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  1. Random Rabbit


    You actually Got some SN*W ? !!! ( Finally after all these years of trying to send it to You ... :lol: )
  2. Random Rabbit

    So, what do we think of the new layout?

    I like that so far the sub forums are in the same place that they've been... in the same order... :) I do find that i am squinting while reading... there is something with the grey background that is a bit difficult for me. :( Over all... it looks rather user friendly. yay !! especially for...
  3. Random Rabbit

    Old time TV shows

    Other than my Mother wearing skirts ... very little that the shows of that time portrayed was what we lived. I remember waiting for the school bus in skirts freezing my butt off cuz Girls did Not wear pants to school ! ( in mid-winter sn*wpants were allowed... but Had to be removed before...
  4. Random Rabbit

    First Show and Some Questions

    FWIW... i've use the pen and at the time it "seemed" even when i barely touched the ear... over a year later... the tattoo is still there and Very readable. when we bought the Kbattas pen... they people told us that Rabbits have very few Nerves in the middle of the ear... most are near the...
  5. Random Rabbit

    Harlequins...please help me

    A large part of the "prob;em" with Harlequins is that when showing them... the judging is All over the place. The standard shows examples of what the desired marking are... but No single rabbit will have All of them. Judges muddle thru... each giving weight to various parts of the standard...
  6. Random Rabbit

    Happy birthday Peach!

    Happy Birthday.... Glad You had a Great Day !!! :)
  7. Random Rabbit

    Can't believe this is Gen.3! GP Mini Lop :)

    3rd picture down.... NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on Gen 3 !
  8. Random Rabbit

    YAY!!! My First Twirly Star!!!!

    Happy Twirly Star Day !!! and many More :)
  9. Random Rabbit


    I am not a lawyer and have Not stayed in a holiday inn express :)... but i Do watch several judge/court shows on tv..... It seems that the longer they are permitted to be there... the More the law will say that One has given them permission to be there ...Then it gets far More difficult to get...
  10. Random Rabbit


    CONGRATULATIONS !!! What a pretty rabbit !
  11. Random Rabbit

    Cleaning and mucking in the winter-How do you guys do it?

    In the winter we use the wheelbarrow. DH blows a pathway to the garden with the big blower ... then he can wheel the loads out. We've been fortunate that there has not been a Lot of mud.( so far). If the weather is terribly bitter cold... we procrastinate a day or two... :oops: In warmer...
  12. Random Rabbit

    Happy Birthday to Bad Habit!

    Happy Birthday. Enjoy !!!!!
  13. Random Rabbit


    Merry, Merry Christmas to Everybunny here on Rabbit Talk. Hope everyone has had a wonderful day ! We had a quiet day... but did get to talk at length with all our kids on the phone. And there was enough sn*w to be able to say it Was a White Christmas. :)
  14. Random Rabbit

    Heritage vs commercial

    Made me pull out the SOP :) "Only breeds with a minimum ideal senior weight of 9 pounds and over will have an intermediate class" Rex Sr Buck ideal weight is 8 lbs...Sr Doe is 9lbs. ( i've wondered about that before why the Rex... who are a meat breed aren't a 6 class rabbit... Now i Know !)
  15. Random Rabbit

    Heritage vs commercial

    6 Class refers to the larger breeds that have 6 show classes Sr. Buck, Sr Doe, 6/8 Buck, 6/8 Doe, Jr Buck, Jr Doe. the smaller breeds only have 4 classes Sr Buck, Sr Doe, Jr Buck and Jr Doe :)
  16. Random Rabbit

    A baby lamb got dropped in my lap today!

    So sweet !!!! We had a lamb "Dessert"... that was a bummer. She was raised with the goat kids and thought for most of a year that She was a goatie as well... did Everything the kids did. She was my baby !
  17. Random Rabbit

    Heritage vs commercial

    When choosing a Breed.... Find one that You like. A breed that gives You the goosebumps when You see a fine specimen. A breed that after years of raising it...You still luv walking in the barn and seeing Your stock. Doesn't matter if it is a popular breed or a "heritage" breed... if You are...
  18. Random Rabbit

    Where is everyone?

    :yeahthat: :whistle:
  19. Random Rabbit

    Happy Birthday, RabbitTalk!!!

    Yes !!! Thank You for this forum !!!! It is my favorite place to visit and be a part of !!! :thankyou:
  20. Random Rabbit

    How do I know if I have a Charlie or if she is a false ?

    We have a doe that was sold to us as a "charlie". She has few patches of color and No nose marking. Bred to a solid buck... she always has a couple Solid young in the litter. So she is technically a Broken. We have another do that is a showable broken. Plenty of color.. complete mustache...