Hi, I am Julia from the UK, I am happy to have found Rabbit Talk.

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I think this is wild ... my litter of 16 NZ kits are reaching 100 days. 14 are girls. I am wondering what your girl-to-boy ratios are.
Do you think this is a one-in-a-million or pretty normal?
They were bred on the February full moon.
I had 1 doe that gave 1 and then 2 bucks out of 7 kits, last litter 2 out of 5, Other doe 7 bucks, 3 does out of 3 litters total, rest is more around a 50/50 balance. With different bucks by the way, yes it will average out in the long run, but there will be does that give doe or buck heavy litters, just as there are bucks that give more of one or the other.
I chalk the why of it up to compatability of genes per pairing.
Statistics just say every animal has X% chance of being A and X% of being B and that applies to all possiblities individually and per individual animal.
I keep meaning to post some photos but my set-up keeps growing and growing.

I have gone from one tunnel for my breeding does and now have another 2 "flop houses" one for bucks and one does who are being raised as a colony that can see each other but are separated by wire in the middle. Me and Mr NZ have been working on it all year. Sadly, freezer camp is around the corner for the inmates because I have another 17 to accommodate that are now at Week 4 and getting bigger every second.

The 100-day brigade will be thinning down very soon. Worryingly Mr NZ is very attached and not keen on me stocking the freezer. He has become a devoted bunny dad, I am not surprised, he is one of those folk that animals just seem to love.

The tunnels are totally wired all the way around and have a tarp roof and sides that can flap up or down depending on the weather. Bun shelters include planters with holes cut in and cat litter boxes I have found in charity shops stuffed with hay from my field. The hay feeder is a laundry basket. Flooring includes a stable mat, that is easy to clean, my old pig troughs for long pellet feeders and a tyre full of sand for digging around. I also have a few tubes for them to hide in. It has been quite the investment and my holidays for the next few years will be sitting in the flop house watching the buns.

Just as an aside - I thought 'Flop House' was a good name. As a little person I loved a story called The Flopsy Bunnies by Beatrix Potter - she wrote Peter Rabbit and gave a generation of children a love for rabbits that has recently been re-kindled. (Tee-hee) So while I am on the puns, a flop house is also a word for a doss house or place to kip, but in my field occupied by my own lovely flopsy bunnies.

Super happy I started this journey, I am having great fun. Long may it continue.
I breed Argentes in Wiltshire, black (Champagnes) and Hubert's (Agouti).
I just had a litter a week ago.
I like your polytunnel idea :)
Hi @Sisi, Wiltshire is a beautiful county. I visit sometimes because the company I work for has a head office near to the White Horse. Your wee bunnies look beautiful. Yes, I love this website too. The moderators have been incredibly helpful and there is a wealth of information to explore.

Polytunnels are working out well but we have yet to take them through the autumn winds or the winter weather. At the moment I am cautiously positive. Mr NZ has been pegging the bases down with 30cm rods. I think the stable mats will keep the structures down in the worst of the windy weather we can expect. Even so, I will be super anxious when we get our first big storm this year.

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