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  1. ladysown

    draxxin to cure pasteurella

    so i ran across this article and can't really find anything else about this drug (could be I use bad search parameters). does anyone know if this has been followed up on? Would be nice if there actually was a cure for pasteurella.
  2. ladysown

    removing steel genetics

    So I bought in some unpedigreed dutch. SOMEONE has the steel gene in them, either the buck, or a senior doe but I'm not sure who. How do I track it down and remove it from the gene pool means what? Culling everything that could possibly carry it or just the rabbits that show it and not...
  3. ladysown

    Tricolour to tricolour should be tri (from experience) but....

    So i've been breeding tricolour holland lops like forever. :) Love the colour and just the fun of them. Normally if I breed tri to tri I get a litter of tri. but this spring I've had dark harlequins popping up in my tri to tri breedings and I'm finding it very curious. Out of a buck who...
  4. ladysown

    Studies on mortality in Easter Pets (bunnies/chicks)

    So a meme is going around saying that 95% of easter bunnies/chicks die before their first birthday. I asked a poster about studies that state this. Her basic response was Google it, it's true. I've googled. I can find NOTHING specifically about easter rabbit or chick mortality. I can't even...
  5. ladysown

    Smoke rabbit recipe please

    Looking at smoking a rabbit on the weekend. Hubsters is looking for a tried and true recipe. Nothing "hot" as I can't handle heat. But should you have tips, tricks, ideas for us to try that would be excellent.
  6. ladysown

    This kit.... it's colour different...

    So holland lop kit. Dad a broken chestnut out of a chestnut and tricolour. Mom a solid black out of a chocolate otter and sable magpie. This is the whole litter. broken chestnut and broken chocolate which I expected. Kit three.... not what I expected. Four pics. wondering if a black...
  7. ladysown

    Another unexpected

    My holland lops are predominately tricolour/chestnut based with a smattering of Chocolate. I used to have tort running through a bit but gradually winnowed those out as smutty fawns/tricolours was NOT what I wanted to have running around. This litter has surprised me a bit. Momma zesty is out...
  8. ladysown

    A tort was unexpected

    So I'm not big on genetics and have mostly learned what to expect in any given litter based on observations over the past 20 some years of breeding rabbits. So when I bred Gem to Bradley I expected broken black... with the distant possibility of solid black. Gem is a pointed white dwarf. Her...
  9. ladysown

    Animal For Sale Located Near London, Ontario

    four large breed rabbits. Were used in my meat rabbits program. I've decided I don't need to do large breed rabbits any longer. One unproven buck (Max), one unproven doe (marten), two proven does (Santini and Lilith). One of those does (lilith) won't be ready for another two weeks (her...
  10. ladysown


    So it's been in different parts of the states for a while, and in BC and Alberta, and now in SW Ontario. Those of us in rabbit clubs in Ontario have been somewhat frustrated by rescues continuing (in the affected area radius) continuing to sell rabbits and do meet and greets. We are equally...
  11. ladysown

    Home use Pellet Mills

    with the rising costs of pellets, I've been thinking about making my own pellets. my feed mill working hubster is convinced we could make our own pellets cheaper than buying ready made feed. Has anyone sussed out a NON-China source for a home use pellet mill?
  12. ladysown

    RVHD2 ...the threat

    Just curious as to how others are working through the threat of RVHD2. Living here in Ontario with Covid shutting down the border I'm not too worried yet. Knowing it's already in South Dakota has me thinking it'll be here by next fall at the latest... depending of course, on when the borders...
  13. ladysown

    Thinking outloud, wanting feedback

    Okay, so health in my rabbits is a big deal to me. I have for the most part successfully gotten rid of nestbox eye, odd digestive issues, stupidity, head tilt, and a seasonal losses in kits. WHAT I can't figure out is the seasonal loss of does with kits 10-14 days old. Seasonal loss... when...
  14. ladysown

    Apparently I am out of line

    So pet person contacted me "desperately searching for a pet bunny". Asked me tons of questions... I"m cool with that. Then she starts asking for a video, would I do a video chat? Wants me to do very specific things with a bunny to prove it is healthy and extremely friendly. I say no. I can...
  15. ladysown


    What exactly does that mean? , I take it as bottle fed and/or raised in house away from mom. But I'm not sure if that is what others mean.
  16. ladysown

    enlarged kidneys

    Okay, so I had this young rabbit, a daughter off a mother/son breeding. She was a picky eater, but otherwise seemed fine. She wasn't picking up so I culled her. Teeth were fine, digestive system emptier then normal but otherwise appeared normal. but her kidneys were significantly larger than...
  17. ladysown

    Comments on my four-five month old keepers

    Coal 3860 Light 3859 Pond 3858 I know they are better than their parents, but just wanting the opinions on others. the good, the bad... just a work in progress.
  18. ladysown

    Sable's Kits

    Siamese sable doe. Sable point buck. I know I have pointed white and sable points. In question are the greyish coloured one and the one on the end that LOOKS black but isn't. The middle dark one is a siamese sable.
  19. ladysown

    Colour on kits 10 days old

    (if you click on image it goes full size) I expected fawn and tort. I didn't expect light tort-like with a shiny coat. I've done this breeding before and have always gotten tort and fawn. Thoughts? Mom is a dirty fawn holland lop, Dad a tricolour (orange/black/white) holland lop