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  1. C

    What color is this kit?

    This kit looks fawn or orange but with blue underneath? see its littermate which isnclearly orange or red with white belly and ears. Doe was fawn/orange, buck was orange/red. Not sure what.idore than 3 generations back.
  2. C

    What color is this?

    This lighter colored kit is a pleasant surprise. Mom looks Californian and carries dilute. Dad is supposed to b we a pedigreed sandy Flemish giant bred color correct. Is this orange or fawn or something else?
  3. C

    Biggest size of successful litter

    Hi! I am just wondering what your favorite biggest litter size? I just had a doe kindle 12 kits and she will be great. Her litters of 8 have been fat and fast growing. I had a different doe have 15 and she lost a few and we fostered a few. Those kits that were fostered are still much smaller...
  4. C

    How to get Mom to care for moved nest

    A colony doe had 15 kits in a burrow. I want to be able to monitor and we need to get the deep bedding out, so we removed the nest, placed it in a nesting tote and left it by the entrance of the burrow after we collapsed the burrow. The kits seem a little jumpy and noisy so I am not sure she...
  5. C

    How to get a litter with red blue white black and brown?

    Is this possible? I want to get a rainbow litter capacity. What genes would lnd thrmselves best to so many options?
  6. C

    What is this color?

    These kits are from three different litters. One is from a Siamese sable x REW. The two that look alike are from either chinchilla x REW or black x rew. The light colored kit looks like the sable chinchilla we got out of the doe's mother's last litter but it could be some variation of the...
  7. C

    Rabbit hiccups?

    Is this normal or something to worry about? It looks like hiccups. See video below.
  8. C

    New puzzle with red rabbit

    I bred a big red doe with a rew buck. Buck is 100% Flemish giant woth everything except Fawn in his 3 generation pedigree: black, white, light grey, steel, sandy... I have no idea what it sin this doe. She is 75% NZ and 25% Flemish. Her last litter was one kit, a chestnut with a light grey...
  9. C

    Animal Wanted Flemish giant in or near Maryland

    Hi! I would love a blue or fawn Flemish giant doe to breed with my Flemish giant bucks. I would even consider sisters or more than one doe. A friend is looking for bucks too.
  10. C

    Flemish Giant breeding

    Do giant breeds gestate longer? I have a Flemish Giant doe on day 35. This is the second time she did not kindle on time. She may have another less than good litter. Is it her breed that makes her wait? Or is it something I am doing? This time she had her pen undisturbed. Last time I had...
  11. C

    Which bucks and does?

    I have 2 does that are both 75%NZ 25% Flemish Giant. One is black and one is chinchila/light grey. Both had small litters a few weeks ago and I want to breed them again to get better numbers than 5 kits each. I have several bucks to choose from: A. Gold tipped steel NZ B. Light grey/chinchilla...
  12. C

    What comes from a siamese sable and a rew?

    Rew has black, light grey (chinchilla), black and sandy (chestnut) along with white. Siamese sable is a meat mut, so who knows what she could be hiding. I am intrigued to see their babies. I expected blacks, but instead we got rews and these lovely mystery (to me) colored kits. Pic doe as...
  13. C

    Animal Wanted New Zealand Red buck

    Hopefully someone not too far from Baltimore has some NZ reds!
  14. C

    Kit color help?

    What color kit is silverish with pink belly from 2 Flemish Giant NZ mixes that are chinchilla? This kit is lighter than the blue kits in the black doe's nest that were born the day before, and those blue kits have blue bellies too. This kit is silvery bur still has a pink belly. I am a softy for...
  15. C

    How to keep the red

    I have a red doe, very large. I like the color too. She is supposed to be 75% NZ and 25% Flemish Giant. I imagine the NZ was red, since she is flaming red. At any rate, I know that any rabbit color genetics are co.plicated, so my question is this: what do I need to breed with this doe to get...
  16. C

    WWYD? Singleton (or first kit) at bedtime

    One doe I expected to kindle today started to pull fur thid afternoon and has one fat kit that she birthed around 7pm. It is after 10 now, so I do not know if she will have more. I pulled 2 kits from another doe that had 5 kits today just to keep the fat singleton warm. In hindsight, should...
  17. C

    Animal For Sale BEW Buck and Broken BLue Torts

    I found some rabbits and agreed to buy them before I realized they were small breeds (unknown breeds, adults are between 5-6lbs). I ended up buying them as a favor to their previous owners who could not house so many rabbits, so I have 7 8week kits, their BEW sire, a few probably bred does...
  18. C

    Where do you find good bunnysitters?

    We fo on one vacation camping week per year or every other year for a week. It has always been an ordeal to find someone competent to watch the animals. A weekend is different since we can top off all the feeders and then the help just needs to do the waterers on the second day and we come home...
  19. C

    Kit size difference in same litter

    What is the normal difference between kits in the same litter? I realize we have a complicated situation with 2 does sharing a nest of now 16 kits (previously had been 18 or 19). I think the larger kits can potentially eat twice and edge out the smaller kits, so we have probabky a 400-500%...
  20. C

    NZ red x Flemish Giant Light gray

    I am excited to see what happens. This big red doe is 75% nz and 25% Flemish Giant, but no pedigree so I have no idea what is behind her. I tried to breed her to a REW but she chose my light gray Flemish buck, so I let her. I wonder what genetics will come out next month. Photos of the buck and...