This is my first litter from my pedigreed tri rex buck. The dam is 1/2 rex so the kits are 3/4 rex. This is her third litter. First litter was 9 and all were rex furred except 2. The second was 13 and I culled 2 runts right away and unfortunately lost the third runt to getting pulled out of the box but only 3 of them were rex furred. You just never know how the dice is going to roll. I think this litter is 13 as well.
The dam is a lightly marked magpie (cchd c) and it looks like there are no REW kits in the litter so I'm going to assume the sire is CC. Looks like I have several tri's as well. There was a chance of dilute in this litter as the dam is also Dd and the sire had a chance of carrying dilute as well however, I didn't see any evidence in my quick perusal. I am really excited about this litter. I hope a couple of the dark harli's are rex furred and does... I'll wait a few days and post some more pictures. I really don't like to mess with them to much as this age. I worry they waste energy popping around unnecessarily.
Momma: She holds her weight when nursing a litter better then some of my other does and is only slightly behind on growth.

I have a torted tri doe due today as well. I'll post pictures as soon as she kindles.
__________ Sat May 07, 2016 8:54 am __________
And here is a bit older litter. This litter is out of my rex coated mutt doe. She had 11 and has raised them all. I was a bit worried after only 4 of her last litter lived but I guess that was related to bacteria in the nestbox since it had a wood floor. I replace that with wire and this litter has been fine.
I've also kept the 3 does that lived from that litter. I figure if they lived maybe they are resistant to bacteria.
The sire of this litter is my lilac pedigreed rex buck and the dam carries non-extension, chocolate, and dilute so lots of color.
__________ Sat May 07, 2016 8:56 am __________
I missed one in this pic it was at the water bottle. <br /><br /> __________ Sat May 07, 2016 7:25 pm __________ <br /><br /> And the torted harlequin kindled this afternoon, only six. I'm not too upset about that though since she was really young, only 3 months 28 days when I bred her

. I thought she was a full month older and didn't realize my mistake until I was entering it into my records. Also, her dam and grand dam have both had smaller litter to start and have both ended up having 10 at a time. I am going to foster over some of the magpies kits. Turns out she had 14 not 13. Think they can both raise 10? :mrgreen:
Anyway here are the torted harli's kits.