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There is one here called Hobarts, I just haven't gotten home early enough to get there yet. I was hoping to get it asap, so I tried Walmart, but I will just have to wait till Saturday.
Does Flax seed cause gas in rabbits like it does in people? I had someone make me a smoothie once and she put a bunch of ground flax seed in it. About two hours later, I thought I was going to DIE from the pain! Sure would hate to do that to any of my rabbits....
tm_bunnyloft":22frv4nt said:
People should use flax seed sparingly and start with a very small amount moving up gradually. I think your friend may have given you way to much to begin with. Next time tell her to just give you a pinch.

Flax seed is so good for so many things.....
http://voices.yahoo.com/does-flaxseed-c ... html?cat=5

Yes, she was used to putting a couple tablespoons of it ground up in her smoothies and she made me one just like hers! :explode:
OneAcreFarm":jj291t8j said:
she put a bunch of ground flax seed in it.

Therein lies the problem. It may have been intensified by the fact that it was ground instead of whole flax or by a particular sensitivity on your part to flax. It's great stuff... but you need to ease into it.

I use flax seed whenever I am on a low-carb diet. It helps regulate and it is so high in good fibre without much in the way of carbs. I did start fairly slowly with it, because I was unsure about it and caution seemed sensible... but I never had a problem.
my 3 year old grand daughter is vegetarian [by her own taste. rest of the family are omnivores] and she LOVES flax seed. We by the 4 pack case by Bob's red Mill from Amazon. You can get that for $17.00 if you do the subscribe and save & then the shipping is free! She eats it by the cup with a spoon :stirpot: Since she is gone until next summer & I have a 1/2 gallon jar left from when they were here. I've started using it for the bunz. I called the local feed store and they have 20 lb. bags for $16. The bunz are gobbling all I give them so looks like I may be buying the 20 lb. bag. Wait til I tell her that her favorite bunnies love flax seed as much as she does :pancake:
I got the flaxseed. Trying to figure out how to feed it, seeing it looks like it's just going to fall through the metal feeders. I'm going to change to EZ feeders soon anyway.
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":178kj78y said:
skysthelimit":178kj78y said:
I got the flaxseed. Trying to figure out how to feed it, seeing it looks like it's just going to fall through the metal feeders. I'm going to change to EZ feeders soon anyway.
great.. I save up my tuna cans and use them . They will fall through the metal feeders.

I don't eat tuna, perhaps I will start. I do have ramekins from last winter. Since flaxseeds are the only seeds/grains I am feeding, do I put them by themselves in the crock, or start putting their pellets in the crock. That might make for a deal breaker.
I bought flax yesterday also. I am tempted to make some type of "biscuit" with rolled barley, oats, flax, maybe lentils, salt, etc. I usually "wing it" when I cook, but not when I bake, so I'll need to do a little research for recipes that are similar. Yeah right... :roll: oatmeal, flax and lentil cookies, anyone?
I started my rabbits on the flax last Thursday and all are doing well on it. I feed in dishes so I sprinkle the flax on top. They eat it up and seem to love it. Im wondering if it will sprout with the other seeds I plan to sprout, and if it will work the same.
skysthelimit":39mdi126 said:
Since flaxseeds are the only seeds/grains I am feeding, do I put them by themselves in the crock
If you dont they will dig out the pellets get to the flax.. I dont know of any rabbit that dosnt eat it. I dont put my seeds or oatmeal ect in with pellets. I dont want them to start scratching food out. I say tuna so you have a idea of the size of can that i use. They also come in flakes of ham , turkey, chicken ect. or sardine cans.. if you have cats or dogs .. buy some and empty the can to the animals if you dont like it.<br /><br />__________ Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:39 pm __________<br /><br />
tm_bunnyloft":39mdi126 said:
Im wondering if it will sprout with the other seeds I plan to sprout, and if it will work the same.
I cant see why not. GIve it ago and see.
The bag I bought said to sprout it, so I might try that too.

I mixed the BOSS and the oats in with the pellets and never had a problem, except the wire feeders had bits of oat hulls stuck in them.
I don't want to add to the labor I already have by having to open 35 cages. Maybe I'll just feed it twice a week.
Yes they will dig it out. Both of my bucks are now digging their feed because I sprinkled the pellets with it. oOPS

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