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  1. bantambunnies

    White bumps on buck's privates

    I've asked about this before and haven't received a response, but I figured I'd give it another shot. This 3-year-old buck has only bred to one doe (I don't have her now, but as far as I know, she was healthy in this respect) and has not been bred in two years for various reasons. I am...
  2. bantambunnies

    Orchitis? White bumps on testicles

    A while back, I noticed very small, white bumps on the testicles of my Holland buck. Several months have passed since then, and I haven't noticed any other signs of illness. The bumps don't seem to have spread to the vent or face. He has not been bred in about two years. The bumps look...
  3. bantambunnies

    Considering an Angora...

    Thinking on getting a single Angora as a pet, primarily, but I'm also interested in harvesting the wool. For years I've convinced myself that grooming would be too much trouble, but after attending a fiber festival recently and talking to some breeders there, I might change my mind. How much...
  4. bantambunnies

    Botfly/Cuterebra/warble: removal and wound care (?)

    Today I found a botfly larva/cuterebra/warble in my buck's testicle. :x I've been keeping an eye on him, since that testicle has been hard and a little bit swollen for well over a year now. There didn't seem to be an active infection and he was healthy, so I left it alone once the wound in it...
  5. bantambunnies

    Lame leg

    Just found that one of my bucks appears to be holding up one of his legs when he hops. He does not seem to be in much pain, if any at all, and is hopping around on three legs. It does look like he's trying to hold the leg up, but possibly isn't moving his foot/toes. This is possibly from - 1)...
  6. bantambunnies

    Quarantine area?

    Tell me about the area you use to quarantine new additions to your herd (or sick rabbits). Do you have another shed, or is it just a separate area of your barn? I'm hoping to purchase some new rabbits in the near future and I'm not sure where I'll be putting them for the first few weeks. I...
  7. bantambunnies

    Fur mites

    Argh. So now it's fur mites. :storm-cloud: Well, just about one month ago... Right after one of my junior bucks decided to soak my shirt and the white carpet, my sister found fur mites on him. She's a lot better at seeing teeny-tiny bugs than I am. So I looked and found some dandruff and...
  8. bantambunnies

    Papaya enzyme tablets?

    I know this has been posted about before, but... I picked up some papaya enzyme tablets at the store. They're made for people, and I noticed that the first two ingredients are dextrose and sugar. It also has Yellow #6 Aluminum Lake. I just wasn't sure if that was the best for the rabbits... if...
  9. bantambunnies

    Rabbit fading fast - GI Stasis???

    Went out this morning to see my doe - the one who stops eating her cecotropes if she's fed too much - and she was lying in a corner, limp. No appetite. I've brought her in and I don't know what to do next. I think I know the cause: I just weaned her litter and I kept feeding her a large portion...
  10. bantambunnies

    Harli/tri questions

    1) If you cross a tort with a tri/harli, what is the likelihood of getting torted tris/harlis? And are torted tri/harlis any good for breeding, or should they always be sold as pets? 2) Are magpies actually any good for breeding? I know a lot of people do use magpies for breeding and even breed...
  11. bantambunnies

    Interesting buck behavior

    I know bucks will fight if kept together. Well, they're supposed to, anyway. I was curious to see how two of my bucks acted when I let them meet. Of course, I supervised them closely and was there in case fighting should break out. One of these bucks is Free Ranging Bunny. I expected fur to...
  12. bantambunnies

    2-week-old w/ diarrhea - cocci?

    Roughly 4 or 5 days ago, one of my Holland Lop kits came down with a very mild case of diarrhea. I thought very little of it at the time and just washed the bottom off, but in a day or two the bunny was very sick. Two days ago I brought the kit inside and began feeding it water mixed with sugar...
  13. bantambunnies

    Two wounds - bite and (worm?)

    This is why you should not let your bunnies free range. Like I let Free Ranging Bunny do. But that's only because he would be so sad in a cage. (No, seriously. He's the weirdest rabbit I've ever owned.) Anyway, I noticed a small cut on one of his testicles the other day and didn't think much of...
  14. bantambunnies

    Wet dewlap :(

    The water bottle for one of my does broke, so for the last couple of weeks she's been drinking out of a crock. I noticed that her dewlap was often wet, and some vague alarm bells were going off in my head because I remembered reading something about wet dewlap, but I didn't think much of it. I...
  15. bantambunnies

    Need help evaluating a Holland

    I am fairly new to Holland Lops. I've never shown rabbits. BUT I am learning. I've been looking at a LOT of photos to try to get a picture in my mind of what a Holland should look like. I've got a basic idea now, but I've still very fuzzy on the specifics. This is my Holland buck. He's a...
  16. bantambunnies

    Which fuzzy breed is friendliest?

    Thinking about getting a pet rabbit with just a little wool, because I'm not prepared for Angoras. ;) Which of these three breeds is friendliest/easiest to handle and groom? And how much grooming do each of them require?
  17. bantambunnies

    Should I be concerned? a flea

    Found what I think was a flea on one of my rabbits the other day. Looked briefly at her fur, didn't find any more fleas, droppings, etc. (I know all too well what fleas and their droppings look like.) The doe in the neighboring hutch is about to kindle. We usually end up bringing our bunnies...
  18. bantambunnies

    Broken back? Limp hind legs.

    One of my rabbits was loose in the yard last night and was found dragging his hind legs along the ground. He was fine yesterday morning. He doesn't seem to be in much pain, although he does not like to get up and spends all his time lying on one side. He is eating and drinking fine, and if I...
  19. bantambunnies

    How do buyers react to line-breeding?

    I have never used line-breeding before, but I'm considering it. I'm wondering, though - how do potential buyers react to seeing the same rabbits more than once on a pedigree? In particular, a partial pedigree which is made up of only a few rabbits?
  20. bantambunnies

    Rabbit not eating cecotropes - should I limit greens?

    Hi! I'm new here, but I've raised rabbits for several years. :) One of my Holland Lops suddenly stopped eating her cecotropes a few months ago, when she was nursing a young litter. At that time her diet consisted almost entirely of unlimited pellets. She was in the house at the time and made a...