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Mine will not touch intestines or stomach. They are barely willing to eat organ meat. It has to be left in the rabbit and frozen with it or else they would rather starve than eat a liver. My akita will actually starve herself and lose 10-20lbs without giving in if the food is not to her satisfaction.
I had a dog open up a container of beef liver and eat the whole container while I was carrying meat boxes from the van to the barn fridge. Talk about the runs. I do have a dog that won't eat the rabbit fresh, I have to freeze it or let it sit for a while.
These guys also pulled my cucumbers off of the vine and ate them last year. They pick grapes off the vine. They are true scavengers.
If my dogs are at all picky I know they're getting too much. My boxer is getting about a pound a day and is maintaining her weight nicely
I could rely on my shiba to act that way but not my akita. She will starve herself to health issues with perfectly good food around if it doesn't meet her standards. She's done it several times since she was a puppy. Part of the reason she got started on raw is because she was so picky about kibble she would starve herself for weeks and then finally when she ate a little decide to inhale all that was out and end up vomiting it up. Trying to feed her controlled amounts didn't work either. I had to buy very dense kibbles that wouldn't expand which was mostly the grain free $50-$70/bag stuff. When she hit 50lbs that started to get expensive and I started raising chickens to off set the cost but predators were numerous and we didn't have the money to build fort knox. Now we raise something that doesn't leave the building so is safe 99% of the time. The problem is just that rabbit is not a balanced or complete diet. It's great for some things but horrible for other nutrients. You have to balance it and animal sources are better than vegetable sources if possible. We do add a little horse coat supplement which is b vitamins and flax oil to our supplement balls but we rely more on the hamburger or venison and lots of eggs.
My dog's diet will probably end up being rabbit, chicken, beef, pork, and maybe eggs. And that includes the organs of the rabbit, chicken, beef, and pork. I have just started him, so I don't know if he likes the organs and eggs or not- so far he loves the chicken and pork though.
I was wondering about feeding my dogs whole rabbits. I gave a few to my dogs whole. (they died from the heat.) My 10 year old aussie mix carried it around in his mouth for 3 hours then burried it. My 18 month American bulldog ate hers in 2 minutes. I am getting tired of feeding them so much pellets to grow to 5 lbs, mine are cal/nz reds mixes. 14 weeks and not even 5 lbs yet. How big do they need to be if I feed my 60 lb American bulldog 1 per day?
WildWolf":uvzzu6gx said:
My dog's diet will probably end up being rabbit, chicken, beef, pork, and maybe eggs. And that includes the organs of the rabbit, chicken, beef, and pork. I have just started him, so I don't know if he likes the organs and eggs or not- so far he loves the chicken and pork though.
Can you feed dogs raw pork?
yes you can feed raw pork to dogs PROVIDED that it isn't infected with anything.
A good amount of time in the deep freeze will solve most issues though.
Pork should be frozen solid for 3 weeks to kill potential trichina worms that are far more common in hogs than other livestock. However the usda recently lowered the recommended cooking temp of pork because farmers have done such a good job of getting rid of pseudorabies and trichina.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:55 pm __________<br /><br />
How big do they need to be if I feed my 60 lb American bulldog 1 per day?

You want to feed 2-3% of their body weight in raw a day. 2% if they put on weight easy or aren't doing any work and 3% if you have hard working dogs or difficult eaters. After you figure out that amount figure 50% or less in rabbit which could be done by feeding smaller rabbits or feeding rabbit in rotation instead of daily.
That makes me feel better. 3% of a 60 lb dog is 1.8 lbs. I will keep the older ones for my family to eat and the 4 week olds will be culled in 2 weeks from now. I was spending way too much on pellets. They were not growing fast enough in their growout pens. it did not make sence to spend more on rabbit pellets per month than dog food. now I know how to manage them. thanks everyone for this thread.
cottontail":2drzdyhn said:
That makes me feel better. 3% of a 60 lb dog is 1.8 lbs. I will keep the older ones for my family to eat and the 4 week olds will be culled in 2 weeks from now. I was spending way too much on pellets. They were not growing fast enough in their growout pens. it did not make sence to spend more on rabbit pellets per month than dog food. now I know how to manage them. thanks everyone for this thread.

That I understand. I takes Rex about 14-16 weeks to reach 5lb, and I have not had the patience yet. They go when I am tired of feeding them, or need the space.
skysthelimit":fg12g789 said:
It takes Rex about 14-16 weeks to reach 5lb

I just picked out Hoodat's buck and doe, and they are 4lb 3oz at 13 weeks 2 days. :)
MamaSheepdog":1gbzuaxk said:
skysthelimit":1gbzuaxk said:
It takes Rex about 14-16 weeks to reach 5lb

I just picked out Hoodat's buck and doe, and they are 4lb 3oz at 13 weeks 2 days. :)

See, I told you they grow faster in the West! And much more interesting colors! I've got maybe 3 lbs at 12 weeks. Even the big blue doe, at 17 weeks, is not yet 5lbs.