Quick dispersal has to do with the AC's no way to deal with the rabbits and the sign over, even though supposedly being allowed to keep some rabbits. Rabbits are not a "normal" for rescues/shelters here in WV. There are a FEW that come through in more city areas, but not on outskirts or smaller places. Katie Anderson of WBOY 12 said BWF was behind part of it on a FB reply, she also told me to look at those pictures of the breeder rescue with the white rabbit and poo stuck for "proof" but they are not on location of the supposed bad conditions or show the rabbit in bad conditions where it was, what exactly has not been said or verified though to me other than her statement and boast of the great rescue *cough*. The whole thing started because of one person coming to her property to pick up a rabbit and not liking the conditions, I see where Anderson posted otherwise about the show person after going back and looking, but that's what I was told otherwise, I guess that could be the truth as well as it could be more than one thing. I do not know who the supposed show breeder might have been either, I'd thought they would've contacted and dealt with the breeder first before calling ac right off the bat. There had been sick rabbits over the last month or so coming from there though, supposedly, BUT the one I know of that was returned was refunded and that was that. It was dealt with. There is a possibility some one did get a sick one and say some thing with out talking to her first (just a complete guess), but I don't care who you are, at some point there is going to be a rabbit that does not deal well with a new environment because of the stress/change or new owner negligence/ignorance and falls ill or dies. If you can't contact the seller to work it out or at least try to, you have no grounds. I still have found nothing or been told any thing that they had a warrant or other proper paper work, they came bullied and told if you don't we will jail you etc. so sign them over to us now. As Zass said that probably has some thing to do with the way they are being dispersed of as well.
__________ Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:41 am __________
Should point out I do not know what the conditions actually where, not saying poop filled cages or sick rabbits every where is okay either. But not knowing for sure, not passing judgments either. I do feel at the very least, processing and rights were violated with no pictures in bad conditions at the location, rabbits that look/appear healthy in the rescue pictures, no mention of warrant, or no investigation/warnings/violations/time limit to fix issues mentioned. Still a mess.