I hadn't guessed the litter colors for a reason. This one needed a day or two for the colors to come in.

The other kits look to be a broken blue, a broken black, and a chestnut.
I haven't done ANYTHING with ej or tri colors. Lets see if I can figure this out...
...the MR doe is a broken harlequinized chestnut with a color-crossed background.
She had a self black parent, I think. I took a glance at her pedigree but I didn't purchase it because she really wasn't typey enough for me to consider her for a MR breeding program, or selling her for that purpose later. I just wanted her for mutts. With the kits she threw, she must carry dilute and self.
Is this correct?
Aa B_ C_ Dd Eej Enen
The V-lop buck is a REW who is genetically a broken black carrying dilute. Since he threw a kit like this, I guess he must have non-extension as well.
aa B_ cc Dd Ee ENen...I think.
And the kit would be aa B_ Cc dd eje ENen ? Those dark ear tips make me think it's torted, and thus a genetic self..
So..the color would be dilute, torted tri?