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Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, Va
Why don't people post where they are on their locations, so we know who we're close to? Wouldn't anyone else like to know if there is another rabbit person in their town instead of just the same state or country? Virginia is a big state (and there are even bigger), and USA is a big country...
Because Rabbit Talk isn't a closed site, you can view it without being a member. Just need to be a member to post. So that means some nutter can see where I live, which means they can see where my kids live. My community isn't that big. It's also why my FB isn't linked to this site. If I'm asked I always respond with the nearest city not where I actually live.
With the number of animal rights nutbars out there who think 'liberating' animals is a good idea or even just plain thieves, vagueness is a good thing.
I've put my location on a couple of threads but I feel that's safe enough with the sheer number of threads and posts on this site since I can count on one hand the number of times I've done it.
A lot of folks know where I live.

However, I only put my state in my profile. There are some crazy meth heads around here that would come and kill and/or steal ALL my livestock.
I live in a small town...I'd rather not make it too easy for the crazies to locate me. I could add in my county...or at least, as I do some some yahoo groups, I could add in "southeast" NC...ummm...I'll see what it allows me to do...
I put my town, but even people in the closest city to me have no idea that this town exists or where it is. Google maps still can't get it right so I'm not worried about anyone "finding" me. I don't post my address on fb or my website as I find it creepy and I don't want people showing up. Mainly because I have big protective dogs and I don't need anythng to happen.
And to be perfectly clear I'm not talking about people who are diagnosed with a mental health issue. I'm talking about the above mentioned meth heads. ARA people, and other assorted people who think that just because I live differently then them they need to "fix the issue".
PA specifically has had numerous issues with people invading backyards and liberating people's meat rabbits by releasing them into the wild(to be eaten by predators), or taking them en-mass to supposed no-kill "rabbit shelters".
(frequently just someone's garage packed with tiny cages, filth and diseased animals that they refuse to cull)

I would rather not subject my rabbits to either fate. Especially since I'm very active on other websites, not just talking about meat rabbits, but posting butchering, skinning and tanning tutorials along with my adorable baby bunneh pics.
I'm not too worried about ARA nutjobs coming here, since we are geographically isolated, there are only two ways out of the community, and we have lots of dogs to alert us- but better safe than sorry. I too have given a more specific idea of our location in some threads, but it would take some searching to find those posts.

It is nice to know general location such as state when giving advice on natural feeds or seasonal care though.
Wouldn't anyone else like to know if there is another rabbit person in their town
To what end? Inviting them over for a cup of coffee?

Lots of members have already met up at shows, to transport rabbits and just socially without putting their information on a public, and sometimes controversial, forum through private messages so they dont have to worry about crazies or just randomly getting a knock on their door.

I have posted more specifically before on threads too, but my city is getting pretty big which make it harder for me to find specifically. I don't feel the need to advertise for people to find out where I live.

We don't so much have crazy AR people in my area, but pets are getting stollen to either feed or train fighting dogs in the area, and I'd prefer it wasn't my rabbits.
My rabbits are locked up, and there's security cameras and "other" security measures in place here. Not a major concern about someone showing up. Would be kinda stupid on their part.
Seems to me that state/province and country is enough information to compare climate, weather, markets, laws, etc. If I want more specific information, I can always PM the member. As others have already said - you just can't be too careful these days.
In such a massive country on a forum with international members state is more than detailed enough. If someone is in your state and you want to know if they are closer try PM. Most animals though I have not bought in my state. I drove a minimum of 2hrs for my rabbits and often 4hrs in to other states. For my exotic pets I've driven 8hrs round trip several times. Like last weekend. There is nothing here. An hour drive is a normal trip. It used to be the closest grocery option aside from a mexican grocery store. Then we moved in town and now groceries are 30mins away. lol They are supposed to be building a grocery store just down the road but it's been in the making for 3 years and all they've done is poured some concrete.
For the reasons everyone else said. Also why most of use don't put our real names anywhere on the forum.