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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2010
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I'll share the story.... On the other side of that door is the stall where the calves come in for shelter. To get to it, you have to walk over a high door ledge, then down five stairs and through a gate. The gate latch had come undone and he somehow made his way up the steps and through the door into the other part of the barn. I walked out there to check on the water for the pigs. He and I saw each other at the same time and startled the heck out of each other. I'm not sure which one of us jumped higher!! LOL
But Mom I can't clean the garage. There's a monster behind the door!! There is too a monster in the garage! I swear it! It black and hairy and big as a cow!! Really!


Darn! They're coming! Toss the shovel and get behind the door, quick! False alarm? Ok, start digging and I'll keep watch. We'll be outta here by morning.
Hey Guys! The coast is clear, a full bag of boss and an empty dance floor - Let's have a party!