A few questions on making a Harlequin New Zealand?

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GBov":zhovdo5r said:
First, I am so sorry your post got eaten!

And second, I have now learned that the Charlie Brown teacher noise can be heard with my eye balls. :shock:

Its going to take me many many many readings to, perhaps, start to understand.

Good thing I am determined!

LOOOOOL i had to look that up on youtube :laugh2: dear god XD

I wish i could 'help' you any more with this, let me know if i can

On the other hand, you described your doe with several colors, she might actually be a tricolor (harlequin with the broken gene)
So if you breed her to your red buck, you will only get kits with with her genotype since red (non extension) is inferior. :cool:
Disney, I was thinking the same thing. If it's the tri color gene, then everything is there to work with.
Disney: :secret: With you having such a handle on genetics would you be willing to someday do a post on it that RT could possibly make into a sticky?
That way people on here could easily refer to it to learn from? Maybe? :up:

:mbounce: PLEASE :mbounce:

__________ Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:59 am __________

Oh but if you do, please tape your cord to your laptop to avoid your cord unplugging. :)<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:05 am __________<br /><br />I believe this is the best harlequin explanation I have gotten so far. I think I have it figured out finally. Not my thread but thank you!!!
tm_bunnyloft":1ez2d1nb said:
Disney: :secret: With you having such a handle on genetics would you be willing to someday do a post on it that RT could possibly make into a sticky?
That way people on here could easily refer to it to learn from? Maybe? :up:

Awh i'm so humbled thank YOU :D

I was actually thinking of a thread like this.. would be helpful for many members to check it out and help pointing it out for them.
But i'm not sure how i would go about doing it and if i'm the right person to do it, there are other members here who would do a better job than me.

Let me think about it :ugeek:

A "guess the color" game sounds like fun too but kinda :roll: lame at the same time :lol:
LOL Well I figured if someone was willing to start it then others would join in and help. And I would bet if it were well done the RT team of admin and mods would be more than happy to sticky it. I am noticing I'm not the only one new and really interested in learning the genetic side of things. I think if it were in a thread where we could then ask questions and all in one thread it would be an awesome resource for me and others like me. A thread called genetics?

Sorry for getting someones thread sidetracked. :)
tm_bunnyloft":dfqta00s said:
LOL Well I figured if someone was willing to start it then others would join in and help. And I would bet if it were well done the RT team of admin and mods would be more than happy to sticky it. I am noticing I'm not the only one new and really interested in learning the genetic side of things. I think if it were in a thread where we could then ask questions and all in one thread it would be an awesome resource for me and others like me. A thread called genetics?

Sorry for getting someones thread sidetracked. :)

Side track away!

How about a thread on the genetics of each color or the most common ones? So a main thread called genetics and then it breaks down into each color?
I'm interested in learning the genetic side of things too, even if it does make my head spin! :twilightzone:

What does each pair in the gene sequence stand for? Do some stand for fur type, such as Rex or Angora?
tm_bunnyloft":2g548jbb said:
LOL Well I figured if someone was willing to start it then others would join in and help. And I would bet if it were well done the RT team of admin and mods would be more than happy to sticky it. I am noticing I'm not the only one new and really interested in learning the genetic side of things. I think if it were in a thread where we could then ask questions and all in one thread it would be an awesome resource for me and others like me. A thread called genetics?

Sorry for getting someones thread sidetracked. :)

I'm almost certain there is one somewhere.
MamaSheepdog":jtfrf8i5 said:
I'm interested in learning the genetic side of things too, even if it does make my head spin! :twilightzone:

What does each pair in the gene sequence stand for? Do some stand for fur type, such as Rex or Angora?

Jup, the gene (allele) code for Rex coat would be

R = normal coat
r = rex coat
Rr = normal coated rabbit carrying rex
rr = rex coat, needs to be present 2x in order to show itself since its recessive

The angora coat i don't know but works in the similar way as Rex and double mane.

skysthelimit":jtfrf8i5 said:
I'm almost certain there is one somewhere.

I looked for it and stopped at page 6.. i think i'm going to start one soon, a fresh and clean one :)
Disney":3twwpc70 said:
Jup, the gene (allele) code for Rex coat would be

R = normal coat
r = rex coat
Rr = normal coated rabbit carrying rex
rr = rex coat, needs to be present 2x in order to show itself since its recessive

The angora coat i don't know but works in the similar way as Rex and double mane.

OMG, I think I understand! :p Well, one tiny part of the mystery that is rabbit genetics, that is. :lol:
GBov":16oqc1ar said:
Disney":16oqc1ar said:
Jup, the gene (allele) code for Rex coat would be

R = normal coat
r = rex coat
Rr = normal coated rabbit carrying rex
rr = rex coat, needs to be present 2x in order to show itself since its recessive

The angora coat i don't know but works in the similar way as Rex and double mane.

OMG, I think I understand! :p Well, one tiny part of the mystery that is rabbit genetics, that is. :lol:

Yayy! :D Ofcourse you do, you'll get there eventually :cool:

skysthelimit":16oqc1ar said:
Disney":16oqc1ar said:
I looked for it and stopped at page 6.. i think i'm going to start one soon, a fresh and clean one :)


Idk why but i can't stop giggling now
Disney":1lhl470w said:
Jup, the gene (allele) code for Rex coat would be

R = normal coat
r = rex coat
Rr = normal coated rabbit carrying rex
rr = rex coat, needs to be present 2x in order to show itself since its recessive

Okay- but I don't see any of those letters in the gene sequences referenced. So what does the first pair, second pair, etc. signify?
See a nice new WONDERFUL thread on Genetics. It is a grand idea. Most of the stuff I find tells about color but very little on coat type and so on. And very little explaining harlequin, magpie and tort. Which really interests me because I have a little project of magpie rex going.
MamaSheepdog":2x4eatwf said:
Disney":2x4eatwf said:
Jup, the gene (allele) code for Rex coat would be

R = normal coat
r = rex coat
Rr = normal coated rabbit carrying rex
rr = rex coat, needs to be present 2x in order to show itself since its recessive

Okay- but I don't see any of those letters in the gene sequences referenced. So what does the first pair, second pair, etc. signify?

You mean it's not listed in the A/B/C/D/E series? (sorry english is not my first language and i still struggle sometimes)

The basis make up of a rabbit is first and fore mostly determined by the A/B/C/D/E series, but there is also the additive of several more genes who can play a role.
The Vienna / Broken / Wide band / Rex / Angora / Lutino - genes, etc.
If any of these genes are present, then you add it's gene pair to the end of the genotype.
Example: AabbCchlddEe Enen Rr = broken cinnamon agouti dilute Rex..
aaBbCCddee Vv = blue tort vienna marked
If the additive genes are absent, you just ignore them and go only by the A/B/C/D/E series, since they are the foundation of the genotype.

Identifying an individual's rabbit genotype is the main key to learn about it's gene pool, what it carries and passes on.

If this is not the answer you were asking, pls let me know.
Yes Disney is right, most of the time the genes for coat texture are not dealt with, because most rabbits have normal coats of the four types of coats--normal, wool, rex and satin,

There are four types of fur that rabbits can have, normal, rex, satin, or wool.
Out of the 45 different American breeds of rabbits, 36 have normal fur. http://www.rabbits.amberwiseman.com/fur.html

It's only when you start messing around outside of the normal fur, that thinking of those genes is important.

Then there are some genes that are absent or so rare in a breed, that most people who deal with one or two breeds never see them. The likelihood that I will every see a vienna gene in a Rex is nearly non existent, unless is it crossed somewhere off the pedigree. So there are some colors I don't even deal with.
New question...... If I happen to get a Harlequin(black and red) what color would be best to breed it back to to keep getting the harlequin color? Asking because from what I gather there is a possibility of getting them when I cross my magpie with my castor buck. Then i would want to breed back to a self Rex to get my rex coat. But what color self?????

There just isn't enough info on harlequin and magpie out there to suit me..... :)<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:30 pm __________<br /><br />Once I have it all figured out genetically and make it a reality in my herd then I will surely put the information out there for other people who want to work with these colors.
tm_bunnyloft":2s5yhosv said:
New question...... If I happen to get a Harlequin(black and red) what color would be best to breed it back to to keep getting the harlequin color? Asking because from what I gather there is a possibility of getting them when I cross my magpie with my castor buck. Then i would want to breed back to a self Rex to get my rex coat. But what color self?????

There just isn't enough info on harlequin and magpie out there to suit me..... :)

__________ Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:30 pm __________

Once I have it all figured out genetically and make it a reality in my herd then I will surely put the information out there for other people who want to work with these colors.

You will only get harlie in the first gen if that castor carries non extention or harli.

http://gardenshedbunnies.weebly.com/bre ... olors.html

You really don't want a self Rex. Red is the only color harlie is dominant over (red is not actually self, but agouti). Castor carrying red or harlie next, then tort if you can find it ( tort Is self displaying non extension) ,or anything else you can find that carries harile or non extension. Try to avoid crossing back to self, depending on what you want, you get torted harlies, and the color will fade, the bright red color you want from harlies is found in castors.<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:56 pm __________<br /><br />When Disney starts the Genetics thread, I'm thinking each locus should have it's own thread, name A- thread, B series--

Or maybe Agoutis-, selfs-, shaded- dilutes-?
tm_bunnyloft":32u3fh2i said:
New question...... If I happen to get a Harlequin(black and red) what color would be best to breed it back to to keep getting the harlequin color? Asking because from what I gather there is a possibility of getting them when I cross my magpie with my castor buck. Then i would want to breed back to a self Rex to get my rex coat. But what color self?????

Depends on what your Castor buck carries beside his full extension gene E_
Did this buck ever throw Orange's or Harli's before? If so, those kits will give the answer to what he carries on the E-locus.

So IF your Castor buck does carry harli 'Eej' or tort 'Ee'
Then there is a 50% chance of that recessive matching up with your Magpie doe's Harlequin gene and resulting Harli kits.

Moving on, IF you get Harli kits and you wan't to breed it to produce more Harli's.
Then any rabbit who DOESN'T carry the full extension gene will do, because it cannot dominate the Harli gene and therefor contributes to the Harli gene showing up. To be more clear, i'm talking about any of these genotypes: ejej, eje or ee
Harlequin being harlequin and carrying harlequin (ejej)
Harlequin carrying tort (eje)
tort being tort and carrying tort (ee)
Avoid the 'E' gene which is full extension and hides both Hari and Tort.

You can also breed the Harli male kits back to the Magpie mother :)

Edit: oh i see Sky already posted before me, hihi<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:58 pm __________<br /><br />
skysthelimit":32u3fh2i said:
When Disney starts the Genetics thread, I'm thinking each locus should have it's own thread, name A- thread, B series--

Or maybe Agoutis-, selfs-, shaded- dilutes-?

Should i start a thread for every one of them? Or all in one?
I'm thinking each one, it would be easier to read only the gene one is looking for.

the A series...a tutorial.

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