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  1. O

    Ground rabbit sausage

    Yesterday our daughter took all the bags of rabbit meat scraps, belly flap, hearts, kidneys, livers. 5 pounds worth out of the freezer and mixed them with 1 pound of smoked bacon to make breakfast sausage. And it was fantastic !!!!! A great way to use all the trimmings up.
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    Getting started breeding again

    I would like to get our rabbitry running again. We took a year off as we are building a new house. We have 4 does and 2 bucks. We picked up a new Californian buck as an adoption. Our buck, one of our own stock. A blue, didn't want to get the job done. We was over 6-7 months. After missing last...
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    Butchering age

    We raise New Zealand does and Californian buck. We butchered our rabbits at 12 weeks. The meat is tougher than I would like. I am going to drop down to 10 weeks for friers. I don't like the fact that they grow at a good rate at this age and we will have smaller friers. And cost per pound may go...
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    Help misquotes are hurting out rabbits nones

    The misqtoes n a few other kazillion biting bugs have the noses on our rabbits looking like a scab that is being picked. With open blood. Any suggestions would be really appreciated. We typically have used bag balm. But I'm concerned about infection. And the does are under a lot of stress...
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    Keeping does fresh

    Our new buck is having trouble doing his job. Should we be concerned about our does not being breed yearly ? I'm thinking I need to get a buck and breed them. And because we raise for meat. We are trying our hand at linebreeding and our original buck is one from our stock.
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    Help young buck doesn't do his job

    We have a new buck. We put an experienced doe in with him and he mounted fairly quickly, stayed on for 30 seconds and then decided he would rather just hang out. Not good. He's our only buck and I know that it's always a risk. Any advice, please
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    Making composed rabbit manure

    Hello folks. I've been working on our compost pile for a few years now. I use the hay to absorb the urine. Also add in chopped dry leaves n such. I keep the pile covered. I lifted a covered part last fall, mushrooms so I'm assuming a good microorganism growth. Dark colored compost. I have...
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    Need help with breeding timing

    Hello and thanks folks. I'm trying to plan out the timing on our breeding program. It's middle of February. Justation is a month. 1-1/2 months to ween. 2-1/2 months. So middle of April to sell or barter. Considerations, it's winter in ak. Temperatures still hitting 10 above common. Highs...
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    Different strokes for different folks

    As a rabbit farmer. And a papa n dad. Our rabbitry has to be a working self sustainable operation. It's a fabulous learning tool for us homeschool folks or city folks. Clean, quiet. Growing your own food. Harvesting processing cooking recycling back into the same system, better than how it...
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    It's breeding season for us

    It's that time of year again. Time to start a new year for the rabbitry n breed our 4 does. With justation 4 weeks. Grow to weening 6 weeks It's 2-1/2 months. Middle of April. When folks want rabbits. We restarted our rabbitry with 3 black NZ does 1 Californian buck. Adopted an orphan doe...
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    moose n bunnies

    It's that time of year again. We have 4' of snow and 18 below. The moose have taken to using any clearing they can find. Or driveway. They step over the 5' fence around the house. Our chessy is trained adequately to call off but do not want her to think one of the grandkids could get hurt. We...
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    Getting cold outside

    It that time of the year where it can get n stay cold for weeks. Only-15 now. Mostly concerned about our new buck. 12 weeks little over 5 pounds. So should have some fat on him. Our does are inside our greenhouse and have hutches. He has an area blocked off to hold hay. Use a small handful...
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    Why New Zealand, Californian kits

    I was recently asked. Why we selected New Zealand and Californian mix. We believe that the best value for our meat needs is this combination. Beautiful wife didn't like red eyed rabbits so we bought pure breed New Zealand black does. 3. And a purebred Californian buck. Reddy...
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    Rabbits or not

    I was out mulching rabbit manure and the mulcher was acting up. So I got a bit frustrated with all the other projects, n lack of fishing hunting. Asked my beautiful wife about the rabbits. She says with the calm in control voice that gives her the grace of motherhood. We need the rabbits. With...
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    Mulching manure

    We mulched our rabbit manure. Mixing the hay that falls through with the manure as I feel that the urine soaks into the hay and the hay is a woody fibrous product. We will also add in leaves n such. It comes out looking like a good quality topsoil. I have a grow out pen that is 30" x 8'...
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    Buying a years supply of rabbit pellets ?

    With what is happening in the world these days. I'm thinking that we buy a years worth of pellets now. Price keeps rising and I'm concerned about shortages. Am I the only one
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    Starting a new season

    Well it's that time of the year again. We still have 3' of snow on the ground and freezing weather but not too bad. But it's time to start up again. Our does know it, through their phonological clock. We have been over 12 hours of daylight now for a few weeks. We have one doe that has torn...
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    Canned rabbit

    My beautiful wife canned up 32 pints of rabbit this weekend. This was our last batch of friers. I cut the pieces into smaller parts with a good cleaver so she could pack them tighter. And added a piece of pork belly to each pint jar for fat n more flavor. A pinch of salt. A couple jars didn't...
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    Looking back over the year

    I was sitting n thinking about the past year raising rabbits. We hadn't raised meat rabbits since we homeschooled our kids. And they were the ones who convinced me to do it again. Couldn't find the stock I wanted the first year. Then found our 3 black New Zealand does n Californian buck as 8...
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    Feeding dry leaves

    I haven't seen much about feeding dry leaves as a supplement for their diet. We have bags of dry leaves that were raked up, by someone else. So better. Rabbits enjoy them. And they contain minerals that are important in their diet.