds are still paying the price with lethal/disabling genetics or temperment problems.
One contributing factor of the non=standard issues is, of course, the fact that the Silver Fox breed was almost extinct, so, at one point in time, new blood
had to be brought in (ca 1970's or so), and there were several other breeds that were used ... New Zealand is only one and that influence is lingering to this day.
I am on the list with Sandra Stark to get one of her long wooled SFs