WV Rabbit Raid

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Random Rabbit":7rv7w9wo said:
Why bwf would get involved is beyond me... they are a Los Angeles based group. I could more believe hrs being involved.

bwf had picture plastered on their page of Filthy ( i mean disgustingly Filthy) rabbits from a situation they were involved in out there. How the two re$cues are being conflated is confusing
I wondered about their involvement being so far away. I too seen those pictures and they were horrible. Somehow I don't think there are graphic pictures like that in WV the rabbits I have seen so far looked great. I doubt the neglected rabbits in LA were adopted out the next day.
I think breeders need to be more educated about their rights.

My husband used to be an animal control officer. And knowing the federal laws, and being able to figure out state laws has helped us make many decisions in life.

Most people seem to think that a person in a position of authority can do whatever they want. We know differently.

Here is an example: A man with a badge showed up at my house! He flashed his badge and asked to come inside and speak to my husband. Knowing what I know, I said "please wait on the porch, I'll get my husband" and I did. Hubby went out and talked to him. Come to find out, he was just the guy doing the investigation on my husband for his job (everyone with a security clearance goes through it). But *I* didn't know that. And hubby said I did the right thing.

Also, unless you have a warrant, you're not coming on my property without my permission. Unless you have a seizure warrant you are not taking any property (including animals, as they are property).

My husband also said that he cannot understand why they are adopting the animals out, that if charges are being brought against that breeder that those animals are evidence and that you HAVE to have the evidence at the time of trial.

I've looked at all the photos I could find of this raid. All the rabbits looked healthy, clean, and adoptable. If that's the case.... Then AC had no business seizing them.

Breeders have rights. Never forget that if anyone ever comes knocking on your door. <br /><br /> __________ Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:00 am __________ <br /><br /> Another point husband just brought up. If it was a zoning issue they can't take the animals, they can only issue fines.
i "believe" that often people feels threatened by the authority figure showing up... usually UN-announced... and often will just sign over whatever the item or animal is... to avoid "trouble".

Once signed over... the authority figure can pretty much do as they deem prudent.

THEN... after all that , quite often charges are Still put on the person...:(
big gov its just a start of the stuff that is planned, just wait, every one should educate themselves on all aspects
Random Rabbit":29v10eqq said:
i "believe" that often people feels threatened by the authority figure showing up... usually UN-announced... (

Like this morning at 9:53am, county sheriff came pounding at our door. NOT polite knocking or using the doorbell. Tried to invite himself into my house to hand over a paper. Didn't even identify correctly who the paper was for.
On the facebook page the reporter commented that someone got a rabbit from these people that was sick and it spread to their rabbits. Apparently they show rabbits. I guess they didn't quarantine. Someone pointed out that the show person should have separated a new rabbit. They also pointed out the if the rabbit was sick then there would be a chance that other rabbits in the 200 seized would also be sick. Giving all those rabbits away so quickly was a bad idea if they suspected illness. I'd add too that if the rabbits seized didn't show any signs of disease, parasites or general illness that the original complaint was probably false.

I'm starting to think this all boils down to the fact that they had 200 rabbits. The people at AC most likely thought she was an animal hoarder and that they needed to save the poor rabbits. Then they threatened her with more actions and likely expenses if she didn't let them save the rabbits. Turning out to be a bunch of BS from my standpoint. If the animals are cared for and don't impose on someone else, I don't care if you have 1000 rabbits. Knowing how people react to anyone having more than the "normal" amount of animals, if you are going to have 200 rabbits you better have your crap together. You will no doubt be a target at some point and your operation will need to be ship shape.
I think it's possible the owner was indeed feeling overwhelmed and signed the rabbits over willingly...but...somehow. I kinda suspect that the quick dispersal has everything to do with authorities not really believing their charges are going to hold up in court.
Quick dispersal has to do with the AC's no way to deal with the rabbits and the sign over, even though supposedly being allowed to keep some rabbits. Rabbits are not a "normal" for rescues/shelters here in WV. There are a FEW that come through in more city areas, but not on outskirts or smaller places. Katie Anderson of WBOY 12 said BWF was behind part of it on a FB reply, she also told me to look at those pictures of the breeder rescue with the white rabbit and poo stuck for "proof" but they are not on location of the supposed bad conditions or show the rabbit in bad conditions where it was, what exactly has not been said or verified though to me other than her statement and boast of the great rescue *cough*. The whole thing started because of one person coming to her property to pick up a rabbit and not liking the conditions, I see where Anderson posted otherwise about the show person after going back and looking, but that's what I was told otherwise, I guess that could be the truth as well as it could be more than one thing. I do not know who the supposed show breeder might have been either, I'd thought they would've contacted and dealt with the breeder first before calling ac right off the bat. There had been sick rabbits over the last month or so coming from there though, supposedly, BUT the one I know of that was returned was refunded and that was that. It was dealt with. There is a possibility some one did get a sick one and say some thing with out talking to her first (just a complete guess), but I don't care who you are, at some point there is going to be a rabbit that does not deal well with a new environment because of the stress/change or new owner negligence/ignorance and falls ill or dies. If you can't contact the seller to work it out or at least try to, you have no grounds. I still have found nothing or been told any thing that they had a warrant or other proper paper work, they came bullied and told if you don't we will jail you etc. so sign them over to us now. As Zass said that probably has some thing to do with the way they are being dispersed of as well.

__________ Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:41 am __________

Should point out I do not know what the conditions actually where, not saying poop filled cages or sick rabbits every where is okay either. But not knowing for sure, not passing judgments either. I do feel at the very least, processing and rights were violated with no pictures in bad conditions at the location, rabbits that look/appear healthy in the rescue pictures, no mention of warrant, or no investigation/warnings/violations/time limit to fix issues mentioned. Still a mess.
Perhaps the owner signed the rabbits over because she was threatened with having to pay through the nose for their upkeep. I seem to recall one owner trying to fight, and they were going to charge her an enormous amount per day if she didn't sign her rabbits over.

Also, with some previous "rescues" the condition photos have been staged, with clean rabbits in poop-filled cages -- just impossible. Or pictures of them all cramped willy-nilly under a tarp or in the back of a truck, with nothing saying that this was after they were removed. You have no idea what their living quarters were like. They may have been spacious and clean, but you are left to believe that the pictures you are seeing are of their living conditions, when they aren't.

So it is good to be skeptical, as y'all are.
Makes me wonder if someone was trying to .... eliminate the competition.
i was given a few links last night.... The photos are Not positive towards the situation... :(

http://www.theet.com/news/court_and_pol ... ge&photo=0

scroll down for the pictures... ( note the snotty nose :( )

https://www.causes.com/actions/1768807- ... ort-needed

From snippets i've read... the person... was New to rabbits.... Had way More than they could handle.... Did NOT ask for help...( someone i know in real life had sold animals to the person... never got a call that there were problems )

It does make me Very sad that so many people that raced to get Free rabbits... might wind up dealing with some Big health problems in those rabbits. Certainly does Not paint "breeders" in a positive light... :(
Ugh no she never contacted any one, not one mention and I'd talked to her through March off and on because she had a Mini Rex I was wanting to get originally, I know her and have dealt with her on a *limited* basis, never was to her home but never got any thing sick from her either or in bad shape (that was MONTHS ago though and I know things can happen). Never had any thing that made me think there was a problem going on either. She's not what I'd consider new new, she's had rabbits for over a year, going on 3 I believe. Its been a while. Its definitely not positive with that. Wait and watch to see what else comes out of this.
Those pictures change things for me, thank you for sharing the information. It definitely seems that the angoras for living in very poor conditions. As a new owner to 3 Angoras, I can attest that they sure need more work than a normal furred rabbit. Care for them at least in my case has a learning curb. I am figuring out how to better groom them each day and am making some adjustments to their cages. What is shown in those photos is just unacceptable.

I still give AC a big thumbs down for rehoming the rabbits so quickly. Unless they have done some testing on the rabbits and the snotty nose one to rule out the dreaded P.

Taking care of a herd of less than 20 is a lot of work for me but not so much that it is a big burden. I enjoy taking care of our rabbits. Taking care of 200 rabbits can be done but you'd certainly need a more proper setup than this person had. You'd need a lot more than a love of rabbits to do it.
Very true, from the pictures it doesn't look like any thing close to adequate for that many (or even a smaller number to me). The info about BWF being in on it as well after looking at the FB comments for myself and asking rather than the PM I received, it was related to another "breeder" raid and was boasting the breeder be gone, praise them not exactly to do with this, that I'm sorry for. Its still a bad situation. Even with pristine cages, I don't think it would've mattered if it was more of a numbers issue even though they were counting all rabbits not just weaned ones.
There is some talk on the facebook page in the first post about missing rabbits. Not sure what that was about. Those Angoras look like hell.