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  1. R

    He had more than any before.

    Given how rare this happens, I wonder if any similar bucks have unknowingly been kept for breeding, because who's gonna check to see if there's one too many? Although maybe they wouldn't be able to father any offspring.
  2. R

    College article. (updated) Link provided

    Nice to know theres still articles being written on real agriculture. Especially having featured someone as talanted as you. A lot of articles put in farming magazines and papers these days is people showing off how big and/or fancy thier farms are.
  3. R

    HELP!!! Animal Control is coming!

    I'm kinda confused here....who or what is "animal control"? :hmm:
  4. R

    Bad Feed..........Dead Rabbits.

    Sorry to hear this grumpy. I havn't been on in several days or would of responded sooner. I can't say what the cause of your rabbits problems is but while reading your post I had an immeadiate reminder of something that happend here in southern Ontario at least a decade ago. It was a wet year...
  5. R


    Of course it's not rocket science, rocket science is child's play in comparison to farming. Having entered the rabbit business I can say whats happening in Ontario. Larger does not mean more efficant either. At wanting a goal size rabbity of 600 holes, wich seems greedy, you're going to...
  6. R

    Count 'em!! Final outcome:

    How much feed did the kittens and doe consume in comparison to a typical litter?
  7. R

    Old time TV shows

    Well only being 21, I do like a lot of comedy's from the 60's. There are many British comedies that I like as well. Other comedies I like are the animated show "wait til your father gets home" wich really did reflect the culture at the time, still does oddly enouph lol. SCTV, Charles in...
  8. R

    POssums possums possums

    Most of the possums I have encountred wern't in my trap. For this critter I have a deal with on sight policy. I was always told that they came up here on the back of trucks decades ago, seem to thrive pretty well for a non-native creature. I guess the occasional one doesn't do to well, I have...
  9. R


    Interesting to see how others do things. Glad it was all fun. My family grows potatoes and we dig them up weekly througout July to September. We grow only grow varieties of red potatoes. Theres quite a difference in taste and texture between them and other types such as white.
  10. R

    What are your fall projects?

    Well for planned projects I have to set up my small rabbitry. Also I have fields to plough and hopefully a small field of hay to to cut and bale. Then theres those unexpected non linear projects that will come along.
  11. R

    Do NOT pet that rabbit!

    LOL I have two billy goats and they like to spray as well. It's worse than a little kid with a water gun. To top it off they pee on thier face on a regular basis. Funny how people appease a goats begging to be petted on the head. I've been sprayed directly 3 times by a goat and the scent really...
  12. R

    Really eating his own poop now!

    What do you expext? He was eating poop! Maybe he wants a mentos. Seriously though, I have yet to meet any animal with pleasently nice breath. I don't consider chewed vegitation to a sensational armouma.
  13. R

    Why do you visit other rabbit forums?

    This is the only forum I have joined. I came across rabbit talk while I was (still am actually) looking into starting a rabbitry. It was one of the many differnt web pages that appeared on google resulting from my searches. I was a bit hesitant of joining this forums because well first of all I...
  14. R

    Roaster > Fryer?

    Good to know its possible have a tasty fryed rabbit at 4 months. It probably depends on the diet of the rabbit along with other varying factors.
  15. R

    Hayrack Feeder

    I was just wondering how well baling wire is compared to the wire hooks you can buy at stores. I know that soft bend wire doesn't last at all.