allergy ball 2- successful solid food

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Jul 17, 2010
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Don't go there.... We were talking kittens. Someone said they have a 4 week old they are barely keeping alive and no one could take it. They then said they were feeding it by eye dropper. A 4 week old should be able to start on moistened food.... When we got to their house and she pulled out a weak, slightly cold kitten my heart hit my stomach. That is not a 4 week old that can survive without heating and eat well. Allergy ball #2 is 7.9oz, ate 3 droppers before getting distracted, and is now sleeping on me. I might not keep it but with all the necessary supplies sent with it and another kitten to interact with it for now I have another torti.

Everybody wants to help

Awww good luck hope they do well :congratulations: :mbounce: <br /><br /> __________ Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:08 pm __________ <br /><br /> Oh and maybe you could put hot water bottles with them to help them along if they are weak
Oh, what a cutie-pie! She's beautiful! :p

I'm so glad you have her now. She needs you and she'll love you. :D
The person said the kitten had been constipated for 2 days and passed some stool today. I massaged it's stomach after feeding got it to burp and just now it started crying and I found it had expelled light colored lumpy liquid all over. It really smelled. It came off a little green on the paper towel. The stomach doesn't seem as round. I think they rubbed it to help it eliminate until it is raw. It screams if you touch it's tail or any of that area. I cleaned it up. It was still crying so I tried to feed it more but it refused. I rubbed it's stomach and it burped again but still kept crying. I walked around all over looking for more fabric to use in it's nesting box and it slowly got quieter. I put it back in the box and it has stopped. I think it just has a horribly upset digestive tract. I think it got fed while too cold and stimulated to eliminate wrong. I have it at a good temp now. I'm not sure the cause or level of concern of what it is passing? Wow did that stink. I had to remove everything but the bottom layer from the box and washed my hands twice.
as someone who handraised a little of 5 kittens from guesstimated 4day olds... feeding a little quite often: most people get into it and realize what a huge PITA this is and force the kitten(s) on people or ditch em.. or just try to give em a couple big feedings which isn't good for the tiny things. tiny kittens need stimulated in order to potty: people almost never know this and end up with a lot of 'I cant figure out why they died' stories or getting a very bad off kitten. this also needs done quite a lot and people either don't at all or don't do it nearly enough and can cause a lot of issues. small as allergy ball 2 looks and what you wrote.. I would guess lack of feedings/ enough feedings or the correct milk or substitute and probably 'oh its big enough' and they stopped stimulating it and it hasn't gotten the right workings yet for regular poops, so the nasty smelling poo etc you wrote would be back up and basically fermenting or something inside the body. I read about it specifically elsewhere with baby animals ages ago and cant remember the terms used...

in better hands now I hope it perks up and grows well for ya!
She "pooped" smelly white liquid twice more and then didn't pass anything when I fed her a half hour ago but she's been "pooping" about 30-60mins after I feed her, massage her tummy, and put her back in her box. Her bloated stomach did go down overnight until she started eating better again but I think now it's a more proper full of food instead. She is more mobile than I expected so she might be 3 weeks but she looks horrible and only weighs what a 2 week old would. I've been feeding her and grooming her every 2hrs except for some sleep for me. She screamed constantly until around 3am because of discomfort and wanting held and groomed. Niji says this allergy ball is hers and she must protect it including from the other one. Partially it helps because Niji is too busy checking on the box to bother allergy ball 1 but it also means when they do get close to each other Niji is more aggressive about chasing her off.
:cry: I didn't realize her condition was so bad. At least you're one of the people who can actually care for her, as opposed to somebody like me who despite the numerous medical [human! :oops: ] textbooks would have no idea what to do........
Allergy ball 2 just figured out a bottle and drank about 1/3rd of her daily formula. I had to stop her to avoid drinking too much. No more tiny dropper. She kept getting frustrated and distracted by these tiny amounts of milk at a time. I'm not sure how they kept her alive on it so far. No wonder they found it too much work but they said she wouldn't take a bottle. I had to feed some, put her in the litterbox until she started screaming, feed some, groom her some, feed some.... After some hole size adjustment she sucked down most of the bottle with only one break. She's also had 3 normal poops today. The last one was small but she hadn't eaten well. Now she wobbles around purring instead of screaming. I'm trying to figure out a better way to groom her. The only thing I can think of small enough but with tines/bristles to separate the fur instead of matting it together is a toothbrush.

__________ Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:24 am __________

Allergy ball 2 is getting increasing eye gunk. She could at least open them throughout yesterday after one got stuck overnight but now she has both gunked shut and I had to wipe them clean. Is it irritation that will clear up or do I need to get terramycin? The feed store does not have the ointment on their online site and the pharmacies do not have terramycin at all on their sites. The feed store has terramycin tablets for scours in calves. Can those be used at all. What else might work? <br /><br /> __________ Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:09 am __________ <br /><br /> A tube of terramycin online from 2 sites is $15 so even if I find it I can't get it. I don't have $15 unless I want to not eat until another hedgehog is sold. Time to come up with a plan B.
I have used warm salt water for mild eye gunk..salt has an anti-bacterial property. in the days before antibiotics that was what people used.You may have to do it every few hours, but sense you are bottle feeding anyway feeding time would be good.. :) it will get you by anyway, if it is still crusty after a week or so then get the ointment.
alforddm":29o9d2om said:
Would it be safe for the eye to add a bit of honey to a tea wash?

I think so. I've done that with rabbit kits with eye problems and it seemed to help. I stopped using the honey, however, fearing that it might attract bees or wasps. Indoors, that should not be a problem.
I used saltwater last feeding to open her eyes up. It was suggested other places. I do have some high quality loose green tea that I decided I don't like that well and couldn't find something to mix it with that made a better tasting tea.
Alight, this sounds weird but an old folk remedy for infection is a milk poultice. The Grandmas used to recommend soaking bread in milk, then holding it to the infected site, then rinse afterwards. I suspect some of the bacteria in raw milk was what helped; never quite figured out why the bread was used as the "sponge" but maybe some of the b vitamins in fresh-baked bread? If you have milk on hand,it wouldn't hurt to give a try. Even a warm cloth would help soften the gunk, clear out the ducts and get blood circulating around the eye to carry away the infection.

You are really doing an amazing job with the kitten. You deserve an extra hug since you have allergies. If he/she pulls through (and it's starting to sound promising) you will have a cat that is so devoted to you it will be unreal. They truly are amazing animals.
If I had the same odds of saving something like a rabbit as I do a kitten and they were destined for the same lifespan I would be doing the same thing. They are intelligent, relatively long lived animals. I just decided it was not logical to lose sleep for the lower odds of survival of a rabbit that I am going to butcher in 8weeks. It's personality would hardly get a chance to develop. Where the kitten will hopefully live a nice 10 years or so.

I have decided I am definitely a dog person. I *might* get a silver bengal kitten at some point but I have changed my mind about ever purposefully making kittens of any breed. Misaki (former allergy ball 1) is driving me absolutely nuts when Josh leaves for awhile. I like to be able to tell my dogs to stay out of my space right now, completely stay on the floor right now, or even get the hell out of the room until you behave and don't annoy me. I can make a husky puppy understand that without raising my voice and without touching it after the first removal by hand. A cat... I forgot how much they just keep returning like a boomerang! I am making them a wonderful cat room so I can take cat breaks when Josh is eventually gone all day for work again.
A Boomerang. Yes!

I'm a die-hard cat lover... but the kitten stage is FRUSTRATING. We found one behind the chicken coop on the 4th of July. As I watch my kids try to play with the itty-bitty gray ball of pouncing fury, I remember all the times as I kid I got a claw stuck in my eyelids, lips, ears, etc. How often I had to untangle kittens from my hair and clothing. How many times I've tripped and nearly broken something because they teleport across the room at light speed just to dash under my feet. How they can convince you they are tired and sweet and cuddly, all heavy-eyed and purring... and then instantly strike your hand from 8 feet away! They are like spring-loaded velcro-equipped motion-seeking land mines.

And good grief do they stink. I used to LOVE kitten breath as a kid. Now? Ew. And predator-poop. The stench lingers even if you toss the offending turd in the toilet. She's too young to do a proper cleaning of her bum on her own. Her chin always reeks of cat food. Her paws are always filthy from playing in the litterbox.

I like grown cats better.

But thank you for giving this kitten some love. :) I bet she will blossom into an amazing CAT.
I gave Miyu (former allergy ball 2) a bath and not only does she look better but I think she feels a lot better. She is moving around more, trying to use the litter box on her own, and crying less. She should be getting around the 4 week range by now so I am going to try some wet food in formula. With green tea honey water we are keeping her eyes open enough to see but I asked my sister for a favor and she is shipping terramycin to us. She's a chemical engineer dating a chemical engineer. They are rolling in money and it's for a kitten. Misaki got some green goop for a couple days but the homemade eye wash worked on her. She still refuses dry food. We went to a family owned pet store I know with a discount items sections and got 2 big cans (I forget can ounces but the dog food size ones) and 4 regular cans of some brand of wet food I'm not familiar with. It seems good and is advertising grain free and 96% meat. All for $5. Dent can food. Josh found some jute rope I had for bird toy making when we had a small parrot so he turned a 1x4 board into a scratching post.