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Got weights of Speckle's kits.
Lots of "help" today...

Only 2 are does to pick from the biggest kits. Broken tort is a buck, but I'll keep it anyway. The next 2 biggest are bucks, so they're going away with the others.

Have way too much meat in the freezer. Lost a ewe & lamb, so the dogs are full until Wednesday/Thursday. Then I'll start culling Speckle kits for the dogs, 2 per dog & pull processed ones from the freezer for them as well until most are used up.

The older broken is 10wks is a doe and finally 5#, but I kept the buck from her litter. To keep or to cull...🤔
The previous bun hides are drying.
Lost a ewe & her lamb, only the lamb was able to be skinned. Decided to try and salvage something from the loss.
We'll see how well it works out.
Washed the wool with powerscour 4x and scrubbed with a comb, surprisingly, most of the stains came out.
The previous bun hides are drying.
Lost a ewe & her lamb, only the lamb was able to be skinned. Decided to try and salvage something from the loss.
We'll see how well it works out.
Washed the wool with powerscour 4x and scrubbed with a comb, surprisingly, most of the stains came out.
View attachment 35285View attachment 35286
What'd you lose them to?
Blackie, Grumpy's daughter, had 12!
She's being a little stupid & stompy. I redid her nest a few times to try & get kits in a safe place.
My calendar says next week, but this morning, she pulled herself BALD! So, I quickly hung up a nest and ta-da, kits!!
Legs, neck, chest, belly are all bald on her. Lol, wtf...

Half the fur I removed from cage.

Gave Choco a nest as well, even though it says next weekend for her as well.

Got the cups. Outside mount failed, blocked plastic when remounted inside. Hoping they work, then I'll buy a ton of them & all will have them.
Blackie kits.

The two black does I held back. Kept their choc sister. Forgot which was heavier, will weigh tomorrow & move out the smaller one to sell/cull.
Better shaped-
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Most even silvering I've seen-
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$121 in the red. Plus 19 bags offeed at 420, makes it $546 in the red.

546 - 15 in poop sales, $531 in the red.

Looks like I've found enough poo buyers, but at 5 a bag, it won't make much of a dent.
$531 in the red + 47 in supplies. $578 in the red.
Need water bins & two more packs of cups, but that'll wait until the other 5 are set up.

Two mutt growouts culled.
$578 in the red.
47 in supplies, still waiting on some parts.

$625 in the red.

I'll need 12 more cups to finish, at $60. But waiting to setup the 5 I currently have & then I'll order more.

Need to figure out water. Looks like I'll have to make a stand & use one of the 55gal barrels I have. 500 pounds of weight, idk if I can make a stand high enough & safe enough for that, lol.
Made a hot mess of it when resoaking...
Got tanning liquid to finish it. Hope it works out.
Will paint this stuff onto the rabbit hides if this one turns out OK.

Blackie's 12 kits are still alive. Pic from yesterday, some were thin. Went to feed those today & they're fed!
Moved Grumpy's kits out to the grow out pen.

Got 3 to cull, then reweigh the broken kits & cull the smallest.

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