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  1. K

    Where can I purchase the plastic door guards?

    Home Depot/Lowes also have some sort of tile edging that is about $1.98 for 8 feet.
  2. K

    Where is everyone?

    Why don't people post where they are on their locations, so we know who we're close to? Wouldn't anyone else like to know if there is another rabbit person in their town instead of just the same state or country? Virginia is a big state (and there are even bigger), and USA is a big country...
  3. K

    Paralyzed front leg(s)

    Where does a city girl find fendbendazole? I've looked online and the only place I see it sold for rabbits is in the UK. Or I can order a minimum of 500 kg from mainland China :? I can get it from TSC for horses. Can I use that? Should I dose everybody? Thanks again...
  4. K

    Paralyzed front leg(s)

    I just noticed that a male rabbit (3 months old) that I'd planned to keep is having trouble staying upright. It looks like at least one of his front legs doesn't move properly. When he goes to turn around his front legs are crossed and if he's in a hurry he'll fall over onto his side. At normal...
  5. K

    Pelleted Feed

    Those of you who feed pellets, what kind do you feed? I've been using Tractor Supply's Producers Pride. It seems like my rabbits poop out more than they take in. Also not too pleased with the growth of my kits. So are my expectations too high, or is something else better?
  6. K


    Of course, you are right; I knew that :roll: Thank you for the link
  7. K


    About coccidia/coccidiosis in rabbits... I am somewhat familiar with the bacteria in other animals; as a kitten/puppy foster I know that coccidia is a bacteria that often inhabits the intestines of adult cats and dogs and is usually only considered a problem for very young animals, and then only...
  8. K

    Rabbitry in cold weather ?

    Hi all, I'm in southeast Virginia and it doesn't usually get too cold, but on the chilly nights I put in boxes that I get for free from the liquor store or walmart filled with hay with a doorway or two cut in. It's like Christmas when they get the boxes, they play with them, sit on top, and can...
  9. K

    Do smaller litter size = quicker grow to butchering size?

    I'm absolutely not a rabbit expert, but I know with humans the more you feed, the more milk you produce. I'd think that with proper nutrition the same would apply for any nursing animal. But then again I could be completely wrong.
  10. K

    Ugly Bunny

  11. K

    Need Help! Doe with soft poop

    Thanks everybody, the oats seem to have done the trick. If it was cecotropes could she have just been too full of pellets to eat them? It was a lot, not smaller, just stickier. Haywise; all I'm able to find is the timothy, the dollar bills TM speaks of, and alfalfa. Everything I've read says...
  12. K

    Virginia State Fair?

    It is in Doswell, near Kings Dominion.
  13. K

    Virginia State Fair?

    Shows, sales, opportunities to meet other rabbit owners/breeders, learning opportunities...
  14. K

    Need Help! Doe with soft poop

    Miss M, Rolled oats like oatmeal? Should I replace her pelllets with it? And it's okay to give her something she's never had, it won't mess up her digestive system even more? She has been on the producers pride since I got her. Also been eating brocolli with no problems, but I will stop giving...
  15. K

    Need Help! Doe with soft poop

    My doe is having some soft/loose stools, formed but sticky. Started 2-3 days ago. First noticed on top of kindling box, but now I notice a lot of her poop is sitting on the cage wire instead of falling through. Background: My first rabbit (of course), got her 6 wks ago She was bred when I got...
  16. K

    Virginia State Fair?

    Hi all, Just wondering if any of you in Va (or not) will be attending the state fair, or if it is worthwhile to attend for rabbits. There isn't a lot of rabbit stuff going on in my neck of the woods, so I'd make the trip, but don't want to waste my time. Thanks
  17. K

    My new Florida Whites!

    I was looking for florida whites for meat rabbits, but they are impossible to find in my area. I hear that you get more meat per pound because the bones are smaller, it costs less to raise them, and of course they take up less space than most other meat rabbits. I'd definately give them a try...
  18. K

    Do rabbits lose a mucus plug?

    Could it be a miscarriage?
  19. K

    How to beat the heat ???!

    So how do ya'll keep the rabbits from eating the plastic water jugs?
  20. K

    Tip for Heat

    That sounds like a great idea. I'm new to rabbits so I'm trying to learn everything I can and I keep reading that people freeze plastic bottles and put in the cage. Since rabbits eat everything plastic bottles don't really seem like a good idea. But frozen fruit and veggies, GENIUS. I'm going to...