Multiple Health concerns, need help. ))graphic images((

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2021
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Shiro is 4 years and 7 months old. He has been in perfect health his hole life until this last year. This summer I noticed that he and his brother (Kieth) were loosing weight and their fur and flesh condition was going down hill. This was quite concerning because our bucks don’t usually start “looking old” until about 6 years old. I was able to get his brothers condition back up with a little oats, BOSS and extra feed. However, Shiro is still quite ragged. Last time I weighed him he actually didn’t loose any weight, but he looks like he did (protruding spine, bony hips, loose skin). His back strap has probably lost an inch or more in width. He hasn’t been acting differently at all, he isn’t sick or in pain, he just looks like shit. (he is eating one cup of pellets, 2 tablespoons of oats and 2 teaspoons of BOSS each day)

Has anyone experienced this?
Should I add anything else to his diet?

I was doing health checks today and noticed that his penis is not right, I have never seen this before. He was bred to floppy about 27 days ago, but I do full health checks before and after I breed so I know she didn’t harm him. He hasn’t been with any other animals sense that breeding.

Could this be split penis?
Could it be a prolapse? (I’m not 100% sure if that can even happen
What could have caused it?


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That's so odd. Makes me think a split p that's curling out onto itself. Can it be fully extended?

Are you on FB?
They have a group for rabbit oddities and general troubles. Rabbits Inside and Out. Might be helpful to post videos there.
This genital deformation has now happened to my other breeding buck, Kieth, who is Shiro's brother. It also looks like it could be staring to happen to UFKD5, Kieth's son.
none of these rabbits have been in a cage with any other animal (to my knowledge) sense this thread was created.
I'm going to see if i can use my mothers FB to post in the group mentioned above. After researching a L O T I'm starting to think it is split penis, but it dosn't quite make sense as to why it's just happening now and seemingly to most my bucks (3 of 4), we have had the same lines sense 2016 and this has never happened to any buck.

Note: My mom said maybe it bunny syphilis, but after looking up photos I highly doubt that.

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