Do rabbits lose a mucus plug?

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Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Lincoln, VT
My NZ is due any day. Today I found a bloody lump in her cage. About an inch long and 1/4in thick.. Is this her mucus plug? Are the kits coming today?? Last litter mama was an epic fail, I'm anxiously waiting for the next kindling.
Hmmmm! That kind of sounds like a placenta. On the mucus plug, I don't know. I've never seen what your descibing with any of my litters but that doesn't mean it didn't happen it just means my does cleaned it up and I didn't see it.
Is it flat and have a little cord thingy on one side? If it is placenta maybe there is a stuck kit. Anyway tou can post a picture of it?
Twobirdsflying":16yepg4y said:
Today I found a bloody lump in her cage. About an inch long and 1/4in thick.

That sounds like it may be a placenta. Is it "meaty"?

If it is a placenta, there is either a kit around somewhere or one was DOA and the doe ate it. Look all around under the cage and in the surrounding area. Kits can crawl FAR, so it could be a good distance away.

Twobirdsflying":16yepg4y said:
Is this her mucus plug?

Mucous plugs look like a glob of rubber cement, and are the consistency of concentrated gelatin.

I'm fairly sure all mammals produce a mucous plug because it is what seals the cervix to keep outside pathogens away from the fetuses.
It's very meaty. I can't seem to upload a pic using my iPhone. I will try later when I can get to a pc. It is meaty and smaller on one and and gets fatter towards the other end. The for seems fine and is eating dandelion leaves as we speak. She doesn't appear to be I'm any distress.
I'm glad she seems ok. Got my fingers crossed all goes well from here.
Thats weird! :shock: I don't know. Is she still acting ok? Any kits yet?
Ya she is acting fine. eating, drinking and i haven't see any more blood after this incident.<br /><br />__________ Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:12 pm __________<br /><br />Oh and no kits yet.
Well, that doesn't look like the placentas I've seen, but I'm sure others have seen more than I have. Looks nasty though. I hope she continues to do well and has some kits for you.
Things are still good this morning.. She's pooping peeing, eating and drinking. Doesn't seeme to be stressed at all..maybe it's left over gunk form her last litter? If that can even happen.

That doesn't look like the placentas I have seen. They are disc shaped, and usually have the umbilical cord still attached.