Really applicable to meat production? Beyond The Pellet: Feeding Rabbits Naturally

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Jan 1, 2025
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Hi all. I'm all about raising animals more naturally but I was curious if anyone has implemented these methods successfully for meat production. I raise dairy goats, egg layers, meat chickens, sometimes ducks, pigs and whatever else I'm forgetting all out on pasture/wood with rotational grazing so I do believe in it, but I'm new to meat rabbits so I'd like to hear the input from experienced meat rabbit producers on how this worked for them. I'm sure that growth rates are slower but how much slower, and how does the meat quality differ?
Really enjoyed the book. We feed lots of Willow, Apple and Raspberry branches but Hay and a controlled amount of pellets are the main diet. We are propagating a bunch of Willow right now to plant in the spring, the rabbits go crazy for it.
Do you think the book would be useful for a person that lives outside of north america? I read very mixed reviews but couldn't figure out if it goes more into the native/wild plants you find in USA or more into store-bought crops that can be found everywhere
Sure, all information you can learn is useful. You don't need to follow their ideas 100%. Just take from it what you can and try to implement things that you can make work in your rabbitry. I'm sure there are tons of local crops in your area that could be fed to offset some food costs. for a $13 book I think it was worth while reading it.

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