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kinda long and involved, but
- I was born in June - Gemini - Roman Mercury - Greek god, Hermes - which associates with the 'caduceus' and to music, in the form of the 'lyre' and 'pan pipes'.
- I was born in the Chinese year of the Rat (the Chinese depict the Rat as being fearless at defending her children.)
So, caduceus, music, and rat = Pied Piper.
I had considered 'Mercury', 'firebird' or 'Phoenix', but Pied Piper could be shortened to just Piper, which I liked.
Also, messengers have been known to have suffered for the messages they have carried, even with the symbolic 'caduceus', I went with the Pied Piper, because of my birth year.
- So, to much information? :)
Not really much story behind my name... For quite some time I was addicted to a childish sim game, and everyone said it was my bad habit. I was looking for a new player name on that game, and tried Bad Habit, and it just sort of fit. I've been using Bad Habit online pretty much ever since. I call my rabbitry(small as it is) Bad Habit Rabbits, because once you get one, you're hooked, just like any bad habit.
I started out wanting to call my rabbitry TM Bunnyloft. T for teresa and M for Mike. Bunnyloft because the rabbitry is in a small barn with a loft which I would like to turn into a work shop for doing hides.

Well then talking to my husband one day not long ago I decided I would like to sell jams and jellys made from the fruits we grow on our farm. We are already raising chickens for eggs and meat, ducks, hogs, and rabbits. Next year I am extending my garden to sell veggis at the local farmers market as well. Our family and our church is also a very important part of our lives, So We decided to name our farm Four Gardens Farm, in reference to the four gardens of the Bible. Now to get that registered.
Devon is because of how gorgeous I think Devon England is. The w represents water because I like water, a lot....

Actually I lied I'm lame and couldn't come up with anything witty so I used my first name and the first letter of my surname.
SterlingSatin":3u6g0xlj said:
including a precious metal in the name made them sound more valuable :p lol
It does! :)
garden lady":3u6g0xlj said:
I did not really think I would be posting on this board or have baby rabbits to raise.
... and look at you now! Sucked into the RabbitTalk vortex! :twilightzone:
garden lady":3u6g0xlj said:
I want to start raising worms, so maybe I should be Worm Lady.
Garden Lady paints a prettier mental image. :mrgreen:
Piper":3u6g0xlj said:
Pied Piper could be shortened to just Piper, which I liked.
Piper sounds friendly and happy too. :)
Rexisbest":3u6g0xlj said:
Rex is Best was the obvious choice for me!
And it is oh so true! :D
Bad Habit":3u6g0xlj said:
Bad Habit Rabbits, because once you get one, you're hooked, just like any bad habit.
Also very true! :p
tm_bunnyloft":3u6g0xlj said:
We decided to name our farm Four Gardens Farm, in reference to the four gardens of the Bible. Now to get that registered.
I love it! :p Hurry up and register it since you've revealed it to everybunny in cyberspace! :gettowork:
DevonW":3u6g0xlj said:
Actually I lied I'm lame and couldn't come up with anything witty
:lol: You tell a pretty lie!
Hmm, well I have been enamored of dragons from an early age, but especially Anne McCaffrey's Pern dragons (mythological beasts, scientifically explained, gotta love it), encountered at age 14. When I began teaching art, dragons were a frequent subject, and my students started calling me dragonlady (for a time, after the movie, DragonHeart, but try getting THAT as a screen name); the first time I tried to use it as a screen name, AOL (I think) said it was taken, did I want to be #200something (I did not), so I tacked my name on, and it was NOT taken! So there it is.
dragonladyleanne":38okc005 said:
Anne McCaffrey's Pern dragons (mythological beasts, scientifically explained, gotta love it), encountered at age 14.

I "encountered" her work at the same age! My Sistah OAF is another fan. :)

dragonladyleanne":38okc005 said:
my students started calling me dragonlady

Are you sure it wasn't because you breathed fire when the class got out of hand?
garden lady":3l5273b6 said:
I want to start raising worms, so maybe I should be Worm Lady.
Garden Lady paints a prettier mental image. :mrgreen:

I change my mind :sick: :canofworms:
MamaSheepdog":37j4uaeb said:
dragonladyleanne":37j4uaeb said:
Anne McCaffrey's Pern dragons (mythological beasts, scientifically explained, gotta love it), encountered at age 14.

I "encountered" her work at the same age! My Sistah OAF is another fan. :)

dragonladyleanne":37j4uaeb said:
my students started calling me dragonlady

Are you sure it wasn't because you breathed fire when the class got out of hand?

LOL, possibly, though I had several students who warned others that they should be most afraid when I smiled, spoke very quietly but distinctly, and "got the mean eyes" :twisted: Apparently, when I am really angry, my upper eyelids disappear and my lower eyelids rise up. It helped that there was an odd underground room below the parking lot outside my room (an old plumbing access thing, I believe), where I told students I hid the bodies! One day, they filled the room up with red clay, and asphalted over it *sigh*

I sound evil, but really, I loved my students (even the ones I didn't like), and mostly only "went off" when they were being mean to each other, or did something incredibly stupid, like pour concentrated stopbath on their skin because another kid told them to do it! :shock: Glad the other kid didn't tell him to DRINK it!
I am Demamma becasue I have six children who would say "Why can you (fill in the space) and not us. I would say cause I am the DeMomma that's why. Adding a "a" instead of "o" was just to make it different less likely to be used. I am also known as Demammabear on some places. So don't mess with DeMamma.
dragonladyleanne":3ogotpwz said: pour concentrated stopbath on their skin because another kid told them to do it! :shock: Glad the other kid didn't tell him to DRINK it!
:lol: Reminds me of my chemistry teacher, when we were working with sulfuric acid. She stressed to us to add the acid slowly to water, and NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, and NOT FAST!

It seems that the previous year, she had made the same statements to that class. As she was walking around observing the experiments being conducted by the students, she passed next to one student right as he dumped water into the sulfuric acid. Of course, the acid immediately leaped from the beaker, and doused the teacher.

She ran for the shower, which was at the front of the room and was not enclosed (it was one of those emergency showers). As the water fell, diluting and rinsing away the acid, her clothes disintegrated.

She could laugh about it, but she was NOT ABOUT to have that happen again! :lol:

[/hijack] I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread. :oops:
I was in a hurry to ask a question about one of my rabbits and since I have been a beekeeper for about 30 years of which I was a commercial beekeeper for almost 20 years. So I decided to use Beekeeper and not knowing if there was another beekeeper here I decided to add the number 10 to it. Probably not the best screen name for a forum about rabbits and I think I will update my screen name in the future.
Beekeeper10, if you decide to change your screen name, please contact me and let me do it for you. It really messes things up if people just re-register under another username. It is also a good idea to include your old username in the signature line, so people can track who you are. Personally, I rather like your username... tells us something about what your other interests are. Bunny related names tell us nothing... We are all interested in rabbits here!

My own user name is soooooooo boring. I adopted it when I joined the
GardenWeb Farm Life forum back in 2003 when I first started with chickens. Maggie is my first name and the J is the first letter of my middle name.
"faiththequeen" started awhile back. Faith is my first name and I have 3 sons and someone once said to me that I must be the "Queen" of the house then. I LOVED it! And have adopted it ever since. It's on all my online stuff. Haven't thought of a rabbitry name since we just started, but it might just have to be something "royal." :)

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