Genetics question

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Dec 20, 2024
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My Sable doe has given birth to 7 lovely mini lops this morning. Annabelle is a dark sable, mainly black and then brown along the sides. The buck is a fawn colour. I went research crazy with genetics but then can never be 100% sure.

First question is what do you think their genetic coding would be?

And second , what are the likely baby outcomes? They look quite a mix! 😊 thanks


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Being Siamese sable, Annabelle will be aaB_c(chl)cD_E_.
Your buck appears to be a Vienna marked fawn, with a lot of white Vienna markings. This would make him A_B_C_ddee and with the Vienna added, Vv.

As you can see from the _ underscores, information about what other recessives they may carry isn't known, so it's not easy to guess the offsprings' colour, but I would think Agouti (Chestnut in the USA) is the most likely. Some will have some white spotting from the Vienna gene.

Black is possible if the Fawn carries self, a. Opal and blue may appear if the Sable carries dilute. Depending on that the Fawn has on the C locus, you might get REW, sable, or sable agouti. You could potentially get Orange if Annabelle carries non-extension, e.
Not an expert on that gene at all, but the buck also looks dutch banded to me, maybe? Do you happen to know the colours (better yet, have pictures) of their parents?
Could you also add a picture of Anabelle viewed from the side?
Not an expert on that gene at all, but the buck also looks dutch banded to me, maybe?
The Vienna gene can give white markings that resemble Dutch, but they're separate genes; the similarity occurs due to the way pigment cells migrate from the neural crest in the embryo. The gene is named after the first recorded Blue-eyed White breed, the White Vienna (pic below) which isn't recognised in the USA but is well known throughout Europe, first appearing in 1907.

It is a dominant white spotting gene with enormously variable expression - one copy of Vienna gives a coloured rabbit with white markings, anything from a few white hairs on one toe, or a white toenail, through to a white nose snip, a blaze, or a pattern that starts to look Dutch. Selective breeding can increase the amount of white, The eyes may also be blue, either fully or with sectoral heterochromia. Two copies of the Vienna gene produces a blue-eyed white rabbit - the markings have spread to cover the entire animal.
Not an expert on that gene at all, but the buck also looks dutch banded to me, maybe? Do you happen to know the colours (better yet, have pictures) of their parents?
Could you also add a picture of Anabelle viewed from the side?

Ice Cream & Annabelle.JPGdad seal point.jpgIMG_3153.JPGIMG_3176.JPG

Hi, here are some more images of Annabelle, she is quite a dark sable and changes colour when shedding. Her dad was the seal point in the photo and mum was a blue smoke.
The Vienna gene can give white markings that resemble Dutch, but they're separate genes; the similarity occurs due to the way pigment cells migrate from the neural crest in the embryo. The gene is named after the first recorded Blue-eyed White breed, the White Vienna (pic below) which isn't recognised in the USA but is well known throughout Europe, first appearing in 1907.

It is a dominant white spotting gene with enormously variable expression - one copy of Vienna gives a coloured rabbit with white markings, anything from a few white hairs on one toe, or a white toenail, through to a white nose snip, a blaze, or a pattern that starts to look Dutch. Selective breeding can increase the amount of white, The eyes may also be blue, either fully or with sectoral heterochromia. Two copies of the Vienna gene produces a blue-eyed white rabbit - the markings have spread to cover the entire animal.
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Yes Ice Cream is a Vienna gene carrier i did also think he was broken but from the litter it looks more maybe just vienna although they are only a day old so hard to tell! His mum and dad are shown here. Mum was a harlequin so some interesting genes going on :) Ice Cream mum and dad.jpg
From the one photo, the fawn rabbit looks like he has a bluish eye:
1738844280590.pngThat would not be expected from a broken pattern, which would have a brown (dense color D_) to grayish brown (dilute color dd) eye, so I'm going along with Vienna marked as well, which will often give one or two blue eyes to a Vienna marked rabbit.

I've found that nestbox newborn colors are often the best way to tell color. Chestnut rabbits are usually born black with white inner ears, while self black rabbits are black with dark inner ears. Chocolate agouti are born chocolate with white inner ears, self chocolate are chocolate with dark inner ears. Opals are born blue (mid gray) with white inner ears, self blues are blue with blue inner ears. Lynx are born light chocolate with white inner ears, self lilacs are the same shade but with lilac inner ears.

Spotting shows up at birth on the skin, whether harlequin, tricolor, Vienna marked or broken. 1738844920712.png

White, ermine (frosty), Himalayan (pointed white), fawn, orange, and tort all are born pink. Within a week the hair will start to emerge, and you'll be able to tell white-coated from yellowish coats. By a week to ten days the points will start to show, so you can tell a self tort from an agouti fawn. When the eyes open at ten days you can be sure between an ermine with gray eyes and a Himi with red eyes. Red rabbits will also be born pink, but will be a darker shade of pink.

I've not raised sables, but I understand the color will look a little 'off'. The black will not be quite as black. Sables go through a variety of color changes before settling down to their final sable color. @Alaska Satin has a great illustration of the color changes on the thread at
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These were the 4 babies from the previous litter. Dad was chocolate Tort I believe.
Okay, that helps! We can fill in some of the blanks on Annabelle's side. She carries chocolate, as one of those babies is choc tort - and I suspect her sire may have been Choc Point rather than Seal Point as his points are very light. She also carries non extension.

Her dam would have been Smoke Pearl rather than 'blue smoke' - Smoke Pearl is a sable with the dilution gene, so in effect a blue sable.

This means she is aaBbc(chl)_Dd_Ee.

It still means you should expect Agouti, but other colours are possible such as Opal, Orange, Fawn, Tort, Blue Tort (called Beige in the UK) and possibly self black and blue. Depending on what your buck has on his c-locus you may also get sable, smoke pearl, frosty point, blue frosty point, seal point, blue point.
Ooh, nice selection!
It's early days but I think you have what may be a smoke pearl, an orange/fawn, sable agouti, sable, tort, harlequin/magpie, and black. Those are just guesses on my part, and others may have better guesses. I'm fairly sure of the orange/fawn, and there's definitely a tort and a harlie/mag (unless it's a very white-marked Vienna).
My computer was playing up so it wouldnt let me type with the photos but they are the 7 babies. Please can you confirm my guesses?
1. Lynx - They have a white/pink tummy.
2. Not sure yet but i can see a pink arm so maybe not white.
3 Opal - They had a white/pink belly
4. Chocolate self, colour in ears and on belly.
5. Not sure?
6. Some sort of Harlequin there are two shades of colouring plus pink.
7. Blue self. I think that one had coloured tummy.
My computer was playing up so it wouldnt let me type with the photos but they are the 7 babies. Please can you confirm my guesses?
1. Lynx - They have a white/pink tummy.
2. Not sure yet but i can see a pink arm so maybe not white.
3 Opal - They had a white/pink belly
4. Chocolate self, colour in ears and on belly.
5. Not sure?
6. Some sort of Harlequin there are two shades of colouring plus pink.
7. Blue self. I think that one had coloured tummy.
1. This is the one I think maybe smoke pearl, as it's very pale and bluish. Lynx could be possible but it needs both parents to carry chocolate. If it has colour inside the ears it won't be an agouti based colour.
2. There's a slight orangey glow on the head which says orange/fawn to me.
3. This one's a self based colour as the ears are coloured inside. A light belly could indicate sable.
4. I reckon sable. These are born looking bluey/browny but not as obviously chocolate as chocolate is.
5. Orange/fawn/tort. Again, the orangey glow on the head.
6. I did think Harlie at first, but might be a Vienna with a lot of white. I can't work out the base colour yet.
7. I don't think that's blue, to me it looks possibly black, or could be dark sable.
1. This is the one I think maybe smoke pearl, as it's very pale and bluish. Lynx could be possible but it needs both parents to carry chocolate. If it has colour inside the ears it won't be an agouti based colour.
2. There's a slight orangey glow on the head which says orange/fawn to me.
3. This one's a self based colour as the ears are coloured inside. A light belly could indicate sable.
4. I reckon sable. These are born looking bluey/browny but not as obviously chocolate as chocolate is.
5. Orange/fawn/tort. Again, the orangey glow on the head.
6. I did think Harlie at first, but might be a Vienna with a lot of white. I can't work out the base colour yet.
7. I don't think that's blue, to me it looks possibly black, or could be dark sable.
Thank you! I find it so fascinating. I will post again in a few days when some more fur has come through!
Good Morning. An update on Annabelles babies as their colours start to emerge. Unfortunately we lost the little black one this morning so we now have 6.

1. Passed
2. Harlequin the dark areas look more chocolate/lilac in reality against light fawn. Ears are coloured not sure if that means the same in a Harlequin. Where would this gene have come from? Dad is Agouti fawn who had Harlequin in his parents however if he is fawn wouldnt his coding be ee and not eje?
3. Black or blue tort - colour in ears and obvious dark areas.
4. This is another small one so im not sure they will survive but they are a very rich chocolate in reality so still looks like chocolate self to me.
5. White ears and tummy so im still going with Opal?
6. Has some shading but also has a white tummy, ears and white round is eyes so looks more orange?
7. This baby has light ears and tummy, could be white or just lightened its hard to tell yet as light in colour overall.

Please can you let me know what you think now their colours have come through a bit more and what genetic coding this leads to for the parents. Just a reminder of the parents Genetics we originally thought.
Annabelle - Sable - aaB_c(chl)cD_E_VV We now know she has chocolate and tort so aaBbc(chl)cD_EeVV
Icecream - Fawn - A_B_C_D_eeVv
If those genetics are right for the E gene where has the Harlequin come from?

Thank you as always i appreciate the time you take to explain the colours and genetics. Its quite complex but im slowly getting there. :)
I'm a bit too sleep-deprived to go in-depth, but I think I can help with some details

-E is puzzling. You need both parents to have e for torts (or oranges) to appear, but one of them must have ej for the harlequin to be there. It may be that Icecream is actually a harlequin and the vienna marks are just hiding any darker areas. Icrecream's dad seems self-based and that would explain the self-based kits, so that gives AaB_C_ddejeVv for icecream
-For #4 to be chocolate, both Anabelle and Icecream need to be Bb. I will let someone else give their opinion on this.
-I don't think #6 is orange. That one looks tort to me. I like that that one is sticking their leg out in both pictures :p
I'm a bit too sleep-deprived to go in-depth, but I think I can help with some details

-E is puzzling. You need both parents to have e for torts (or oranges) to appear, but one of them must have ej for the harlequin to be there. It may be that Icecream is actually a harlequin and the vienna marks are just hiding any darker areas. Icrecream's dad seems self-based and that would explain the self-based kits, so that gives AaB_C_ddejeVv for icecream
-For #4 to be chocolate, both Anabelle and Icecream need to be Bb. I will let someone else give their opinion on this.
-I don't think #6 is orange. That one looks tort to me. I like that that one is sticking their leg out in both pictures :p
Thank you for replying especially when sleep deprived. Funny the breeder of Ice Cream did say she was expecting him to show some patches so your theory could be correct.

I took some more photos in better light this afternoon.

1, Harlequin - not sure if this photo shows better. I'll post the photo separately if it needs to be bigger but the dark areas do look chocolate. Do we think this would be an Agouti based Harlequin or Self based?
2. Tort, dark ears and obvious shading. Is this a Black or Blue tort?
3. Still looks really chocolate to me, tummy looks full colour and ears are dark. What is the other option?
4. He looks blue, has white ears and belly so far so still leaning Opal.
5. I can see what you mean about tort, it was only because this one seemed to have white inners, white around eyes and a white belly but could this just be a blue tort and the other a black?
6. This looks like lilac from my other litters apart from the tummy does seem light and the ears also. I am noticing a darker head though now?

If you think closer up pictures of photos of tummys/different angles would be helpful let me know i have quite a few lol



The bottom row is today.
1. Tort Harlequin? his dark areas look chocolate.
2. Black tort?
3. I'm wondering why we dont think that Icecream has a recessive chocolate gene. The 3rd bunny is very chocolate, all over, no lighting of ears or tummy. Only white spots are on his head and pink nose.
4. This one has photographed dark but hes blue with white ears, belly and around the eyes/ Fawn is starting to come round the eyes. Opal
5. This one is confusing me a little as the body does look tort. The ears are light, belly and around eyes plus the underside of his tail.
6. This bunny looks to have light ears and light tummy and lilac in colour so im still sticking with Lynx ?

Group shot showing them next to each other!
They are so cute <3

1. Tort Harlequin? his dark areas look chocolate.
Tort and Harlequin are two different things that can't happen at the same time. A tort is aa_ee, while a harle is anything solid plus ejej or eje. This one seems to be a chocolate harlequin.

2. Black tort?
Seems like it!

3. I'm wondering why we dont think that Icecream has a recessive chocolate gene. The 3rd bunny is very chocolate, all over, no lighting of ears or tummy. Only white spots are on his head and pink nose.
Oh, sorry, I think that was a misunderstanding: I don't doubt he can be Bb! I just don't have much experience with chocolate so I didn't want you to take my word for it. I do think for what I know that baby #3 is chocolate and both parents are Bb.

5. This one is confusing me a little as the body does look tort. The ears are light, belly and around eyes plus the underside of his tail.
I am kind of confused by that one as well. In the first pictures it looked tort, on the recent ones I'm weighing more orange. I've had a litter of all oranges and some of them looked way darker/splotchier than others on the first two or three days, but they ended up all looking the same, so it may just be a thing with them.

For #4 and #6 I don't have enough experience with those colours to weigh in a way or another :(
Thankyou. I think as hes gets bigger and more colour it will become clear! He could of course be a Vienna marked blue or chocolate/ lilac tort as his legs look white too. He does look quite orange from the side view though right? lol


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