Weighed some growouts & moved 4 to cull cage. Culling 6 tomorrow.
11 had 4, crushed them. Ffs!
Unnamed doe's kits decided to start a yelling match. So, for awhile, I just watched 2 day olds fighting, cursing and flailing With each other for no reason. Mom shoved her head under the feeder and pretended to dissappear! Hah.

I'll have 5 empty holes soon and kits moved to other moms until weaning.
managed to keep freckles clean, until yesterday. She laid in pee/poo and is now red. Ugh, wtf.

Had to move that big group out. They all need a bit of a sponge bath.....
Cage got scrubbed, the hair!!! Then bleached and scrubbed again.
Last, reworked water and raised feeder. Then Jessi kits got weaned and moved in!
They'll move with the left over Tanya kits in the big 5ft cage outside tomorrow. Other grow outs will move in with them when ready.