$418 in the red. Plus 60 in bun sales.
Currently $358 in the red.

Cut up more mulberry branches.

Very mixed pen...5 litters. Freckles kit, Quin kits, the fosters Quin had, Yynx kits, Unity kit.
That should be all of them...

Culls waiting. Castor should be leaving Saturday. One buck might be leaving tomorrow. Then rest will be culled.

Cocoa kits. Crazy mom eating all hay and fur....Refilled & put kits in the cage to explore.

Currently $358 in the red.

Cut up more mulberry branches.

Very mixed pen...5 litters. Freckles kit, Quin kits, the fosters Quin had, Yynx kits, Unity kit.

Culls waiting. Castor should be leaving Saturday. One buck might be leaving tomorrow. Then rest will be culled.

Cocoa kits. Crazy mom eating all hay and fur....Refilled & put kits in the cage to explore.