Using tanned pelts

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Mackay":8uxxkrui said:
Can't you divide them into batches and dry one batch at a time, leaving the others soaking until your ready for them?

__________ Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:21 am __________

they are in separate buckets, about 6-9 per bucket, about 4 days apart. Still I have to hang 6-9. I hadn't really thought it through before I started.

__________ Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:44 pm __________

mystang89":8uxxkrui said:
Do you have a garage or barn? That may be what I end up doing with mine, hanging them in the garage. I don't know if the barn/garage would get them dry enough or if there would be any smell. Just trying to throw some things out there :)

I don't have a garage, and the dogs stay in the barn at night, which isn't a very dry place either, very dusty and dog hair covered (dog side) so dripping wet stuff hanging is not a good place either. The dogs are everywhere but in the house.<br /><br />__________ Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:48 pm __________<br /><br />The entire house is carpeted. Except the postage stamp sized kitchen. So not my choice but technically it's not my house. Where ever they go, it's going to be a big drippy mess. I cut open feed bags to put on the living room floor when I salted the hides, but I was afraid my mom (landlord) would show up and find the pelts all over the floor!!!

i think I have a clothing rack, I could put them in the tub to drip dry there.
They make a clothes drying rack out of wood dowel. You could start them drying in the tub till they are done dripping. Then you would be able to move them any where you like after just a few hours. :)

And it folds flat when not in use so you could store it easily when not in use. They sell them at walmart cheap.
Ill see if I can find a link.<br /><br />__________ Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:59 pm __________<br /><br /> ... k/15819208 ... e/15627443 ... k/15104314

All are cheap enough and pretty light weight. :)
tm_bunnyloft":46ztzinn said:
They make a clothes drying rack out of wood dowel. You could start them drying in the tub till they are done dripping. Then you would be able to move them any where you like after just a few hours. :)

And it folds flat when not in use so you could store it easily when not in use. They sell them at walmart cheap.
Ill see if I can find a link.

__________ Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:59 pm __________ ... k/15819208 ... e/15627443 ... k/15104314

All are cheap enough and pretty light weight. :)

I have one from college.

__________ Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:31 pm __________

And it is day 10. Longer time in the pickle makes it harder to flesh, not easier. The alum does not make the flesh come off, it turns the skin/flesh rubbery, and not I can't get the flesh off the buck without taking it outside and scratching it against a rock.

I soaked another 10 or so odd pelts in salt, waiting for more alum, and the flesh was easier to get off. Maybe I will do that form now on.

The smell is starting to get to me too. With the current temps, the process will probably be complete in another 10 days or so, and I hope to be completely done by Thanksgiving.
skysthelimit":2cpvzutx said:
I have four german shepherds, so nothing can go outside. I also have a damp, moldy basement, so they can't go there.
I put mine on pant hangers and hung them on the shower curtain rod.... :) You cannot "wring" them out, but you can squeeze them out. Starting at the top, squeeze with your fist, move your hand down, squeeze again, working your way from top to bottom. Then, lay on a towel, roll the towel up and twist the rolled up towel to extract even more moisture. Then, hang them on the pant hangers and there should be very little if any can also put tennis balls in the dryer instead of tennis shoes.

__________ Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:44 pm __________

skysthelimit":2cpvzutx said:
The smell is starting to get to me too. With the current temps, the process will probably be complete in another 10 days or so, and I hope to be completely done by Thanksgiving.

To me, it smells like processed lunch meat while it is processing.... :sick:<br /><br />__________ Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:48 pm __________<br /><br />
skysthelimit":2cpvzutx said:
And it is day 10. Longer time in the pickle makes it harder to flesh, not easier. The alum does not make the flesh come off, it turns the skin/flesh rubbery, and not I can't get the flesh off the buck without taking it outside and scratching it against a rock.

I soaked another 10 or so odd pelts in salt, waiting for more alum, and the flesh was easier to get off. Maybe I will do that form now on.

Did you only add more alum? If so, that is likely why. You are supposed to add salt and alum together, that is what makes it work.
Thanks for the drying tips, will do . I did add a second cup of salt with the added alum, and the flesh is not falling off, it's pickling too. I've never had this much flesh on a pelt before. And it does smell like lunch meat, I hate lunch meat.
I am really sensitive to smells so I am probably not a good candidate for processing pelts. I think Its the wooly breeds for me. :)
It depends on the smells. Also this is the first time I have tanned this many pelts at one time before.
Mackay":34hcyxys said:
Someone said to brush the fur aside as you sew. I started thinking that if you taped the fur down with that blue tape they use for painting (home depot)it might be helpful. Its not very sticky and should come right off with hardly any fur loss.

If while you're sewing (fur sides in) you just sweep the fur away from the seam, it is really easy to do as you go. I'm impatient so I wouldn't want to take the time to tape stuff down.
So the pelts seem ready,and I started drying them. Here's what they look like before they are stretched. Some parts are white because I tend to stretch them a bit while I flesh them. The skin is dark, and still slightly wet, as I pull and stretch, the pelt turns white.


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denimangle":3daykg3j said:
Wow this does look like a job . how did they all come out any new pictures of the mittens you made

Just pelts so far.

I blotched the other batch, waiting on the Alum to come in I left them in the salt soak too long. Fur pulled right off. I should have just put them in the freezer, but I did not think it would take that long to get here.

The silver fox turned out the best!
MamaMandy":2er8haly said:
I have been considering rexes for meat and wondering if there is much profit to be made from their pelts too? I'll be interested to see what you get for them on ebay.

__________ Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:15 am __________

Also, if someone is allergic to rabbits would the finished products bother them? Might be a silly question...sorry.

if It helps, I am very allergic to rabbits, and Rex fur doesnt really bother me!
denimangle":1b5k2eks said:
Sky sorry you lost your pelts thanks for shareing

I will be more careful next time. I'll post picts of the ones that turned out right.
It's the guard hairs that shed the most so Rex are great for tanned skins as they don't have any long guard hairs. The texture of tanned Rex is like sheared beaver furs.
Hi, I have been doing a lot of lookin around for methods of tanning so far the the best i have found is quick and easy good finished product you can print out instructions"God gave each animal enough brains to tan its own hide" I have a draw knife that can be used as a flesher make sure what ever you use is not very sharp. A draw knife may be a little big for a rabbit i have not been able to use it on one. also has links and instructions on other methods of tanning. I like to find the most natural way to do thing. also its one less thing you have to put money out on and uses one mor thing that you would have to throw away. love all the info, really want to know the diffrence in the product with the methods. :)
I am not interested in handling any brain matter. That was always the worst part of dissection for me, I could cut up anything else, but the brain was gross. I did it last year for the middle grades at my school, and it's not an easy feat to get that brain out of a rabbit skull. Also, I'm tanning in my bathtub, I don't want that mixture in my house.

Alum tanning is very simple, no mess. Just pour the alum and salt in and stir. I like natural, but this is as natural as I am going to get with tanning.