RT Unconventional Convention Entry Form

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Some of my entries aren't the best but I entered anyways. I figured quite a few would be not looking well also.
That's what I thought of mine to lol. but there are no shows here in my area so I gotta do a show somewhere lol.
It's so much fun even if I don't place or nothin I am just doing it for the fun:)
Northwinds Rabbitry":24bie5c5 said:
And few of mine are melting aswell ugghhh right when something good comes along lol one was so bad I took pics and stuff and I was like no no i can't do it lol
Same here I am so excited to see them all etc etc:)

Yours aren't satisfied with molting; they have to melt, too?! :lol: Must be quite a sight!!! Pix, please... :wink: (yeah, i know; just a typo, but a fun one!)

My guy has been neutered, so not eligible, I think. But still beautiful to me.

Big Daddy 1.jpg

Now known as Parsley Graybuns, both for his favorite food and his...ah...good looks! :wink:
:clap2: Aaahahhahahahahahah that is to funny.
It's my device that changes the words if it thinks they are wrong arrrrrr lol
I mean I guess she could be melting cause she's loosing all her hair lol
To to funny<br /><br />__________ Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:37 pm __________<br /><br />Nice rabbit by the way:) what breed??
He's an American Chinchilla (the medium size); he weighs 11.56 lb, according to the scale at the vet's office. And he absolutely *snatches* parsley out of my hands! :D I use it to lure him into the cat/rabbit carrier when we change his box and pick up the messy hay he's "redecorated" his ex-pen with.

No lure is needed to get him back into his ex-pen home; he loves it there.

But, since the Animal Control people neutered him, I'm pretty sure he's not eligible for breed-specific showing. Now, if we have a "Pet" class.... or a "Makes vegetables disappear as if they were paper in a shredder" class, I'm sure he'd place very high! :)
Hahahahahahaha I have a nz giant cross buck and he does the same thing he Is always hungry like you can't feed him enough and he devowers an apple and carrot in minutes lol at least he's not the only pig rabbit cross lol
Any updates on this or have I missed something?
We had a few entries, but we never got judges for all of the breeds, as far as I know. :(

I did make the threads for each breed, and Miss M has the pics...