Keeping Cool

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Active member
Jul 7, 2013
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Southern Ontario has had some hot and humid days!

I've tried putting a cold water bottle in with my pregnant doe but she doesn't lay next to it. I've found if I rub an ice cube on the buck and does ears then absolutely love it.
I am in S Ontario, Hamilton area, and my rabbits don't seem to have a problem with our heat. I get litters year round and when I tried giving them ice bottles the just ignored them or chewed them and flooded the floor.

I do use ceramic floor tiles as rest spots so they can get off the wire.
On extreme days, we give the buns a box fan, but for the most part they do just fine in their colony in a shed. We have lots of shade for them. I've given ice bottles in the past, but they seem to enjoy the fan more. I'm near Lake Ontario too, about 100 miles east of Toronto.
Mine are kept in the garage. The garage is in full sun and is not insulated. Just had a litter born 3 days ago and every things going very well. All my rabbits seem fine. The highest temp had been 95 inside, all I do is run a box fan and keep a window open.
Mine are kept in the Meals On Wheels trailer which if parked "Now" under a big white oak tree and the sides/front/back are open. I keep it under trees in the summer so it will stay cooler. There seems to be a breeze often. I have the trailer powered by solar so I only run the fans on the warmer days and the fans are on timers.

(This is a Winter Photo) ... 9d3095.jpg