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Bunbun farm

Jun 30, 2015
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Hi I'm a newbie me and my family wanted to raise meat rabbits so we got to standard Rex rabbits a doe and a buck I want to breed them as soon as possible and the breeder told us how to check the doe to see if she's ready to breed so I've been checking her daily and today she was ready so I put her with the buck but he won't go for her but its also his first time and they are 4 months old what should I do :x :bunnyhop:
Wait a couple of weeks to a month and then try again. 4 months is pretty young for Rex to be mature enough to breed (although I have had it happen), but 5 to 6 months is more normal for them.

Keep in mind that pregnant does overheat more easily, so it is risky to breed in the summer months. The does can get so hot in the latter part of pregnancy or during labor that they will die.

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the odd meat buck will breed at four months but most won't. Most meat bucks will wait until they are five - eight months old before being emotionally ready to breed.

Give them time, they'll come around...but if you rush the buck... it won't help you down the road.
Oh OK ya I didn't think he was ready but just in case if they did breed while I wasn't watching is 80° to warm for a pregnant doe?
I don't know, I have two does who are close to kindling and they seem pretty warm at a bit less than 80 degrees (they are indoors with A/C, but I don't keep it very cool).

Hopefully it's not too warm for them.
Bunbun farm":38c1vron said:
Oh OK ya I didn't think he was ready but just in case if they did breed while I wasn't watching is 80° to warm for a pregnant doe?

It's not so much the temperature now, but how hot is it going to be in a month when she kindles? I would keep a close eye on her just in case. Be ready with a frozen water bottle to put in her cage if she gets hot.
I have a doe that just kindled a couple of weeks ago. Yesterday the temp only get up to 77, but I still needed to put in the frozen water bottles for her and the other doe that kindled as well. My other buns didn't need them, but you will have to watch them to check on their breathing and act accordingly.
I had a doe kindle this morning or maybe late last night- our temps have been in the high nineties.

Yesterday she was in mild heat distress in the afternoon, with her chin soaked in saliva. I wet her ears with tepid water and later she was fine.

However- for the last couple of years I have been breeding for heat tolerance. It is a risky thing to do because some does or their kits will not handle the heat and they will die.

The upside is that my current rabbits are able to tolerate these high temperatures without getting overly stressed, even though I have not been using fans, misters, or frozen bottles to help keep them cool.

Since you only have a couple of rabbits it is probably better to wait until September to breed her.