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  1. JAA

    Surprise this morning in the driveway

    He's all settled in now. He's eating as he should, comes to the front of the cage when we are around and he's figured out the water system.
  2. JAA

    best auto watering system

    Stainless, they didn't have brass in stock (wanted brass as I've always heard they last longer). I switch to crocks in the winter, it freezes hard up here in Canada.
  3. JAA

    best auto watering system

    I have 10 holes rigged with the system that uses 5/16 inch clear tubing. It works well, I check the valves every day during hot weather to ensure they are working well and flush the system every month with a vinegar water mix to keep the tubing clean inside or algae will start.
  4. JAA

    Surprise this morning in the driveway

    He is a buck! Only the neighbours on our west side and the people directly across from us know we have rabbits.
  5. JAA

    Surprise this morning in the driveway

    My neighbour called this morning to say that a white rabbit was loose on our driveway in town. My wife and I ran outside quickly thinking that someone had broken into our garage during the night and let our NZW's out but that wasn't the case. There sat a REW mini rex. I opened the garage...
  6. JAA

    Keeping Cool

    Mine are kept in the garage. The garage is in full sun and is not insulated. Just had a litter born 3 days ago and every things going very well. All my rabbits seem fine. The highest temp had been 95 inside, all I do is run a box fan and keep a window open.
  7. JAA

    how to convince rabbits to check out water valves?

    When I switched to nipple drinkers I just took my crocks out. I touched the end of the nipples to make sure there was a drop of water on it. The rabbit got thirsty and curious. All 5 of my adult NZW's were using the new drinkers by the next day.
  8. JAA

    Questions about my meat litter

    They average about 2 lbs. I would want mine to be heavier than that by 7 weeks. I know on forage they don't gain as quickly. If it was my decision I would move the young from their mother and feed them pellets and BOSS to so they would gain quicker. I guess it just depends on how soon you...
  9. JAA

    Growout pen help!!

    With 2 breeding does you should have lots of room in a 6 foot grow out pen. As the young are only for meat you don't need to separate the sexes. You would be killing them by 10 weeks I'm assuming so male aggression shouldn't be a factor.
  10. JAA

    When to butcher Florida Whites?

    Weigh them. If they are 4lbs I'd eat them. If they are not wait a couple weeks.
  11. JAA

    If you could or do breed year round

    I breed back 11 days after kindle. Wean kits at 4 weeks. I haven't been doing this for a very long time but so far things are working out just fine.
  12. JAA

    Overnights in the yard?

    I breed my NZW at 5.5 months. I know others who do as well. If you wait too long the does have a tendency to get a bit fat and are harder to get bred.
  13. JAA

    Let's talk about nesting boxes...

    Why not build a plywood box hinged top so you can open it when ever you want? Just put a hole in the end so they can get in and out and a few hole in the sides for air.
  14. JAA

    32 days - No Kits Update - WE HAVE KITS!

    Mine seen to pull fur about 30 min before they kindle. I also would wait a bit longer. If there is nothing by 37 days I breed again.
  15. JAA

    Start to finish...Processing Video.

    Great job, now I see a few easy things I can do to speed thing up a bit. Thanks.