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  1. B

    Starting to hate rabbits

    OK thanks oh and I've heard apple cider vinegar is good for them why??
  2. B

    Starting to hate rabbits

    I'm pretty sure the doe isn't a buck but she is pretty young so meybe we'll wait a month before trying to breed her and the smell is now completely gone what I did was turn the air on high and open the door and i t got the smelly air out :D and I think the buck is too fat we freefeed them should...
  3. B

    Starting to hate rabbits

    OK I think it's the setup that makes it hard we have them In a garden shop in a huge dog cage devided in twoso meybe there's not enough air circulation, and for the poo we have a poo pan they poop in as for their personality the doe is a mulebrained knucklehead but the male is super sweet but...
  4. B

    Starting to hate rabbits

    OK so here is the the problem this is our first couple of meat rabbits we've never done rabbits before and I think we'll be getting rid of them :explode: -/-( :fridge: they are not breeding and they rip up my arms when I pick them up, they stink x :shock: they eat to much they are a lot of...
  5. B

    allergy ball 2- successful solid food

    Awww good luck hope they do well :congratulations: :mbounce: <br /><br /> __________ Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:08 pm __________ <br /><br /> Oh and maybe you could put hot water bottles with them to help them along if they are weak
  6. B

    Quail questions I'm a newbie

    Well they won't be on wire what we made was a chicken coop where in has a chicken house and a little door inside a big door that lead into an outside fenced in area but will they lay them inside or outside :mrgreen:
  7. B

    Quail questions I'm a newbie

    But if I give them a nesting box will they lay them there? <br /><br /> __________ Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:57 pm __________ <br /><br /> But if I give them a nesting box will they lay them there?
  8. B

    Quail questions I'm a newbie

    coturnix <br /><br /> __________ Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:55 pm __________ <br /><br /> Will they ley eggs in a nesting box if you provide them with one?
  9. B

    Quail questions I'm a newbie

    Oops uh how do you delete a post?
  10. B

    Quail questions I'm a newbie

    So we where wanting to do chickens but then I started reasearching quail and now we're going to do cortnix quail :lol: we're still touching up the coop but I needed find out how many nesting boxes what size and where :mrgreen: oh and we will be raising them for meat so we might have like 20 at...
  11. B

    Litter trained to her food bowl

    The feeder I use is a 7" bottom feeder w/lid that what the label says on it and I don't know how to post a picture
  12. B

    Litter trained to her food bowl

    How do I post picture?
  13. B

    Litter trained to her food bowl

    I noticed that my doe's food dipenser didn't really go down like the buck's food dispencer and the food at the bottom looked funny so yesterday I dug in the food dispensers tray and all the pellets where mushy I smelled them and they reeek of pee to I took all of it out and put fresh pellets in...
  14. B

    Newbie needing helllp here

    Oh OK ya I didn't think he was ready but just in case if they did breed while I wasn't watching is 80° to warm for a pregnant doe?
  15. B

    Newbie needing helllp here

    Hi I'm a newbie me and my family wanted to raise meat rabbits so we got to standard Rex rabbits a doe and a buck I want to breed them as soon as possible and the breeder told us how to check the doe to see if she's ready to breed so I've been checking her daily and today she was ready so I put...