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  1. C

    Im sad

    thank you everyone for your kind words. The singleton is still alive. The other doe must have milk even without kindling. it moves quite a bit. every time I see it it is in a different spot.
  2. C

    Im sad

    my girls live in a colony. I found a single kit on the floor of the shed. it was cold but alive. I put it in the nest box and wondered who's it was. I blocked off the outside enterance and found blood (about a teaspoon)a few hours later, more a few hours later. I was thinking she was having them...
  3. C

    doe died

    I'm wondering that too. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I will be keeping one female kit that looks a lot like her.
  4. C

    doe died

    I'm not sure I was on vacation, my petsitter used a 50 pound bag of pellets for 8 rabbits 30 babies for 5 days. She might have gorged herself. Is that possible?
  5. C

    doe died

    My doe died and her kits are 5 weeks old. What can I do for the kits? Any supplements to give them, they seem to be doing ok now. They are all eating pellets and greens.
  6. C

    gas after eating oranges

    There are 7 females in the colony that ate the Orange peels. The buck is in a cage by himself. I guess the drops would work. I'll get some tomorrow.
  7. C

    gas after eating oranges

    I like to juice for myself and give the pith to the rabbits. I juiced about 24 oranges and gave the rest to my colony. Is orange peels bad for them? What can I do for gas? She was one of my favorite bunnies. They live in a colony and the others don't have any problems.
  8. C


    That makes me feel better. 3% of a 60 lb dog is 1.8 lbs. I will keep the older ones for my family to eat and the 4 week olds will be culled in 2 weeks from now. I was spending way too much on pellets. They were not growing fast enough in their growout pens. it did not make sence to spend more on...
  9. C


    I was wondering about feeding my dogs whole rabbits. I gave a few to my dogs whole. (they died from the heat.) My 10 year old aussie mix carried it around in his mouth for 3 hours then burried it. My 18 month American bulldog ate hers in 2 minutes. I am getting tired of feeding them so much...
  10. C

    Animal control seizes 74 rabbits from Center Township garage

    that is bad. here is a link to 6 bells rabbitry click on the photo to see the slide show. ... etail.html made my stomach turn. But my rabbits for some reason like to sit in their water crocks and soil it. but I clean it 2X per day.
  11. C

    plotting a small colony...

    for the cat litter box I tried that, I used a storage tote and I cut the hole all the way on the bottom, as soon as they were able to move around (5 days) they all crawled out of the hole. luckily I caught in time before they were scatered all over the place. there has to be a lip about 4 inches...
  12. C

    how did he figure it out?

    My dog learned how to open the refrigerator door. I came home today and found the door wide open and almost all the contents either in his stomach or all over the floor. not cool!!!
  13. C

    What's on the bottom of your colonies?

    The local Habitat Restore were giving out free doors, I got 8 of them burried them 6 inches. so far it is working great.
  14. C

    just wondering

    well it looks like they all come out and play at night. I have 3 that are due to kindle today and 2 dug holes outside and one is making a nest inside. It is so fun to watch them make their nest it is amazing how much hay they can fit in their mouth. Where do i get shade cloth?
  15. C

    looking for colorado breeders

    I have new zealand and cal/new zealand crosses I live in Colorado springs.
  16. C

    just wondering

    my 6 bunns are in the 8 X 16 foot shed. they have been in a colony or about a month. one doe had a litter about 3 weeks ago so it is a little crowded. I built a 16 X 16 outdoor run for them. They explored it for about 45 minutes and all went back in the shed. the only ones who use it are the 3...
  17. C

    how the water gets dirty

    I finally figured it out
  18. C

    new mother

    really? I guess you are right i shut my curtians to block out the cold in the winter and the heat in the sumer. interesting never thought of it that way.
  19. C

    First litter of kits ends in disaster.

    This is such a great post I am learning so muuch!!!
  20. C

    new mother

    My californian is a new mother; her kis are 1 1/2 weeks old and she keps pulling hair to cover them. It is in he mid 80's here and the kits seem too hot. I uncover them and take them out to be in the house during the really hot times of the day and bring them back in the evening. is this normal...