Anyone's litters picture thread!

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Mini-rex are always SO cute!

My velveteens are growing fast! Looks like they will all be curly kits. Oh well. Lots of cute pictures forthcoming. :)
I thought this one was a charlie at first, but now I'm thinking it might just a broken with a spot pattern instead of a blanket patten.

I haven't really done much with brokens, and have had none with spot patterns before.
So I'm not too familiar with it.

What do you guys think?


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They will get even more cute before they are done...and then the curls should turn into rex coats...for a while. Maybe they will get a few curls back later in life...who can say?
My senior v-lop doe has had a curly backside and wavy neck fur for over a year now. :shrug:

Anyway, we're back to having long eared Shar-Pei kits. This kit is not wrinkly from being underfed, I promise. It actually weighed in 3/4th of a lb yesterday at 13 days old.



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Awwwwwwwww!!! SO cute!!!!!! :D
I can't wait until my babies are born! (ONLY A FEW WEEKS LEFT TO GO! :D)


Blessings! <br /><br /> __________ Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:45 pm __________ <br /><br /> have ND'S!?!?!??!?!? :p I've been looking for some everywhere!!! Do you live in WA?
Iowa. I have some relatives in WA but they don't come here too often.
Umm... Surprise!? The litter was planned but...

I don't have a buck who can throw all these colors with that doe...well, I thought I didn't.

I'm seeing a lilac, 4 blue, 2 chocolate, and 2 black based kits. One's a chestnut. Any of the self looking kits could be steels, because the doe carries a copy. The doe is a lilac colored mutt _a bb C_ dd EsE

The father is supposed to be a chestnut colored 1/2 SF 1/2 "chinchilla colored meat rabbits." (one of the only mystery rabbits in my herd)
As far as everyone knew, that breeder's SF lines didn't have dilute or chocolate. :?

I do have an opal buck out one of my lilac mutts that could have thrown the blue and lilac based kits. Didn't think I put them together...I mean, maybe one got out of their cage, and somehow reached the other's hanging cage... It would be unlike me to mate them and forget. But, I suppose I could have forgotten to record important details, like mating to a second buck....maybe.. :oops:

It still doesn't explain those chocolates. An opal and a lilac could only produce dilute colors. They MUST have come from the chestnut buck that I mated her to.

Maybe that breeder picked up some color carrier SF lines without me knowing?

Well, here's litter #3. I still owe MSD two more. :p Took longer than I thought, but I'm working on it! This is what I want my litters to look like, but with more agouti, less self and steel. Once the self rabbits are gone, I'll be able to keep better track of the steels and I'll probably still work with them.


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Your turn for a mystery rainbow litter. My buck wasn't supposed to have chocolate or dilute but most certainly not nonextension.
Chocolate is a bit more unusual in big meat rabbits than it is in the smaller breeds. But SF do have it, and I did sell a few chocolate carrying SF when I was getting out of them. Maybe it's my own lines back to haunt me...
I got chocolate from a champagne and sable point from an american sable :shrug:
WAAAAAAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :singinrain: :mbounce: :rotfl:
I agree with Sagebrush, those are some seriously cute kits!

I have an update on my current agouti-foxy litter.

I decided that my opal buckling must have fathered the blue and lilac kits, and my chestnut must have fathered the black, chestnut, and chocolate based kits. Because an opal buck cannot throw chocolates or blacks with a lilac colored doe. I'll just assume the SF lines that my chestnut buck came from carried chocolate. He was purchased from another breeder, so I don't know his lines as well as I do my own.

I've read a study that indicated junior bucks average smaller litter sizes than fully mature bucks. I wasn't sure either was really ready for the job. (But the doe still laid down nicely for them) I think...I must have been desperate to get some kits and put the doe in with both jr bucks. I'd say oops, seems to be a success. I have nine healthy looking kits!!! I only remember seeing the chestnut buck finish, so I recorded him as the father. It seems the opal was more successful! I'll have to track the growth rates to see if one buck's kits grow faster than the others. :D


Notice the SEVERE SHORTAGE of agouti pattern kits, despite both bucks being agouti pattern? They were the only two bucks I had (except the v-lop, who stays in the house), possibility of a third buck being involved here. What should be 50% agouti or steel is closer to 10%. If this was one or two times this has happened, I'd call it luck, but these ratios have been consistent for a couple years with no odd litters of normal ratios to offset the balance. I'm always excited to see ONE agouti patterned kit...or a visual steel. As far as I know, none of these rabbits have non extension. I've test bred sporadically for non extension colors and haven't ever seen any of these lines turn up non extension kits.

The doe carries one copy of steel from her SF sire. And none from her test-bred-steel-free Lilac mother. None of the bucks have steel (obviously, because they are visually agouti patterned)
I think I might be struggling with the Ed steel gene. Which would make more of my steel kits look like selfs. Some of these kits might still show me some steel ticking later, but...don't count on it. Oh well...that chestnut kit will carry both dilute and chocolate and is visually free of steel. If only it grows well, has a foxy coat, behaves docilely, and breeds willingly with good mothering instincts and no aggression if it's a doe. Yeah...progress has been SLOW. :roll:

The v-lops are growing too. I think I might have some of the cutest and perhaps the world's ugliest kit in one litter.


I'm calling him Igor


Oh, and I went ahead and re-named the thread so that it didn't sound exclusive to newborn kits!
Igor needs an appointment with the Hair Club for Men.

I actually don't think he is as ugly now as he was when it was only his head that was bald. :?

But if I didn't know better, I would think he had the worst case of fur mites ever... and if you get a visit from Animal Control, you know he will be the poster bunny showcasing your awful husbandry. ;)
MamaSheepdog":3lxvb7hc said:
Igor needs an appointment with the Hair Club for Men.

I actually don't think he is as ugly now as he was when it was only his head that was bald. :?

But if I didn't know better, I would think he had the worst case of fur mites ever... and if you get a visit from Animal Control, you know he will be the poster bunny showcasing your awful husbandry. ;)

And I know we've both culled rabbits for lesser infringements upon the requirement of having the appearance of perfect health. ;)

I've allowed this one to grow out of curiosity. I need to understand exactly what is going on genetically. I just do.

I'm over on facebook right now trying to convince v-lop breeders that selecting FOR this trait as some kind of genetic shortcut to getting better rex coats is both unnecessary, and a disaster waiting to happen. :roll:

Who would make their kits more vulnerable on purpose when it's not necessary? I can see why the curl people work with them, since there is some sort of genetic link there, but there is no call for v-lop breeders to actually favor this trait. :slap: If they want to get their breed passed, they need to put the work into getting good rex coats without shortcuts that could compromise the health of their litters.

It kind of reminds me of ND breeders favoring Max factor...
Zass, I have a broken black steel Mini Lop if you want to borrow him for a mutt breeding.... bring the doe you want to the show in Turlock, CA on February 28, and I'll bring my buck lol. I got 2 Black Chins out of him (the doe I bred him with was Black Chin), a Self Black (Not sure if he was self black or the hidden steel? Maybe you'd know.), and a Broken Black ST Steel.

The buck's pedigree has 1 Sable Steel, 1 Broken Black ST Steel, 3 Black GT Steel, 3 Black Chin, 1 Broken Chocolate Chin,1 Chocolate Chin, and 1 Chocolate.

The doe's pedigree has 1 Broken Seal, 2 Broken Chocolate, 1 Seal, 1 Broken Lynx, 1 Chocolate, 1 Sable Steel, 1 Opal, 2 Cream, 1 Broken Chocolate Chin, and 1 Broken Lilac.
Bandits Bunny Farm":31wphoou said:
Zass, I have a broken black steel Mini Lop if you want to borrow him for a mutt breeding.... bring the doe you want to the show in Turlock, CA on February 28, and I'll bring my buck lol. I got 2 Black Chins out of him (the doe I bred him with was Black Chin), a Self Black (Not sure if he was self black or the hidden steel? Maybe you'd know.), and a Broken Black ST Steel.

The buck's pedigree has 1 Sable Steel, 1 Broken Black ST Steel, 3 Black GT Steel, 3 Black Chin, 1 Broken Chocolate Chin,1 Chocolate Chin, and 1 Chocolate.

The doe's pedigree has 1 Broken Seal, 2 Broken Chocolate, 1 Seal, 1 Broken Lynx, 1 Chocolate, 1 Sable Steel, 1 Opal, 2 Cream, 1 Broken Chocolate Chin, and 1 Broken Lilac.

Thanks for the offer :) I would LOVE an excuse to travel back out that way. It's been a LONG time since I've seen the Pacific.

Velveteen lops were created from crossing English lops to standard rex and mini rex. Right now, the best out cross for my rabbits would probably be to a mini rex to help bring the size down some, and maybe create a line without the hair loss genes.

I wasn't going to work with purebred v-lops, but the their personalities (and the challenge) are really calling to me :D
Bandits Bunny Farm":3oa82xuk said:
I was talking about your lack of steels in you SF mixes. And I do have mini rex's but no steels

I thought you meant for the lops. :oops:
Steel was just a milestone towards agouti colors for me, because my Sf were all genetic super steels who couldn't throw chestnuts.
I'd originally planned to get visual steels from the super steel SF, and then breed them together for the 25% chance of steel free agouti colors.
They never threw enough visual steels to really work with when crossed to visual agouti rabbits.

What I ended up doing was breeding my best growing supersteel chocolate and dilute carrying SF buck to my super great tempered awesome mother Lilac to produce a a few self based 1/2 SF does with (hopefully) excellent mothering traits and only one copy of steel possible. At least, they have good personalities.

I manged to produce a few steel colored 1/2 SF too, like the lilac GTS I like to show off. And a chocolate GTS I produced last winter. It's slow with how fussy I am about brood stock, but it's worth it because I really like every rabbit here.

If your ML buck was within driving distance, I'd have been delighted to see what he threw with some of my girls.