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  1. jaxmarblebuns

    Animal Wanted ISO Rex or Californian Doe, Breeding age, pierce county Washington. (or other showable breeding pair).

    In short: We are looking for one breeding age Doe that's ether a Californian or a Rex, and of show standard type/color. Preferably the Rex doe should be black/orange tricolor or harlequin, as that is what our buck is, but I'm not going to be supper picky, as long as we can get some type of...
  2. jaxmarblebuns

    Trying to find monthly cost, but I'm doubting my math skills, please help.

    I've been thinking about starting my own breeding "program" (like a buck and doe, maybe two does, not really a program). and I'm trying to figure out how much it would cost me per month, but I'm needing someone to double check my math on this, or just advice from someone who keeps a better...
  3. jaxmarblebuns

    Any breed, one litter, then sell them all, what would you pick?

    I've only ever bred Rex and Californians, and when I did have Rex I only ever got castors opals and the occasional black or red. Pretty much, I've been bored with the same old same old. So, I've been thinking about getting a breeding duo of something else, something different, like not a meat...
  4. jaxmarblebuns

    The Weekly Quiz! (Posted Every Wednesday).

    Welcome to the weekly quiz! Questions will be posted each Wednesday at 10:00 P.M. PST I thought it would be cool to start a quiz thread. It's educational, fun for the whole family, and it will help you remember that you have an account on here and give you an excuse to actually check in once...
  5. jaxmarblebuns

    Long term use tractor/run design help?

    Koi's current enclosure I made independently and is just 1" X 2" held together with stapled and prayers, wrapped in wire. I was very determined to do this project on my own, and it shows. Now that I have more expiriance building, I jwant to make it a bit more solid and maybe add a lid that is...
  6. jaxmarblebuns

    Is plum wood safe?

    I have done quite a bit of trimming around the property and have some old (dead, dry, but not infested) Italian plum tree limbs. I'm trying to figure out if this would be safe for the rabbits to chew on, but I'm finding mixed results. Most of the people saying no have ever actually tried it...
  7. jaxmarblebuns

    Creme d'argent X Californian, or X tri-color. What colors?

    I recently acquired a young creme d'argent doe at our county fair. I have no intention of breeding cremes for competition, I just wanted a new a doe for meat. I am curious what colors I may get if I breed the creme to one of out Californians. Our calis have been pure for at least 20 generations...
  8. jaxmarblebuns

    Litter of 9 born 28th (having to hand feed)

    Seven had a litter of 9 on 5/28. She is an amazing mom, takes great care of the kits, has good sized litters (her first litter was 12, and 10 survived), makes amazing nests, but refuses to use the nest box every time :| To remedy this we line the cage bottom and about three inches up the walls...
  9. jaxmarblebuns

    Behold, my massive 16 ounce 2.5 week old kit.

    Maybe I'm just out of practice and not remembering how big kits get, but this guy just seems truly massive. The dam is 25% Californian and 75% rex, the sire is 100% rex. The parents and there lineage all range in the 8-10 pound range. This guy was born on day 33 of the pregnancy, on May 8th...
  10. jaxmarblebuns

    Need advice ASAP. Kits are here, or rather KIT is here, and we wont be.

    Yesterday morning dahlia finally started pulling fur (on day 33). I had to leave for school so wasn't able to stick around to keep an eye on her, but luckily my dad was home. She had a pink kit early in the day (around 10:00), and a black kit later on. Mama is very protective, I didn't expect...
  11. jaxmarblebuns

    Finally bred a doe!!!!!! But we are also kind of closing up shop.

    Some of you may know that the we have been having a lot of trouble with breeding for quite some time, in fact, we have not had a littler sense 06/07/22. This is due to a few reasons, mainly being mystery STDs in the herd (which we have finally seemed to get rid of), and some personal...
  12. jaxmarblebuns

    Experiment Started! (just how good are rabbit coco pebbles)

    I am taking a botany class this quarter and one of our main assignments is to do an experiment on basil plants and document the affects it has on their growth. There was a list of experiments that we could choose from(CO2 injections, petting the plants, playing music, adding moss, etc.) or if we...
  13. jaxmarblebuns

    Finally Breeding Again.

    We have not been able to breed our rabbits sense about November of last year due to what seemed to be an STD problem that then turned into so much more, its been very hectic. However, it seems everyone has had a clear bill of health for about a month or so now so we are finally breeding again...
  14. jaxmarblebuns

    Pen-G dosage?

    We are going to be treating for what we believe to be vent disease. I believe I found a reputable source on how much Pen-G to give them but just wanted to double check on here. If you can give the amount as ml/lb that would be best, but if not its ok. source Procaine Penicillin G for Animal Use...
  15. jaxmarblebuns

    I Screwed Up and Need Help, Now.

    Please do not attack me for this, I know it’s neglect, I know that it’s abuse I will never do it again and it happened because of a bad life situation atm. Me and my brother are the only ones caring for our families rabbits at the moment. I have a rabbit at the moment that I care for, Keith...
  16. jaxmarblebuns

    Need Help! Can't Find Dura-Pen ANYWHERE (trying to treat vent disease)

    To put it simply we need to treat our entire herd (8 possibly 9) but cannot find meds anywhere because of this ******** and people panic buying. So, does anyone know where to find Dura-Pen online? (No stores have it) or another affective treatment for vent disease? Don’t yell at me for not...
  17. jaxmarblebuns

    Multiple Health concerns, need help. ))graphic images((

    Shiro is 4 years and 7 months old. He has been in perfect health his hole life until this last year. This summer I noticed that he and his brother (Kieth) were loosing weight and their fur and flesh condition was going down hill. This was quite concerning because our bucks don’t usually start...
  18. jaxmarblebuns

    Is the “House Rabbit” diet Reputable?

    I currently feed an all pellet diet and I am happy with it, I’ve never had problems with GI issues and the rabbits are full of energy, seem happy, and most live till about 6-8+ (which from what I’ve read is pretty good for outdoor large breeds). However, I have been wanting to experiment with...
  19. jaxmarblebuns

    Diets for Wool Breeds?

    I have been looking into Lion heads and Giant angoras lately, and I don’t think I would mind having one, or even a few. This wouldn’t be for a while of course as I have 0 room for any more animal atm, and I’m still living with my parents and they wouldn’t allow me to have more animals even if we...
  20. jaxmarblebuns

    Small Upgrades Make Big Differences

    I have suggested a few times to my parents that we should expand the doe cages, and they have both agreed. ( the rabbits/equipment is theirs so major changes have to be talked out with them first, but they usually do agree.) However, there was always the set back of “well, we need three litters...